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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ L ] / Let me think about that

Let me think about that traducir español

136 traducción paralela
Let me think about that.
Déjame pensar...
Let me think about that.
- Déjame pensarlo.
- Let me think about that.
- Déjame que lo piense.
- Let me think about that.
Dejeme pensar sobre eso.
Well, let me think about that for a while.
Bueno, déjame pensarlo un tiempo.
Let me think about that.
Déjame pensarlo.
Hmm, let me think about that one, Chad.
Hmm, déjame pensar sobre eso, Chad.
Let me think about that a minute.
Déjeme pensar un minuto.
Let me think about that... uh, no.
Déjame pensarlo... No.
- Let me think about that.
Déjame pensar... no.
Let me think about that.
Voy a considerarlo...
- Let me think about that for a second.
- Déjame pensar eso un segundo.
Let me think about that.
Déjeme pensarlo.
Well, let me think about that.... While I remove my pants.
Deja que lo piense, ¡ mientras me quito los pantalones!
Well, let me think about that.
Dejame pensarlo..... mientras me saco los pantalones.
Well, let me think about that.
Bueno, déjame pensar.
Yeah, let me think about that.
Sí, déjame pensar en ello.
Let me think about that for just a minute.
Déjame pensarlo un minuto.
Let me think about that for a second. Hmm.
Déjame pensarlo un segundo.
Let me think about that.
Déjame pensarlo. No.
Let me think about that for a second.
Déjame pensarlo un segundo.
Wait, let me think about that.
Espera, déjame pensarlo.
Let me think about that for a Minute.
Dejame pensar en eso por un minuto.
Hold on. Let me think about that.
Toco el banjo.
Let me think about that proposition. I-
Déjame pensar en esa propuesta- -
Mmm, let me think about that.
Mmm, déjame pensarlo.
Let me think about that.
Déjeme pensar acerca de eso.
Let me think about that.
Deja que lo piense.
Now, let me think about that.
Déjeme pensarlo.
Let me tell you something, John Kent, now that you think you know something about women's clothes...
Te diré algo, John Kent... ahora que crees que sabes algo de ropa femenina...
That's exactly why I'm going to ask you to let me have Forty-eight hours to think about it.
Precisamente por eso necesito 48 horas para reflexionar.
Even with his hands on me all I could think about was you and that I'd let you down.
Incluso con sus manos sobre mi no podía dejar de pensar en ti y que te había dejado abajo.
From the material you have let me see about your biography, I think that the pictures we have done are going to work...
Por lo que he leído de su biografía creo que las fotos que hemos sacado van a encajar...
I care about human beings. Do you think I let you go through that Dalek test lightly?
Me preocupo por los seres humanos. ¿ Crees que te permitiría pasar por esa prueba a la ligera?
Good Lord, I think that one's alive. Let me see about that one.
Dios mio, parece que está vivo me acercaré a verlo bien.
Oh, listen to me, Virginia, please... All right, let's say due to telepathic phenomenon, you've found the body of that poor woman. Now, don't think about it anymore.
Por favor, escuchame, querida, ok, fue telepatía la que hizo que encontraras el cuerpo de esa pobre chica,
Think about that and let me know.
¿ Lo pensaría?
I would think that you would care enough about my feelings to just let me go.
¡ No, Harry! No te irás. ¡ Volverás, es una orden!
Tommy, have you been sitting in that same chair all day? Hmm, let me think about this one.
Tommy, ¿ estuviste en esa silla todo el día?
I was gonna let you think that I really went to Harvard until you liked me anyway and I felt better about myself.
Te iba a dejar pensar que realmente fui a Harvard hasta que te gustará de todas formas y me sintiera mejor conmigo mismo.
If we still had that unit I'd get in it for six hours and think about how I let you down.
Si tuviéramos ese mueble me metería en él seis horas y pensaría que te había defraudado.
Let me tell you about that better place you think you're going to.
Te hablaré de ese lugar mejor al que crees que vas.
And today as I stand here and look at you before me... having the audacity to think that you can defeat me... let me tell you something, brother, I am about to kick your carrot butt!
... y hoy estoy frente a ti y mírame antes de tener la audacia de pensar que puedes vencerme déjame decirte algo, hermano, ¡ voy a patear tu trasero de zanahoria!
- Let me say... it has always been a habit with me that I don't think I have a right to talk about relationships I have had with ladies.
Permítame decir... ha sido una costumbre mía... que no me creo con derecho de divulgar relaciones que haya tenido con una dama.
So I think Straussians who came to Washington they didn't think of themselves as Churchill or Lincoln let me assure you, but they did that, you know there's something noble about public life, and about politics
Así es que creo que los straussianos que vinieron a Washington, no se veían a si mismos como Churchill o Lincoln, se lo aseguro, pero eso fue lo que hicieron, ya sabe, hay algo noble en la vida pública y en la política,
Well, now that we've got your love life straightened out I think it might be time to take a step back and untangle this incestuous web I like to call the "Julie-Caleb union." Let's think about this.
Lo es. Bueno, ahora que ya has solucionado tu vida amorosa creo que es hora de dar un paso atrás y desenredar esta red de incesto que me gusta llamar la unión de Julie-Caleb. Piensa en ello.
Let me suggest some people that you might wanna think about talking to. One would be Don Alexander, who is a former commissioner, he's here in town in Washington.
Una sería Don Alexander, miembro de una comisión anterior que se encuentra aquí, en Washington.
Let's go back to talking about how this is my fault, because I think I liked that better.
Volvamos a hablar sobre como todo esto es culpa mía porque creo que me gustaba más.
- [Man on TV] Let's not think about that.
- No pensemos en eso. - Me gusta.
I know that you, you're feeling me, but you won't let yourself go there because you care more about what people think than your own happiness.
Sé que te gusto, pero no te sueltas... porque te importa más lo que la gente piense que tu felicidad.
Let me know what you think about the fact that we're thinking of making the sasquatch the national animal of Canada.
Decidme qué os parece que nombremos al hombre de las nieves animal nacional de Canadá.

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