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Laced traducir español

590 traducción paralela
- Terribly conservative and straight laced.
- ¿ Cómo es? Muy conservadora y algo remilgada.
Darling, he's a narrow-minded, straight-laced old dodo.
Querida, él es un viejo de mente cerrada, estricto y anticuado.
"... in blue-laced ribbons?
"... con cintas de encaje azul?
"... in blue-laced ribbons?
"... con cintas de encaje azul? "
Both of you are just too straight-laced.
Sois demasiados conservadores.
- My friend here is a bit strait-laced.
- Mi amigo es un poco puritano.
It's just Bovril rather heavily laced with sherry.
- Es sólo un Bovril barato, con mucho jerez.
So your boots are laced, Junior.
¡ Así que los tienes bien puestos!
I'd have been laced if I hadn't paid Colleoni.
Me hubiera liquidado, si no le pago a Colleoni.
Why, Pinkie, they've laced you up.
¡ Oh, Pinkie! ¡ Te han herido!
Mama's so straight-laced!
Mama es tan estricta.
I saw a fellow with laced cuffs putting his hands on you.
Un tipo con puños de encaje te puso las manos encima.
All those mountains are laced with tunnels.
Estas montañas están llenas de túneles.
"Knock three times to show you understand and agree," "then fetch me a bowl of milk laced with rum."
"Llama tres veces para indicar que me entiendes,"... y tráeme un tazón de leche con un poco de ron. "
- Laced with grappa.
- ¡ Con licor!
Laced with hot bourbon and branch water.
Con un poco de borbón caliente y agua.
- You must lead a very straight-laced life.
- Debes llevar una vida muy recta. - Vale.
Mine is very prim and straight-laced.
La mía es muy respetable y estricta.
You've become so straight-laced since you were put in the punishment cell.
Te estás portando muy bien desde que te metieron en la celda de castigo.
- Laced with lemonade.
- Adornada con limonada.
Jewelled tunics with fur collars, ruby-studded belts, quilted sleeves, laced boots...
Túnicas enjoyado con cuellos de piel, rubíes cinturones, fundas acolchadas, botas de cordones...
Then I get all laced up.
Y entonces me dió.
Here lay Duncan, his silver skin laced with his golden blood.
Aquí yacía Duncan, su piel dorada con su sangre.
If I didn't know how straight-laced you were... and if I didn't know that you were in mourning... and if that dame were about 20 pounds lighter...
Si no supiera lo recto que eres... y si no supiera que estás de luto... y si esa dama pesara 10 kilos menos, sospecharía...
Black coffee laced with Fernet. "Branca", please!
Un carajillo con Fernet. Branca, ¡ eh!
Very nice talk, but I like a brandy syrup laced with hawthorn.
Muy bonita plática, pero a mí me gustaría tomar un aguardiente con jarabe de tejocote mediadito.
Now them poultices be laced with feather moss and mustard root.
En las cataplasmas hay musgo y raíz de mostaza.
I mean, here's this boy, Mario, sent to the wine cellar for a bottle of margaux and he picks it at random and it's laced with poison.
Porque tenemos al muchacho, Mario, enviado a la bodega a buscar una botella de Margaux y que elige al azar y resulta tener veneno.
- Is it laced?
- ¿ Tiene droga?
Laced in confusion
Y no confundas
# Laced in confusion
Y no confundas
And while the proud empresses mourn her, laced in her sash was found a coffer filled with gold.
Y mientras la... suplican sus altivas emperatrices se ata en la cintura un cofre lleno de oro.
Yvonet... laced his breeches... and to his boots... attached... the spurs.
Yvonet le anuda las grebas... y los borceguines, le ata... -... las espuelas.
How do you like that? David laced up the glove?
Pero mira nada más... ¿ Así que David te amarró el guante?
- All laced with hemlock, I'm sure.
- Y todo está rociado con cicuta.
I hope you have laced underwear.
Espero que lleve bien sujeta la ropa interior.
And burning looks you then must steal. Her slender hips are then embraced, to see how tightly she is laced.
Pon tu brazo en la cintura de ella, como consuelo, y con inocencia... pregunta si le oprime el corsé.
Not laced.
- No se ató los cordones.
She's as strait-laced as you are.
Ella es tan puritana como tú.
You feed on rotten meat, laced with tenderness.
Quieres comer carne podrida con tu salsa de ternura.
A bit straight-laced.
El hijo perfecto.
I cοuld've laced her tea five times οver.
Pude haberla envenenado más de 5 veces.
Cal said you gave him "one for the road." I suspect it was laced with something to knock him out.
Cal me dijo que le había dado una copa... y supongo que le puso algo para dejarle K.O.
It is currently laced with more colourful metaphors.
Ahora se sirve más de metáforas floridas.
Sherry laced with cyanide.
Jerez mezclado con cianuro.
Drinking beer laced with cyanide from little polystyrene cups.
Tomar cerveza junto con cianuro en pequeñas tazas de poliestireno.
It was laced with some kind of organic compound, probably a hallucinogen like mescaline, maybe.
El azúcar que pusiste en el café estaba rociada con algún tipo de compuesto orgánico probablemente alucinógeno, como la mescalina.
Well, we're looking for a deserter who is in our jurisdiction and your cousin here sold him a laced stick about an hour ago and might know where he is.
Buscamos a un desertor que está en nuestra jurisdicción y tu primo le ha vendido un peta hace una hora y puede que sepa dónde está.
the first day he was in his pyjamas... the second day he was in a type of djellaba, the third day in a sort of laced shirt... all of them very simple. It is very, very touching :
Es muy, muy conmovedor :
Here lay Duncan, his silver skin laced with his golden blood ;
- Ahí yacía Duncan...
These aren't Kents. These cigarettes are laced with marijuana.
Esto otra que cigarrillos Kent...

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