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It won't come to that traducir español

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As you had instructed, I made it so that the rented ship won't come to them, but is it really necessary to go to this length when Anthony's money has already dried up?
Como lo indicó, evité que el barco alquilado les llegara. Anthony ahora ni siquiera puede conseguir un préstamo. ¿ Es esto realmente necesario?
It won't come to that.
Eso no ocurrirá.
Come to think of it, I won't send a letter to that Stevenson publisher.
Pensándolo bien, no mandaré una carta a ese editor, Stevenson.
Once that's accomplished, it won't matter if her marriage to this cowboy does come out.
Una vez que logremos eso... no importará que se sepa de su casamiento con el vaquero.
That's right. It may sound silly to you, But auntie told me the spot won't come out.
Podría sonarles tonto, pero mi tía dice que la mancha no saldrá.
I hope it won't come to that.
Espero que no haga falta.
That water comes from here, from the peaks, from Monte Oscuro, and it won't take long to dry up, because when the people come back it won't carry more than two quarts.
Este agua de aquí viene de las cumbres, de Monte Oscuro, y no tardará en secarse también, porque por la vuelta del pueblo no llevará más de dos cuartas.
- I won't let it come to that.
- No puedo permitirlo.
Please God, it won't come to that.
Dios quiera que no sean necesarios.
It won't come to that, you won't let it?
No dejará que lleguen a eso, ¿ verdad?
Oh, it won't come to that, Ben.
Yo tengo ganado que también usa aquel riachuelo.
It's getting so lately that I go out to lunch so he won't come home for lunch.
Últimamente cuando salgo fuera para comer él no viene a comer a casa.
Has venido a decirme que no puedes venir a jugar a las cartas.
You're a pea green shavetail just fresh from some campus. You're afraid you won't bag your limit, or worse, all shook up because somebody might spot you as a johnny-come-lately instead of a killer of men. I think that ought to do it.
De acuerdo,... usted es un oficial recién graduado de algún campus,... temeroso de no ocultar su limite, o peor, agitado porque alguien pudiera verlo... como un novato, en vez de un asesino.
Maybe the college won't be here next year, but we're going to see that nobody ever forgets it. Yahoo! Come on, Humph!
Quizá la universidad no esté en un año, pero nos aseguraremos de que nadie la olvide.
Very important, since we've been talking it over millie and old burgess and the rest of us and we've come to the conclusion that you won't have to leave the ship after all.
¿ Usted, señor McKenzie? Pedir perdón, yo... ¿ Disculpas?
Well I sincerely hope it won't come to that, Anne.
Bueno, yo sinceramente espero que no se llegue a eso, Anne.
We wait for technology to come back and save our lives, because it's inconceivable that it won't, isn't it?
Esperamos a que la tecnología se presente a salvarnos la vida... Porque es inconcebible que no lo hiciera. ¿ No creen?
Do let us hope it won't come to that.
Tengamos fe en que no será así.
Believe me, come tomorrow... people will be so pleased to see that you're safe and sound... they won't think anything more of it.
Mañana, la gente se alegrará de verte bien. No le darán importancia.
So I and my friends have come to a conclusion that when the Ark arrives, they will have to rope it to the ground, won't they?
Así que yo y mis amigas hemos llegado a la conclusión de que cuando El Arca llegue, deberán atarla al suelo ¿ no crees?
It won't come to that.
Para eso tendrán que matarnos a los dos.
It won't come to that.
Eso no va a ocurrir.
I hope it won't come to that.
Espero que no lleguemos a eso.
You know, nothing's so dumb that some bigger idiot won't come along and buy it, but the flaw in that theory is that eventually you get to the head idiot.
Nada tan tonto como algunos grandes idiotas no vendrán a comprar, pero la falla de la teoría es que tendrás al idiota mayor.
It won't come to that, will it?
Pero no llegará a eso, ¿ no?
We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, won't we?
Lo resolveremos cuando llegue el momento, ¿ no?
- I hope it won't come to that.
- ¡ Bueno, espero no llegar a eso!
- I hope it won't come to that.
- Espero no llegar a eso.
Well, hopefully, it won't come to that.
Espero que no lleguemos a eso.
She doesn't want to, and I'm sure it won't come to that.
No quiere hacerlo, seguro que no llegará a eso.
- Oh, I'm sure it won't come to that.
No llegaremos a eso.
That's exactly what I need to know, so it won't come back to haunt our case.
Es exactamente lo que quiero saber. Así no nos perjudicará en lo que persigue nuestro caso.
Yes, but it won't come to that, Peters.
Sí, pero eso no hará falta, Peters.
But it won't come to that, since by definition a Selfosophist is incapable of murder.
Pero no llegaremos a eso, ya que por definición un Autosofista es incapaz de asesinar.
- I don't wanna go to witch camp. - Come on. - It won't be that bad.
no quiero ir al campo de brujas vamos no puede ser tan malo
If the Borg threaten us in any way, we'll simply erase your program. But it won't come to that, Doctor.
Si los Borg nos amenazan, simplemente borraremos su programa y eso no sucederá Doctor.
It won't come to that.
No será necesario.
It won't come to that, because we'll get them out.
No lo haremos, vamos a sacarlos de aquí.
It won't come to that, but even if you're sitting on his lap... I mean, he's still the king of the gods.
Eso no será necesario, pero aunque estés sentada en su regazo él aún será el rey de los dioses.
When it started to rain, he agreed with me, that that guy won't come.
Después, cuando empezó a llover comprendió que su muchacho no vendría.
It may be that one day I won't be able to come home.
Puede ser que un dia no regrese a casa.
- It won't come to that.
- Eso no sucederá.
Well, I'm hoping that it won't come to that.
Bueno, espero que no lleguemos a eso.
Quizás no haga falta llegar a eso.
It's bad enough that you won't return my calls or come over, but just because you're seeing someone else, now you're going to treat me like a stranger?
Puedo soportar que no contestes mis llamadas ni me visites, pero... sólo porque estés saliendo con otro, ¿ tienes que tratarme como un extraño?
Long as our demands are met, it won't come to that.
Mientras se cumplan nuestras demandas, no llegará a eso.
I know, sir. I'm hoping it won't come to that.
Lo sé, señor
But if they can contact him it won't come to that. Chloe, where are you at?
Pero si logran contactarlo, no llegaremos a eso. ¿ Chloe, en qué estás?
If the press brings this up, make it clear you won't answer any questions. That you're gonna wait for all the facts to come in, as should they.
Así que, si la prensa menciona esto, di claramente que no responderás ninguna pregunta que esperarás a que estén todos los hechos, como debe ser.
No, I promise I won't. Me idea is to come out with these ice-cream gloves that make the ice cream not go on your'ands and make it all well sticky, - and also it keep your'ands warm...
no, te lo prometo mi idea es sacar unos guantes para helados que hacen que el helado no te llegue a las manos y se te quede bien pegajoso, y también te mantiene las manos calientes cuando comas el helado

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