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Let me in there traducir español

954 traducción paralela
Let me in there.
Déjenme entrar.
Let me in there.
Déjame entrar.
They haven't let me in there so far.
No me dejan entrar.
Choya, please let me in there!
¡ Choya, déjame pasar!
I feel like I let Ru down. I do feel like I'm in good company, because Bob's next to me, and there's no one else on the bottom I'd rather see than Bob right now.
Siento que decepcioné a Ru, pero creo que estoy con buen compañía, porque Bob está a mi lado, y no quiero ver a nadie más en el bottom que a Bob!
All right, let me begin : is there a place for us in your company?
Empiezo yo : ¿ hay sitio para nosotros en tu compañía?
Look now, I know if you'd let me get in there... that he'd let me do this part.
Oigan, si me dejaran entrar... él me daría el papel.
Let me see, it was plenty dark in there.
Deja que vea, estaba completamente oscuro.
Let me in there!
¿ Qué pasa?
You must let me go in there and talk to my wife!
Es necesario que hable con mi esposa.
If there's a change in his condition, you let me know and I'll come right over.
Si hay algún cambio en su estado, avíseme y vendré enseguida.
Oh, I'd gladly let you experiment, Doctor... if there were only a chance in a thousand.
No me importaría que experimentaran conmigo si creen que hay una posibilidad.
I may have been so in my cradle, but since then, let me tell you there have been occasions...
Tal vez lo fui en mi cuna, pero desde entonces, déjeme decirle que ha habido ocasiones...
He won't even let me go in there.
Ni siquiera me deja entrar a mí.
And would you believe it, Joe, there are just three people in the entire ship's list... that would be glad to let me have a little assistance.
Puedes creer que sólo hay tres personas en toda la lista del barco... que estarían felices de prestarme una pequeña ayuda.
There might be some chance for you if you let me take you in.
¡ No todo está perdido si aceptas venir conmigo!
He's gonna let us die, I tell you. Say... if I could get in there two minutes with you, I'd stop your yelling.
Mira, si me dejaran entrar ahí dos minutos te haría parar de gemir.
You boys watch that door and don't let nobody get in there, you hear me?
- A comprar que vamos.
My old lady used to send me cake. The screws wouldn't let me have it. Figured there was a saw hidden in it.
Mi mujer me mandaba un pastel, los guardias no me la daban por si tenía una lima dentro.
After all I've done for you... let's me jump in there alone.
¿ Después de lo que he hecho por ti, dejarás que salte solo?
In fact, I had a visitation from above. An angel came down and said, "Let there be unity in the ownership."
De hecho, tuve visita de "más arriba" un ángel bajó y me dijo "la propiedad es indivisible".
I can't let it go while there's a breath left in my body.
No mientras me quede aliento.
I don't know how many of you are familiar with the Hungarian aristocracy, but let me assure you that in all middle Europe there is no family...
No sé cuántos de ustedes conocen la aristocracia húngara, pero les aseguro que en toda Europa Central no hay ninguna familia...
Let me take you there tonight, uh, both of you, to celebrate your first night in Havana.
Permítame llevarla ahí esta noche. A ambos, para celebrar su primera noche en La Habana.
There'll be no 9 : 30 for me if you let me go out in the rain now.
No habrá 9 : 30 para mí si me lanza a la lluvia ahora.
You let me go back in there and I'll tell them what a grown man really thinks about.
Si me deja volver a entrar les contaré lo que un hombre adulto piensa de verdad.
Let me back in there so I can bash him on the nose, that's all!
¡ Déjame volver a entrar para partirle la cara!
I hate a world without order in the world of art there's another kind of order but as hard, as clear as in real life very well, let her stay in her own order and I'll stay in mine
Odio un mundo sin orden en el mundo del arte hay otro tipo de orden pero tan duro, tan claro como en la vida real muy bien, quédese en su propio orden y yo me quedaré en el mío
Let me tell you that there would have been trouble this winter in London but for us.
Permita que le diga que, de no ser por nosotros, este invierno habría sido turbulento en Londres.
The slate is clean. Let me get that girl in there, before it's too late.
No se porque permanece aquí, estamos en paz.
If there's anybody wants to tell me different... let him stand up and get his head broke in.
Si alguien quiere contradecirme... que se levante y le partiré la cabeza.
And let me tell you there isn't a guy in Hayes Valley that Jim can't lick except maybe Joe Choynski.
Le diré que no hay nadie en Hayes Valley... a quien Jim no pueda vencer, salvo quizá Joe Choynski.
Let me know immediately if there's a change in his condition.
Si hay algún cambio, hágamelo saber inmediatamente.
Wait for me, Buldeo. - Let us go in there. - Let us go in.
Espérame, Buldeo yo lo encontré
Why don't you let me go out there and poke that guy in the nose?
Mira, ¿ por qué no me dejas salir ahí afuera y darle una bofetada? ¡ Sólo una vez!
Let go of me! My mother's in there.
Mi madre está ahí.
Let me go in there!
¡ Déjenme entrar!
Please let me meet you there just in case there is a chance.
Por favor, permítame alcanzarlos allá por si es posible.
He's in there. Let me in...
Él está allá adentro, déjeme entrar.
I told you last night. I told you there wasn't any food in the house and you wouldn't let me go to the store.
No teníamos provisiones y te negaste a que fuera a la compra.
Estella was always there and always let me in and out, but never told me I might kiss her again.
Estella estaba siempre allí y me dejaba entrar y salir. Pero nunca me dejó volver a besarla.
- I'm not trying to whitewash him. There isn't enough paint in Germany for that but let me scrape together something in his defence.
No estoy intentando justificarle su conducta no tiene fácil justificación pero vamos a ver si encontramos algo que hable en su defensa.
I don't know.. there's something in me I guess that just won't let me.
No sé, quizá haya algo en mí que me lo impide.
If you'll let me get in my inside pocket, there's a clipping.
Si busca en mi bolsillo, hay un recorte.
If there's love in you, let me take him back to his people.
Si hay amor en ti, déjame llevarlo con su pueblo.
I'm not sure at all. Let me put it this way. It's not anything strange that there are corrupt officers in police departments.
Pero me explicaré no es ninguna novedad que haya elementos corruptos en los cuerpos policiales.
If there is anyone you want to meet just let me know and I'll fix it up in a jiffy
Si quiere conocer a alguien, dígamelo y se Io presento.
Let me in on it. Is there anything left of nigger town?
- ¿ Queda algo del Barrio Negro?
Let me see... here, sorry... it's enough to blow in there
Déjemer ver, eso es, perdone... Bastará con soplar un poco.
"But I hardly think he'll let me in the first game, " so there's no reason for you and Dad to come up.
"Me cuesta pensar que quiere que esté en el primer juego, porque no hay razón para que tú y papá me vengan a ver."
There was a job to be done there, too, but they wouldn't let me in.
También había un trabajo que hacer, pero no me dejaban hacerlo.

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