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Keyes traducir español

413 traducción paralela
Walter Neff to Barton Keyes, Claims Manager.
De Walter Neff a Barton Keyes, Gerente de Reclamaciones.
Dear Keyes... I suppose you'll call this a confession when you hear it.
Estimado Keyes... me imagino que dirás que esto es una confesión cuando lo oigas.
You were pretty good in there for a while, Keyes.
Te fue muy bien al principio, Keyes.
Hold tight to that cheap cigar of yours, Keyes.
Que no se te vaya a caer tu puro barato, Keyes.
But to tell you the truth, Keyes... I wasn't a whole lot interested in goldfish right then.
Pero, la verdad, Keyes... es que no me interesaban los pececitos en ese momento.
Maybe you would have known, Keyes... the minute she mentioned accident insurance, but I didn't.
Quizá tú lo sabrías, Keyes... en cuanto mencionó el seguro contra accidentes, pero yo no.
Remember, Keyes?
¿ Lo recuerdas, Keyes?
Mr. Neff, Mr. Keyes wants to see you.
Sr. Neff, el Sr. Keyes quiere verlo.
I ain't feeling so good, Mr. Keyes.
No me siento muy bien, Sr. Keyes.
- Thank you, Mr. Keyes.
- Gracias, Sr. Keyes.
Now, wait a minute, Keyes.
Espera, Keyes.
Yeah, and you've loved every minute of it, Keyes.
Sí, y has disfrutado de cada minuto, Keyes.
We've got a guy in our office named Keyes.
En la oficina hay alguien llamado Keyes.
Because you know how it is, Keyes.
Sabes cómo son las cosas, Keyes.
Look, Keyes, I'm not trying to whitewash myself.
Mira, Keyes, no estoy tratando de exculparme.
That was it, Keyes.
Eso fue todo, Keyes.
I was trying to think with your brains, Keyes... because I wanted all the answers ready... for all the questions you were gonna spring as soon as Dietrichson was dead.
Estaba pensando como tú, Keyes... porque quería tener las respuestas listas... para todas tus preguntas una vez que Dietrichson muriera.
You know that big market up on Los Feliz, Keyes?
¿ Conoces la tienda grande de Los Feliz, Keyes?
You may remember that date, Keyes.
Quizá recuerdes esa fecha, Keyes.
Hello, Keyes.
Hola, Keyes.
- Keyes, suppose I join you in your office? - That's all right.
- Keyes, ¿ te alcanzo en tu oficina?
- Sorry, Keyes.
- Disculpa, Keyes.
Now look, Keyes, I've got to call on a prospect.
Tengo que visitar a un posible cliente.
I don't think I want it, Keyes.
Creo que no lo quiero, Keyes.
Yes, Keyes.
Así es, Keyes.
And yet, Keyes, as I was walking down the street to the drugstore... suddenly it came over me that everything would go wrong.
A pesar de eso, Keyes, mientras caminaba a la farmacia... sentí que todo podría salir mal.
It sounds crazy, Keyes, but it's true, so help me.
Te parecerá una locura, Keyes, pero es cierto.
That was the longest night lever lived through, Keyes... and the next day was worse, when the story had broke in the papers... and they started talking about it at the office... and the day after that, when you started digging into it.
Fue la noche más larga de mi vida, Keyes... y el día siguiente fue peor. La noticia apareció en los periódicos... y todos hablaban de eso en la oficina... y el día siguiente, tú empezaste a investigar.
- Hello, Keyes.
- Hola, Keyes.
Come in, Mr. Keyes.
Pase, Sr. Keyes.
You find this an uncomfortably warm day, Mr. Keyes?
¿ Tiene demasiado calor, Sr. Keyes?
- You don't, Mr. Keyes?
- ¿ No, Sr. Keyes?
I'm surprised, Mr. Keyes.
Me sorprende, Sr. Keyes.
This is Mr. Keyes.
Le presento al Sr. Keyes.
- What was his name, Keyes?
- ¿ Cómo se llamaba, Keyes?
Mr. Keyes, I was raised in the insurance business.
Sr. Keyes, he trabajado en esto toda mi vida.
I could have hugged you right then and there, Keyes... you and your statistics.
Te hubiera podido abrazar, Keyes. Tú y tus estadísticas.
You're crazy, Keyes.
Estás loco, Keyes.
- Good night, Keyes.
- Buenas noches, Keyes.
Only you haven't got a single thing to go on, Keyes.
Pero no tienes evidencia, Keyes.
You don't know Keyes.
No conoces a Keyes.
But not of Keyes.
Pero no es por Keyes.
You were watching her like a hawk, Keyes.
La estabas observando como un águila, Keyes.
Monday morning there was a note on my desk that you wanted to see me, Keyes.
El lunes me habías dejado una nota que querías verme, Keyes.
You're way ahead of me, Keyes.
- Eres demasiado inteligente, Keyes.
Fancy all right, Keyes, but maybe it's a little too fancy.
Muy astuto, Keyes. Quizá sea demasiado astuto.
Yes, sir, Mr. Keyes.
- Sí, Sr. Keyes.
Mister Keyes, I'm a Medford man. Medford, Oregon.
Señor Keyes, yo soy de Medford, Oregon.
Mr. Keyes, I'm a Medford man. Medford, Oregon.
Sr. Keyes, yo soy de Medford, Oregon.
This is Keyes.
Habla Keyes.
Keyes is rejecting your claim.
Keyes rechazará tu reclamación.

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