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Kojak traducir español

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Why didn't you tell me he thinks he's Kojak?
¿ Por qué no me dijiste que él se cree Kojak?
A friend has an obligation to tell another friend when somebody think he's Kojak.
Una amiga tiene la obligación de decirle a su amiga... cuando alguien cree ser Kojak.
Kojak and I were very excited about that boot tip.
Kojak y yo estábamos muy emocionados por ello.
- Just call me Mrs. Kojak.
– Llámenme la Sra. Kojak.
Why don't you send yourself up, Kojak?
- ¿ Por qué no te encierras a ti mismo, Kojak?
[Kojak] Now, this first line shows the trajectory of a vehicle... going off the highway... at approximately 55 miles an hour.
Esta línea muestra la trayectoria que sigue un vehículo al salirse de la calzada... a unos 90 kmlh.
Wait. [Chuckles] Wait just a minute, Kojak.
Un momento, Kojak.
You're all death wish, aren't you, Kojak?
- Usted es todo odio, ¿ no, Kojak?
Make some friends, Kojak.
Será mejor que tenga amigos, Kojak.
And Kojak's out of suspects for theJacobi bump.
Y Kojak no tiene más sospechosos sobre lo de Jacobi.
[Kojak] Photo of a fragment of glass found on the shoulder of the road.
Foto de un fragmento de cristal encontrado en el arcén.
[Farrow] I understand there was a brief meeting of the zoning commission this afternoon... with Lieutenant Kojak present.
¿ Había una reunión de la Comisión de Urbanismo esta tarde... con el teniente Kojak?
Kojak reviewed Dennison's records.
Kojak revisó los archivos de Dennison.
Come on, Kojak.
Vamos, Kojak.
Lieutenant Kojak, you wanted to see me about something?
Teniente Kojak. - ¿ Quería verme por algo?
Based on communications between Lieutenant Kojak and those agencies in the last 24 hours.
A las llamadas entre... el teniente Kojak y esos organismos en las últimas 24 horas.
Listen, when you come right down to it, that situation's a cop... a cop named Kojak.
Escucha, la clave del asunto es que nos molesta ese policía. Ese tal Kojak.
You understand? Now, we eliminate Kojak, and you'll have enough on Murchison that he'll belong to us forever.
Eliminamos a Kojak y Murchison estará tan implicado... que será nuestro para siempre.
Look, here's what you do.
Mira, tú tienes... que llamar a Kojak, ¿ vale?
You call Kojak, see. You tell him you've done some thinking and you wanna talk to him privately.
Dile que has estado pensando... y que quieres verle en privado.
Lieutenant Kojak.
Teniente Kojak.
I'm supposed to see a Lieutenant Kojak.
Vengo a ver al teniente Kojak.
[Kojak] All right, I give you this week's mystery map.
Éste es el mapa del misterio de esta semana.
Lieutenant Kojak's office.
- Despacho del teniente Kojak. - Estoy en misa.
[Kojak] For those of you who are less familiar with this case than others, I'm not gonna waste time going over the tons of paperwork... autopsy report, forensic data, et cetera... dead ends that we've accumulated during the course of this investigation.
Para los que estéis menos familiarizados con el caso, no voy a perder el tiempo repasando documentos, informes de autopsias, datos forenses y demás... callejones sin salida acumulados en el curso de la investigación.
Yes, Mrs. Squires, this is Lieutenant Kojak answering your call.
Sí, Sra. Squires, aquí el teniente Kojak.
- ¿ Teniente?
[Kojak] It's Excalibur.
Es Excalibur.
Eloise, this is, uh, Lieutenant Kojak.
Eloise, éste es el teniente Kojak.
Mr. Strong, I'm Lieutenant Kojak.
Sr. Strong, soy el teniente Kojak.
[Kojak] What time did you get back from Boston?
¿ A qué hora volvieron de Boston?
Mr. Hepplewhite, this is Lieutenant Kojak. Would you mind telling him what you told me?
Sr. Hepplewhite, ¿ puede decir a Kojak lo que me ha dicho a mí?
Hello. Lieutenant Kojak, Mrs. Servadora.
Teniente Kojak, la Sra. Servadora.
I'll be in Kojak's office.
Estaré en el despacho de Kojak.
Al, Kojak.
¿ Al? Kojak.
Yes, this is Lieutenant Kojak.
Sí, el teniente Kojak al habla.
Hello, Snyder?
Hola. ¿ Snyder? Kojak.
Kojak. I need a blowup of a picture.
Necesito ampliar una foto.
I'm Lieutenant Kojak, New York Police Department.
Soy el teniente Kojak, Policía de Nueva York.
- Yeah, Kojak, you got it.
- Sí, Kojak, en efecto.
It's always a pleasure to see you, Kojak.
- Siempre es un placer verle, Kojak.
[Kojak] Be careful, Joannie, and get off on the sixth floor.
Ten cuidado, Joannie, y sube a la sexta planta.
It's Kojak.!
Soy Kojak.
- Kojak, she's a cop? - Oh, yeah.
- Kojak, ¿ es policía?
[Kojak] All right, fellas.
Muy bien, chicos.
[Man] Kojak? Cleveland's policy bank is at Lenny's Arcade. Yeah.
Kojak, el local de apuestas de Cleveland está en Lenny's Arcade.
Kojak didn't leaveJacobi's death an accident.
Kojak no creyó lo del accidente de Jacobi.
[Knocking ] [ Kojak] Come in.
[Kojak] I heard it.
- Lo he oído.
[Kojak] Oh, yeah, wise guys from Vegas.
Mafiosos de Las Vegas.
[Kojak] Hold it.! Freeze.!

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