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Leash traducir español

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Global warming is a pet theory that got off the leash.
El calentamiento global es la teoría que más tenemos en cuenta.
All right. - Daddy got him on a leash!
su papaíto lo tiene bien atado.
Don't normally see you off leash. Where's your boss?
Normalmente no sueles dejarte ver sin atar. ¿ Dónde está tu jefe?
'cause I'm keeping him on a leash till I give him the brush off. It's gonna be epic.
Será épico.
You're not used to a short leash?
¿ No estás acostumbrado a tener la correa ajustada?
It's cool. Cal told me How your mom has you on a short leash.
Está bien, Brian me dijo que tu madre te controlaba mucho.
He surfs with his left foot forward, which means that he'd put his leash on his right ankle.
El surfea con el pie izquierdo adelante, lo que significa que pondría su correa en el tobillo derecho.
I mean, you always put your leash on your back foot.
Es decir, siempre pones la correa en el pie trasero.
Maybe I can convince the chief to put a leash on his hyperactive deputy.
Quizá pueda convencer al jefe para que controle a su ayudante hiperactivo.
- Do you need a leash?
- ¿ Necesitas correa?
He's expecting to see photos of you with a naked prisoner on a leash.
Él está esperando ver fotos tuyas amarrando a un prisionero desnudo.
So the vicodin is my leash.
Entonces el Vicodin es mi cepo.
You don't wanna trip on that short leash.
No quieres viajar en este arreo corto.
And you wonder why Millicent has me on such a short leash.
Y te preguntas porqué Millicent me ata a una correa corta.
. You need to be kept on a short leash!
. ¡ Tú lo que necesitas es que te mantengan con correa corta!
Bring Miss Price another leash of birds.
Tráiganle a la Srta. Price otro plato de aves.
Oh, and you want to keep a tight leash on that so-called husband of yours.
oh y tu quieres mantener a raya a ese que llamas marido
We gotta put the fricking leash on them.
Tenemos que ponerle una puta correa.
Sorry, but there's a leash law in this neighborhood and you never know who's watching.
En este barrio no puede haber perros sin correa y nunca se sabe quién te está mirando.
Now his mother's seen how rich we are, she's let him off the leash!
Ahora que su madre ha visto lo ricos que somos, le ha soltado la correa.
You keep your dog on a leash.
Lo tienes atado bien corto.
It's why you keep them on such a short leash, it's why you dropped a policeman in the middle...
Es por eso que los mantienes con el collar tan corto, y les has puesto a ese policia- -
I want whoever let him off the leash.
Quiero al que le soltó la correa.
So, Rold, Brewster Keegan letting you off the leash for a little vay-cay?
¿ Rold, Brewster Keegan te soltó la rienda?
You don't even realize you got a leash around your neck. You know what?
No te das cuenta de que tienes la correa alrededor del cuello sabes qué?
Yoυ have been on Cruncher Block's leash for so long... ... maybe yoυ forgot how it feels to stand up and be a man.
Llevas tanto tiempo bajo el yugo de Cruncher Block que quizá olvidaste lo que se siente ser un hombre.
Never let him off leash unless you have complete confidence.
Nunca lo sueltes a menos que confíes totalmente en él.
Hey, get a leash.
- Oye, compra una correa.
Why don't you just let him off the leash?
¿ Por qué no lo sueltas?
I know,'cause I never let him off the leash.
Porque nunca lo suelto.
You've been on a leash a little too long.
Llevas demasiado tiempo atado a la correa.
Let's take your girl for a walk before you let her off her leash.
Probemos a su chica antes de darle rienda suelta.
Which is why I hired you to hold their leash.
Por eso te contraté, para que los controlaras.
Graner put the leash on him.
Graner le puso la correa.
And then he handed the leash to Lynndie.
Después le dio la correa a Lynndie.
It means parole on a short leash.
Significa libertad condicional muy controlada
.. my wife keeps me on a very tight leash.
.. mi esposa me guarda en una trailla fuerte.
We gotta find out who's holding their leash.
¿ Quién los controla?
And I will take orders, and I will do what has to be done, but you gotta put a leash on your hunter.
Y obedeceré órdenes y haré lo que tenga que hacerse pero debes controlar bien a tu cazador.
- No no no, your dog... is going up in the elevator with the leash.
- No, no, no, su perro está subiendo en el elevador con la correa.
- Pick up that leash.
- Recoge esa correa.
I'm just pulling your leash.
Solo estoy jalando la correa.
I'll keep Bauer on a short leash.
Mantendré a Bauer a raya.
I ordered you to keep him on a short leash!
¡ Le ordené mantenerlo con la correa corta!
Keep her on a leash.
Ponle correa.
She doesn't need a leash, I'd say quite the contrary.
No necesita correa y yo diría lo opuesto.
He's got her on a tight leash.
La tiene muy controlada.
It's that troll from 3G who walks his guinea pig on a leash.
Ooh.Ooh, ya sé quien es tu amante
No, hombre.
Didn't see him chew through the leash.
No lo vi mordiendo la correa.
Gus was the prisoner with the leash.
El interno # 151128 se cayó al suelo de su celda 24 de octubre de 2003 Gus era el preso que estaba atado con una correa.

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