Klingon traducir español
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They're under attack. The Klingons have landed troops.
Los atacan tropas klingon.
Klingon ground troops have captured two settlements in the northern hemisphere.
Las tropas klingon han capturado dos colonias en el hemisferio norte.
I was stepping over a Klingon.
Pasé por encima de un klingon.
It was a Klingon.
Era un klingon.
I thought you were a Klingon.
Creía que eras un klingon.
Gowron, the head of the Klingon Empire is a changeling.
Gowron, el jefe del Imperio klingon es un mutante.
Well, the whole area they're traveling through is crawling with Klingon ships.
¿ Por qué Sisko o Dax no se han puesto en contacto?
As long as we're at war with the Klingons we need the Defiant here to help protect the station. All I know is, I'd hate to be dodging Klingon raiding parties in nothing but a runabout.
Lo hizo, pero las órdenes del capitán eran claras necesitamos la Defiant para proteger la estación.
It would take a fleet of Klingon ships to breach the station's defenses.
No quisiera tener que esquivar a los klingons en un trasbordador.
He can if he's impersonating the leader of the Klingon Empire.
La Flota Estelar los ha calmado, pero eso es todo.
Oh, they're going to do something. Starfleet's sending an infiltration team to Klingon territory.
Se hace pasar por el lider klingon.
I thought you were always on duty. Mm... You know, at first
Según Intelligencia de la flota estelar el Canciller Gowron ha trasladado la central militar klingon a Ty'Gokor.
But now that I've gotten used to it
Ty'Gokor está en un campo de asteroides en el espacio klingon.
According to Starfleet Intelligence Chancellor Gowron has relocated Klingon military headquarters to Ty'Gokor.
La exposición a la radiación de polarones desestabilizará la fisiología del mutante.
That will make our job more difficult. Ty'Gokor is located in an asteroid field deep in Klingon space.
Si los usamos con Gowron y es uno de los mios no podrá mantener la forma humanoide.
I doubt he's going to stand still and let us take a blood sample. Klingons are obsessive about blood screenings. If he's lasted this long the changeling impersonating Gowron must've already found a way around them.
Solo tenemos que superar a la flota enemiga sortear la red de detección, transportarnos a la central klingon y activarlos delante de Gowron.
What are they? They're modified polaron emitters. Starfleet Science thinks that exposure to polaron radiation will have a destabilizing effect on changeling physiology.
Usa a mi hija para traerme aquí me pide que arriesgue mi nave ante el Imperio klingon y está usted embarazada.
Once they're set up, they can cover about 12,000 cubic meters. So, let me get this straight.
¿ Cómo puede creer Sisko que él y tres de sus hombres pueden infiltrarse en la central militar klingon?
All we have to do is get past an enemy fleet avoid a tachyon detection grid beam into the middle of Klingon headquarters and avoid the Brotherhood of the Sword long enough to set these things up and activate them in front of Gowron.
- Los atraparán en un segundo. - Puede que sí. Puede que no.
Well, the first problem is how to get you safely to Ty'Gokor.
¿ No ha visto nunca a un klingon?
How can Sisko be so deluded to think that he and three of his crewmen can infiltrate Klingon military headquarters? They'll be caught in a heartbeat.
Los torpedos fotónicos se encargarían de Gowron y del Alto Mando klingon.
Haven't you ever seen a Klingon before?
Le dispararían antes de que tuviera tiempo de lanzar un torpedo.
A full spread of photon torpedoes would take care of him, the Klingon High Command and everyone else within a few hundred kilometers.
¿ Cuántos lleva? La última vez tuvo dos, y cuatro la anterior... - Podría llegar a los 18.
Because I'm willing to spill a little Klingon blood to get the job done? Why?
¿ 18?
Have you made any progress with our Klingon identity files?
sigue siendo culpa tuya. ¿ Mía?
Eighteen? ! I just hope I can survive one.
¿ Eres un guerrero klingon o un escarabajo alveriano?
You performed the transfer from Keiko to me. After you volunteered.
No basta con parecerse a un klingon.
We shall start with you.
¡ Los guerreros klingon hablan con arrogancia!
Are you a Klingon warrior or an Alverian dung beetle?
La próxima vez lo haré mejor.
It is not enough to look like a Klingon... one must act like one.
Capitán, no debería estar en esta misión. - No soy un klingon muy convincente.
You should think twice before insulting a Klingon like that. What did I do?
Pero ya no puede hacer nada.
I'm not a very convincing Klingon.
Esto siempre pasa.
The Armstrong and the Drake were ambushed by a Klingon battle group and they took heavy casualties. They'll be docking in a few minutes. I'm on my way.
Después dirigi mi atención al capitán un benzenita llamado Laporin.
If you want one you will have to find your own.
Guerreros klingon, los saludo.
Long live the Empire! Klingon warriors, I salute you!
Asi pues, aquí, en este salón sagrado bajo la mirada atenta de nuestros más grandes héroes recibirán el mayor honor que puede conferirsele a un klingon ¡ la Orden del Bat'leth!
And so, now, here, in this hallowed hall under the watchful gaze of our greatest heroes you will receive the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a Klingon... the Order of the Bat'leth!
Gloria para ti y para tu casa. - ¡ Este es mi sitio!
I have a better question.
No son las palabras de un klingon.
Why isn't Gowron letting his bodyguards kill Worf? I'll tell you why. Klingon honor.
Digame, general : ¿ Gowron destruyó los emisores de polarones o fue usted?
True, but if your Klingon blood wasn't so thin you'd know that once battle has begun there can be no turning back.
Yo no contaría con ello.
A Klingon warrior does not need the praise of his teacher.
- Un guerrero no necesita alabanzas.
"Ferengi privateers, led by DaiMon Lurin, boarded " and seized control of the Enterprise " using two salvaged Klingon birds-of-prey.
Soldados ferengis al mando de DaiMon Lurin toman el Enterprise con dos pájaros de presa klingon que se apropiaron.
It's a collection of my favorite Klingon operas. Think about it.
Es una colección de mis óperas klingon favoritas.
Klingon blood was spilled to conquer those worlds.
Se derramó mucha sangre klingon para conquistar esos mundos.
They are now part of the Klingon Empire and we will never give them up.
Son parte del Imperio klingon y nunca renunciaremos a ellos.
Furthermore, if the Federation still harbors any hope of peaceful coexistence with the Klingon Empire it must abandon all starbases and military installations in the Archanis sector.
Es más, si la Federación quiere la paz con el Imperio klingon debe de abandonar sus bases militares en el sector Archanis.
She says that representatives from Federation worlds near the Klingon border are already urging a preemptive strike.
Dice que los delegados federativos cerca de la frontera klingon aconsejan lanzar un ataque preventivo.
The Klingon's had us pinned down.
Los klingons nos tenían acorralados.
Tough assignment. Who are they sending?
Enviarán un equipo al territorio klingon.
You use my daughter to lure me here you're asking me to risk my ship on some fool's errand into the Klingon Empire and you're pregnant.
Veo que estamos todos aquí. - La nave está lista para partir.
It's a shame you can't see the holo-image I'm projecting over the com system. I make quite an imposing Klingon.
Espero recordar cómo se monta.
I'm not a Klingon warrior.
No soy un guerrero klingon.