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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ K ] / Krug

Krug traducir español

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Little Franz Krug, 20 years, not a blemish on his record so far.
Fränzchen Krug, 20 años, no demasiado inmodesto.
Monsieur Krug, how nice to see you again.
Monsieur Krug, qué gusto volver a verlo.
But you haven't met Mr. Haverstock, Monsieur Krug.
No le he presentado al Sr. Haverstock, monsieur Krug.
Monsieur Krug is a member of the Baruvian embassy staff.
Monsieur Krug es miembro de la embajada de Baruvia.
Why, it's Monsieur Krug.
Si es monsieur Krug.
What has Monsieur Krug to do with it?
¿ Qué tiene que ver monsieur Krug?
We've known Monsieur Krug...
Conocemos a monsieur Krug- -
Krug brought Van Meer here last night.
Krug trajo a Van Meer aquí anoche.
I was as close to Krug as I am to you now.
Estuve tan cerca de Krug como de usted.
I've never had to cope with this sort of thing before, thanks to you, Krug.
Jamás tuve que lidiar con este tipo de cosas, gracias a usted, Krug.
I thought it best to send Monsieur Krug away.
Creí que era mejor echar a monsieur Krug.
If what you say is true... then it's important not to rouse Krug's suspicions.
Si lo que usted dice es cierto es importante que Krug no sospeche nada.
Would you get me all my correspondence with Krug?
¿ Podrías traerme toda mi correspondencia con Krug?
The fellow with the high neck sweater, Krug, he's new to me.
El tipo del suéter de cuello alto, Krug, es nuevo para mí.
You'd already disappeared, so I followed Krug... but found the same old mousetrap.
Como usted había desaparecido, seguí a Krug pero descubrí la misma ratonera.
It's not the place, but that Krug might connect you with it.
No es el lugar, es que Krug podría relacionarlos con él.
- It's about Krug and Van Meer.
- Es sobre Krug y Van Meer.
Uh, bring me a bottle of Krug'28.
Súbame una botella de Kruger del 28. - Excelente.
- His real name is Wilhelm Krug.
- Su verdadero nombre es Wilhelm Krug.
- Krug thought that Maasdam had the book.
- Ya veo. - Krug pensó que Maasdam tenía el libro.
Oh, not after a couple of bottles of Krug'52.
Tras dos botellas de Krug del 52, no puedo.
Krug! Brug!
¡ Krug, Brug!
Esra Krug, Lieutenant, German Europa Stern Force.
Esra Krug, Teniente, Cascos Germanos de Europa.
( interrogator ) Lieutenant Krug.
Teniente Krug.
- Lieutenant Krug.
Teniente Krug.
Esra Krug.
Esra Krug.
You won't forget to inform your men of the fate of poor Lieutenant Krug?
Usted no se olvide de informar a sus hombres del pobre destino del Teniente Krug?
Krug is dead.
Krug está muerto.
And they said, would I be willing to look at Lieutenant Krug's body?
Y ellos dijeron, estaría dispuesto a buscar el cuerpo del Teniente Krug?
Krug would have wanted some member of his race to look upon him in death.
Krug habría querido que algún miembro de su raza viera su muerte.
- Maybe Krug.
Quizás Krug.
They continued to interrogate us after Krug.
Continuaron con nosotros después de interrogar a Krug.
- Krug, probably.
Krug, probablemente.
- Why Krug?
Por qué Krug?
Why not Krug?
Por qué no Krug?
Lieutenant Krug is dead.
El Teniente Krug está muerto.
- Lieutenant Krug is dead!
El teniente Krug murió!
I think a bottle of the Krug.
- Quizás una botella de Krug.
Junior Stillo is the illegitimate son of the leader of the two escapees Krug Stillo, who was serving a life sentence for the 1966 triple slaying of a priest and two nuns.
Junior Stillo es hijo ilegítimo del lider de los dos fugitivos Krug Stillo, quien desde 1966 cumple cadena perpetua por masacrar a un cura y dos monjas.
Krug Stillo is reputed to have hooked his own son on heroin to control the youngster's life.
Se sospecha que Krug Stillo inició a su hijo en la heroína para así poder controlarlo.
You know, it's really a shame you don't get along better with Krug.
Sabes, es una pena que no te lleves mejor con Krug.
Better watch him, Krug!
¡ Vigílalo, Krug!
That's good, Krug!
¡ Muy bien, Krug!
- She's right, Krug.
- Tiene razón, Krug.
Hey, Krug.
Hey, Krug.
Just till Krug comes back. I'm really cold.
Hasta que vuelva Krug. Realmente tengo frío.
- Krug is the wind.
- Krug sería el viento.
Krug's gonna really be pissed off we lost her.
Krug se va a enojar mucho si la perdemos.
Krug will kill me.
Krug me mataría.
- ( interrogator ) Lieutenant Krug.
Teniente Krug.

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