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Like i told you before traducir español

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The boy's a problem to handle, he's an excitable character, with responsibilities, like I told you before.
El chico es difícil de llevar, todo un carácter... es una responsabilidad, ya te lo avisé.
Like I told you before, it's wrong for a man to get too big for his breeches.
Está mal tener más orgullo del que puede permitirse.
Like I told you before, I'm 60 % legitimate now.
Como te dije antes, soy legal en un 60 %.
Like I told you before, if I was right all the time, I'd be wearing bars, Lieutenant.
Como te dije anteriormente, si fuese tan bueno estaría, Teniente.
You see, I've got to be at Dr. Clinic's Kreuger. I mean, Dr Kreuger's clinic. Like I told you before, Marty has this nose trouble...
Tengo que estar en la crónica del Dr. Cliger... o sea en la clúnica del Dr. Kriger... como le dije, Marty tiene este problema con su nariz...
Como te he dicho antes, él Se está volviendo loco.
Es como usted ha dicho antes, se está haciendo loco!
Like I told you before, we ain't open this early.
Ya le he dicho que no abrimos tan pronto.
Like I told you before, Sheriff.
Ya se lo dije, sheriff.
Well, like I told you before, I bought it for the mill.
Como le dije antes, lo compré para el molino.
Like i told you before.
Como os dije antes.
Like I told you before, it's hard luck.
Como ya te dije, son cosas de la vida.
Well, like I told you before, Raoul you're too young to understand about girls.
Las chicas son problema, Micrófono, Y si la I es su socio La mitad de problema es mío. Bien, guste la I distinguida a usted antes, Raoul
Like I told you before, man... no pictures!
Ya os lo he dicho, nada de fotos.
Because, like I told you before, I need solid proof so he won't get off.
Porque como ya te he dicho, necesito pruebas para que no quede en libertad.
It's like I told you before... if you ain't giving'up the rhythm... the boy ain't interested.
Es como te dije antes... si nunca te das por vencida el ritmo... the boy ain't interested.
Sorry, Harv, but like I told you before it ain't for sale.
Lo siento, pero como dije antes, no está a la venta.
You're on suspension ; remember? Sir, like I told you before, I have known for months that there's something going down here.
Señor, como ya le dije, sé desde hace meses que algo sucede aquí abajo.
Well, like I told you before he tried to get me to contact my husband and...
Como le dije, él quería que llamara a mi esposo.
It's like I told you before, we Amish, we do everything half again as hard as you do.
Nosotros los Amish hacemos más de lo que ustedes hacen.
Like I told you before, I'm going back to Voyager
Como te dije antes, voy a regresar a la Voyager.
- Like I told you before, you're going to see shit on this job the average person just doesn't see.
Como te dije, en este trabajo verás lo que casi nadie ve en su vida.
It's like I told you before.
Es como te dije antes.
"I could of told you before that she was no good - like all females!"
"Yo te habría avisado de que no era buena. Ninguna mujer lo es."
- I've told you before, I can sense things like that.
- Ya se lo dije. Percibo este tipo de cosas.
I just wanna say, like I told you once before, that you're not alone.
Como ya te dije, no estás sola.
I told you once before. I don't like votes.
Ya te dije que no me gustan las votaciones.
I should've told you before but you happened along so sudden-like I didn't have the chance.
Debí decirte antes pero pasó tan rápido que no tuve oportunidad.
I've told you before. We haven't got that kind of money or anything like it.
Ya le he dicho que no tenemos esa cantidad ni cosa que se le parezca.
But, before I go, I'd like to apologize for everything that I told you.
Antes de irme, Quiero disculparme por todo lo que le he dicho.
I don't like that Tilman, I've told you before.
No me gusta ese Tilman. Creo habértelo dicho ya.
I told you once before, if I ever started feeling like a human being, I'd shoot myself.
Te dije a vos una vez, que se yo empezase a actuar como ser humano, me dispararía yo mismo.
And talk like that isn't healthy, I've told you about this before, Colin.
Y dice que no es sano, ya te lo dije antes, Colin.
Don't pull your nose! It will stay like that! I told you before.
¡ Déjate la nariz o te crecerá!
I mean, with country it's like you're being told a story that you've heard before but with progressive it's like you're going into unknown territory. Exactly.
El country es como una historia que ya conoces pero la música progresista es un territorio desconocido.
It's a shame we haven't been able to come to an agreement but I like you, as I told you before.
Es una pena que no hayamos podido llegar a un arreglo pero usted me gusta, como ya se lo dije.
I told you before not to scream like that.
Ya te he dicho que no grites así.
Like I told, look I'll be back before you can say goodbye Charlie dear.
Como te dije, volveré antes de que puedas decir... "Adiós, Charlie".
I told you before, you are not going out there like that.
? Te has mirado al espejo? Espero que no salgas asi.
Well, I haven't told you this before, because I wanted him to be brought up... like a gentleman and not a pirate.
No te conté esto antes porque quería que él fuera criado... como un caballero y no como un pirata.
I told you before, you're not packing them in like you used to.
Te lo advertí. Ya no tienes el mismo gancho.
I've told you before, we shall get on a great deal better if you make a concerted effort not to sound like the latest novel.
Ya te lo he dicho, nos llevaremos mucho mejor si haces un esfuerzo por no sonar como la última novela de moda.
Well, like I told you, Audrey's gone missing before on a semi-regular basis.
Como ya le dije, Audrey ya ha desaparecido bastantes veces.
I told you before, I don't like it when they go down.
Oye, Charlie. Te lo dije antes. No me gusta cuando bajan.
Matthew, I told you before, you got to act like a lady.
Mateo, te dije antes, tienes que actuar como una dama.
What have I told you before about going out there with no clothes on and nothing... I'm in the area doing drains and I wondered if you'd like yours cleaned out.
¿ No te tengo dicho que no andes por ahí medio en pelotas? Estoy limpiando los sumideros. ¿ Necesita que limpie el suyo?
Well, Bud, like so many women have told you before I have found somebody better.
Bueno, Bud, como tantas mujeres te han dicho antes he encontrado a alguien mejor.
I told you, I'm a human being before I'm a doctor. But how can a trained professional like you...
Aún así eres una profesional culta, no es forma de enfrentar a una niña...
I told you, things will be just like before!
¡ Te dije que las cosas volverían a ser como antes!
Like I told you before, I don't want your help.
Como ya le dije, no quiero su ayuda.
Like I told your ass before. You ain't the only one that knows some shit.
Como te dije el otro día no sólo tú sabes cosas.

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