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Joelle traducir español

204 traducción paralela
How's Laurent, Jean-Luc and Joelle?
" ¿ Qué tal Laurent, Jean-Luc y Joelle?
Okay, Joelle.
Bien, Joelle.
Tell Joelle to see Walter about it.
Háblelo con Joelle.
Joelle, come here, darling.
Ven, querida Joelle.
Now where's Joelle?
¿ Dónde está Joelle?
Joelle, we must shoot the kitchen tomorrow.
Joelle, mañana filmaremos la de la cocina.
Joelle, if you're in the mood....
Joelle, no sé si esto...
- So where's Joelle?
- ¿ Por qué tarda Joelle?
Henri and Joelle Lebret, may I present, uh, Laura Holt.
Henri y Joelle Lebret, les presento, uh, Laura Holt.
- Joelle is -
- Joelle es -
They said they would mutilate my beautiful Joelle if I didn't help them to steal it.
Dijeron que iban a mutilar mi hermosa Joelle si no ayudo a robar.
When they ran after him, Joelle and I escaped.
Cuando corrían tras él, Joelle y yo nos escapamos.
Henri and Joelle certainly seem to be happy to be out of hiding.
Henri y Joelle ciertamente parecen ser feliz de estar fuera de su escondite.
Bernard, Joëlle!
¡ Bernard, Joëlle!
Joëlle, have you seen the Sédimon file?
Joëlle, has visto el expediente de Sédimon?
Joëlle, come into my office.
Joëlle, ven a mi despacho.
Joëlle, we have to climb that with our suitcases.
Joëlle, tenemos que subir eso con nuestras maletas.
Joëlle's right next to the door.
Joëlle, está al lado.
Go on, Joëlle!
Ve, Joëlle!
Chocolate, Joëlle.
Chocolate, Joëlle.
Go on, Joëlle, it's your play.
Vamos, Joëlle, te toca.
Joëlle, you carry Caroline and we play fisticuffs.
Joëlle, llevas a Caroline Y nosotros nos atizamos.
Can you bring them to me, Joëlle?
Puedes traérmelos, Joëlle?
Joëlle, do something.
Joëlle, haz algo.
Don't ask Joëlle for help!
No pidas ayuda a Joëlle!
Joëlle, where were you?
Joëlle, donde estabas?
Joëlle, we're cold.
Joëlle, tenemos frío.
And you, Joëlle?
Y tú, Joëlle?
- Think Joëlle will be gone long?
- Crees que Joëlle tardará?
You okay, Joëlle?
Estás bien, Joëlle?
It's Joëlle's turn.
Es el turno de Joëlle.
What do you think, Joëlle?
Qué piensas, Joëlle?
Joëlle, can you help me, please?
Joëlle, me puedes ayudar, por favor?
Shall I serve you, Joëlle?
Te sirvo, Joëlle?
" With much love to Kareen, Caroline and Joëlle.
" Con mucho cariño para Kareen, Caroline y Joëlle.
Joëlle, we have to get up!
Joëlle, tenemos que levantarnos!
- Joëlle!
- Joëlle!
Who ate it, Joëlle?
Quién se lo comió, Joëlle?
Micou, Doudou, Joëlle...
Micou, Doudou, Joëlle...
Joëlle and Micou had not changed.
Joëlle y Micou no habían cambiado.
Are you stupid or what?
¿ Quién, Joëlle?
That dumb chick with her high pitched-mongoloid-voice?
¡ Joëlle es fea, idiota y retrasada!
For redheaded Joëlle, who works at the hotel!
¡ Para la pelirroja Joëlle, que trabaja en un hotel!
I'm Joëlle.
Yo soy Joëlle.
It's that slut Joëlle!
¡ Es esa mujerzuela Joëlle!
- I love you, Joëlle.
- Yo te amo, Joëlle.
it's me, Joëlle!
¡ soy yo, Joëlle!
it's Joëlle, your childhood sweetheart.
soy Joëlle, tu niña cariñosa.
This is Joëlle, Camille's friend.
Soy Joëlle, la amiga de Camille.

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