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Lately traducir español

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I've heard a lot about this boy lately. But he made only 10 runs in the first innings... and then 27 in the second.
He oído mucho de este muchacho... sólo hizo 10 en la primera vuelta Y 27 en el segunda.
I know that I haven't been the greatest friend lately.
Sé que no he sido el mejor amigo últimamente.
It has been difficult lately.
Últimamente no es fácil.
Oh, Lee told me you haven't been sleeping so well lately.
Lee me dijo que no han estado durmiendo bien.
You seen the world lately?
¿ Has visto el mundo últimamente?
Was he upset lately?
¿ Estaba descontento últimamente?
I know you've had a hard time lately, but I just want you to know that we're gonna help.
Sé que han tenido un tiempo difícil últimamente, Pero sólo quiero que sepas que somos va a ayudar.
You've been through a lot lately.
Últimamente pasaste por mucho.
I know we've been going through some rough times lately.
Sé que hemos tenido dificultades.
You've been a stranger lately.
Apenas te he visto últimamente.
Have you seen him lately?
¿ Le ha visto últimamente?
Any personnel issues lately?
Todas las cuestiones de personal últimamente?
Anything out of the ordinary happen lately?
¿ Ha pasado algo fuera de lo normal últimamente?
You know, I don't know how relevant this is, but we've had some, I guess you could say, protests lately.
Sabéis, no sé si será relevante o no, pero hemos tenido algunas, supongo que podría llamarlas, protestas últimamente.
Have you met a human being lately?
¿ Has conocido a algún ser humano últimamente?
Food. Have you had any lately?
- ¿ Has comido algo últimamente?
Look, I didn't want to say anything, but your brother, the way he's been talking about you lately, it's like, he's really out to get you, Jimmy.
Mira, yo no quería decir nada pero por como tu hermano habla de ti últimamente realmente la trae contigo, Jimmy, y...
Have ye noticed Claire's been out of sorts lately?
¿ Has notado que Claire está decaída últimamente?
Uh, yeah, that's just something I've been doing with Charlie lately when he gets a little wound up.
Sí, es algo que he estado haciendo últimamente cuando Charlie se altera un poco.
- Have you talked to Kyle Gazi lately?
- ¿ Has hablado con Kyle Gazi recientemente?
Have you seen yourself lately, Hood?
¿ Pero tú te has visto?
Well, you and I haven't exactly been on the warmest of terms lately.
Bueno, tú y yo no hemos tenido precisamente una relación muy cordial últimamente.
Have you been skipping out on the job lately?
Estás faltando al trabajo últimamente?
I suggest we should get up early in the morning and find anyone who might have seen anything suspicious lately.
Sugiero que debemos levantarnos temprano en la mañana. Y encontrar a alguien que pueda haber visto algo... sospechoso últimamente.
Well, well... uh, Mike and I aren't really hanging out that much lately.
Bueno... Mike y yo no estamos saliendo mucho ultimamente.
I'm doing a lot of goji berries lately ; you ever try those?
Últimamente me van los de bayas de goji, ¿ los has probado?
The business has been running a little rough lately.
Los negocios no han ido muy bien.
We've, uh... we've been on a real sexual hot streak lately, huh?
Llevamos... Llevamos una buena racha de sexo últimamente, ¿ no?
Although, she's got a little nervous, lately.
Pero ella esta un poco ansiosa últimamente.
It's been getting a lot of use lately...
Ha estado teniendo mucho uso últimamente...
Perhaps you haven't read it lately.
Quizá no la leíste últimamente.
They've been stretched just lately.
Han sido dejados últimamente.
Well, that may be, but nobody's seen him around here lately.
Bueno, quizás, pero nadie lo ha visto cerca últimamente.
It's weird, I've been thinking about him a lot lately, and then recently he sent me this book that he's written and it's violent and it's sad, and he titled it Nocturnal Animals and he dedicated it to me. Did you love him?
Es extraño, últimamente he pensado mucho en él y hace poco me envió un libro que escribió y es violento y triste y lo nombró Animales Nocturnos y me lo dedicó.
I'm sorry I've been so bad lately, it's just that work has been super hectic and it doesn't help I've de-activated my Facebook, but that's not an excuse.
Lamento mi comportamiento últimamente. Pero el trabajo ha estado bastante agitado y no ayuda haber desactivado mi Facebook, pero no es excusa.
I'm loving all this sex positive sex you've been having lately.
Me encanta todo ese sexo positivo que has estado teniendo.
Have you done lately any businesses with some English men?
¿ Ha hecho últimamente algún negocio con unos ingleses?
- You don't talk much lately.
Últimamente no hablas mucho.
Sorry for being late, but lately - I am busier than usual.
Disculpad la tardanza, pero estos días estoy más atareado de lo habitual.
- Yes, but lately it's been too chaotic to prove it.
Sí, pero en los últimos tiempos han sido lo bastante convulsos como para comprobarlo.
Lately he seems distracted.
Últimamente parece distraído.
Because I've been thinking a lot lately about... what is me?
De acuerdo, bueno... Quiero dar las gracias a usted. Hago.
Come on, you know things have been weird lately.
La situación ha estado muy rara.
Most exotic place I've seen lately is Cleveland.
Más exótico lugar que he visto últimamente es Cleveland.
Trust me, I've seen plenty of them lately.
Confía en mí, he visto a muchos últimamente.
We've noticed you've done a lot of nice things for Rosa lately.
Nos hemos fijado en que haces muchas cosas por Rosa últimamente.
Um, I've been thinking a lot about, you know, you and me, us, lately.
He estado pensando mucho sobre tú y yo últimamente.
I've just been insatiable lately. It's like I want everything.
He estado insaciable, lo quiero todo.
Yes, I lately met one of the candidates.
Sí, me encontré últimamente uno de los candidatos.
How many cars have you seen lately?
¿ Cuántos autos has visto últimamente?
He's... he's so hopelessly miserable, lately. Yeah! Apparently he has been having an affair with a woman who is very much in love with...
Él tenía un asunto y muy amoroso.

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