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June traducir español

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June, June.
Have you even started looking for a school for June yet?
¿ Has empezado ya siquiera a buscar una escuela para June?
June, stay there.
quédate ahí.
Keep June back.
Mantén a June atrás.
Where's he been keeping these things, June?
And you, June.
Go on, June, you'll be all right.
estarás bien.
June Mottershead.
June Mottershead.
June, why don't you stand up and tell us all about yourself?
por qué no te levantas y nos cuentas sobre ti?
You and all these animals, June, honestly. This zoo, it's an enormous undertaking, but it brings with it rich rewards, it'll be like nothing you've seen...
June honestamente... pero conllevará grandes recompensas.
- JUNE : -'Our zoo news.
Nuestro Zoológico noticias.
I don't want him anywhere near Upton, June.
No lo quiero cerca de Upton, June.
We have no friends in this village, June, only people trying to get one over on us.
Nosotros no tenemos amigos en este pueblo, June, sólo gente que trata de echarnos de aquí.
- It was June.
- Fue June.
Mrs Mottershead, if June can't control herself, it might be best if you leave her at home next Sunday.
Sra. Mottershead, si June no se puede controlar, deberé pedirle que la deje en casa el próximo domingo.
We were trying to make things as easy as we could for you and June.
Tratamos de hacer las cosas lo más fácil que pudimos para ti y Jume.
- June...
Dad, I tried, I tried. June!
- Papá, lo he intentado, lo he intentado.
He wouldn't take her, not while she's still unwell.
- ¡ June! Él no se la llevará, no mientras no esté bien.
You've got to speak up for yourself in this life, June Bug.
Tienes que hablar por ti mismo en esta vida, June Bug.
June's in school.
June está en la escuela.
June of Arabia.
June de Arabia.
I saw June out there alone and so I stepped in.
Vi a June sola afuera y fui.
Wake up, June.
Despierte June.
♪ Beauty and the Beast 2x20 ♪ Ever After Original Air Date on June 23, 2014
- Beauty and the Beast 2x20 - - DESDE ENTONCES -
On the night of June 5th, did you physically harm her in any way?
¿ le infligió algún daño físico?
June 11th.
11 de junio.
It was the lowest point when I started, in June 2008, for global warming skeptics.
Era el punto más bajo cuando empecé en junio de 2006, para los escépticos del calentamiento.
♪ Beauty and the Beast 2x18 ♪ Cat and Mouse Original Air Date on June 9, 2014
Beauty and the Beast 2x18 "Gato y Ratón"
♪ Beauty and the Beast 2x19 ♪ Cold Case Original Air Date on June 16, 2014
Beauty and the Beast 2x19 "CASO ABIERTO"
- Yeah, but you wanted to be a June bride...
- Sí, pero como querías casarte en junio...
Mac and I have moved our wedding up from June to this afternoon.
Mac y yo hemos cambiado nuestra boda de junio a esta tarde.
That's News Night for June 24.
Esto ha sido News Night el 24 de Junio.
See you next June, Macaroni. And now the climactic Race around the School.
Nos vemos en junio, Macaroni. Y ahora la carrera climática alrededor de la escuela.
It'll be three years in June, yes.
Será tres años en junio, sí.
Yes. Uh, June 5, 2014, uh, 9 : 02 P.M.
Sí... 5 de junio de 2014... a las nueve y dos minutos.
- the night of June 5th. Is that right?
- del 5 de junio. ¿ Es correcto?
Inspector Mulligan, were you and your partner, Inspector English, dispatched to Cindy Strauss'home at 1124 Brannan Street on the morning of June 6, 2014?
Inspectora Mulligan, ¿ fueron usted y su compañero, el inspector English... enviados a la casa de Cindy Strauss, en la calle Brannan 1124... la mañana del 6 de junio de 2014?
June 10, 1988.
Diez de junio de 1988.
♪ Beauty and the Beast 2x21 ♪ Operation Fake Date Original Air Date on June 30, 2014
- Beauty and the Beast 2x21 - - Operación cita falsa -
We'll play June Allyson paper dolls, or whatever you'd like!
Jugaremos con las muñecas de papel de June Allyson, o a lo que quieras!
My hope - and if there's this opportunity to talk about one's vision going forward with the trustees in June - my hope is that we can make that dialogue more central to what we're doing at exec and in some of our exhibition meetings.
Mi esperanza, y si hay esa oportunidad de hablar sobre su visión de futuro con los administradores en junio, mi esperanza es que podamos hacer que el diálogo sea más importante para lo que hacemos en la ejecutiva y en nuestras reuniones de exposiciones.
I go in June, and he says, "three more months."
Fui en junio y dijo "tres meses más".
These murders took place on June 9, 1912, in Villisca, Iowa.
Estos asesinatos sucedieron el 9 de junio de 1912, en Villisca, Iowa.
Were you racing lobsters here on the night of June 28th?
¿ Tuvieron aquí una carrera de langostas la noche del 28 de junio?
Carol-June, straight up, now, tell me.
Carol-June, sé sincera, ahora dime...
Because I lost my virginity on June 26th... not of this year, of course, but that number's just always stuck out for me, I guess.
Porque perdí mi virginidad el 26 de junio... No de este año, claro está, pero ese número siempre ha significado algo para mí, supongo.
Gather everyone in the field, June 12th.
Reúne a todos en el campo, 12 de junio.
Last Sunday, I went with June and her parents up to brigantine.
El domingo pasado fui con June y sus padres a Brigantine.
- I'm sorry, June.
- Lo siento, June.
I'm sorry, June.
Lo siento, June.

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