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Major carter traducir español

343 traducción paralela
- Major Carter.
- Al comandante Carter.
And Major Carter stays with me.
Carter se queda conmigo.
Major Carter, shield her eyes.
Carter, cúbrele los ojos.
In closing, Major Carter's supervisor, Colonel Jack O'Neill,..... would like to say a few words.
Para concluir, el supervisor de la comandante Carter, el coronel O'Neill, quisiera decir unas palabras.
Major Carter, there is little time.
Mayor Carter, tenemos poco tiempo.
Major Carter?
¿ Mayor Carter?
We're hoping you can tell us where Major Carter is.
Esperamos que sepas dónde está la Mayor Carter.
This is very touching, but this conversation in this public place is evidence that Major Carter is something of a security risk.
Esto es conmovedor, pero esta conversación en un lugar público demuestra que Carter es un peligro para la seguridad nacional.
Major Carter's on her way back.
La Mayor Carter está en camino.
Major Carter.
Mayor Carter.
Credit Major Carter. I do.
El mérito es de la Mayor Carter.
I need to speak to Major Carter.
Póngame con la comandante Carter.
Major Carter is eager as well.
También la comandante Carter.
Major Carter, please allow Merrin to present you with this naqahdah reactor.
Comandante Carter, permita a Merrin obsequiarla con este reactor.
Major Carter will show you the lab.
Carter te mostrará el laboratorio.
Then you are not as smart as Major Carter and Dr Fraiser?
¿ Entonces no es tan inteligente como la comandante Carter o la Dra. Fraiser?
I'm here to teach Major Carter about the reactor.
He venido a ensenar a la comandante Carter a usar el reactor.
If you think it's safe, Major Carter, you can continue to work.
Si cree que no hay peligro, puede seguir trabajando.
Major Carter?
¿ Comandante Carter?
- Major Carter... - Unless...
- Comandante Carter...
Remember the flowers in Major Carter's lab? The ones on the desk?
¿ Te acuerdas de las flores del laboratorio de la comandante Carter?
- It's a representation of Major Carter.
- Es la comandante Carter.
Major Carter, please take Merrin to the gate room.
Carter, llévese a Merrin a la sala del Stargate.
- As with Major Carter,..... the Goa'uld symbiotes died and were absorbed by the host.
- Al igual que con la comandante, los simbiontes murieron y fueron absorbidos por el huésped.
This is Major Carter and Jack O'Neill and Teal'c.
Ella es la Mayor Carter, Jack O'Neill y Teal'c.
No, Major Carter agreed with Dr Carter.
No, la comandante Carter acaba de darle la razón a la Dra. Carter.
Assuming Major Carter succeeds, it will be hard to get Dr Carter to the Stargate..... without the Goa'uld stopping her.
Aun así, será difícil hacer llegar a la Dra. Carter hasta el Stargate sin que la detengan los Goa'uld.
The Goa'uld wish only the strong to prevail, Major Carter.
Los Goa'uld sólo desean que sobrevivan los fuertes, comandante.
Major Carter was most forthcoming.
La comandante estaba muy comunicativa.
- Major Carter, it is I.
- Comandante Carter, soy yo.
Major Carter's right.
Carter tiene razón.
The gate is horizontal as you thought, Major Carter.
El portal es horizontal como creías, Carter.
When Major Carter talked of exploring the glacier, I explained the danger,..... but Colonel O'Neill was overly confident that they could handle the conditions.
Cuando la Mayor Carter habló de explorar el glaciar, le expliqué los peligros pero el Coronel O'Neill estaba seguro de que ellos podrían manejar las condiciones.
The personality we stamped Major Carter with.
La personalidad que le dimos a la Mayor Carter.
I can't imagine what scientific reason Major Carter or Dr. Jackson might've had to want to check out those ice fields, but even if they wanted to go there, there's no way Colonel O'Neill would've let them.
No puedo imaginarme que razón científica pudieron tener la Mayor Carter o el Dr Jackson para querer investigar esos campos de hielo, pero aún cuando ellos quisieran ir allí no hay manera de que el Coronel O'Neill se los hubiera permitido.
Daniel Jackson, Major Carter.
Daniel Jackson, Mayor Carter.
That will not be necessary, Major Carter.
Eso no será necesario, Mayor Carter.
- Major Carter will also want to study it.
- La Mayor Carter también lo quiere.
Major Carter?
¡ Mayor Carter!
Major Carter?
Mayor Carter...
Both Colonel O'Neill and Major Carter.
El Coronel O'Neill y la Mayor Carter.
I do not believe Colonel O'Neill and Major Carter are Zatarcs.
No creo que el Coronel O'Neill y la Mayor Carter sean Zatarcs.
Uh, Major Denton to identify Carter.
El Mayor Denton viene a identificar al señor Carter.
We've already discovered that, Major. Now, if you're willing to vouch for Carter...
Ya lo habíamos confirmado, Mayor, pero, ¿ quiere Ud. responder por Carter?
Major Morton and Captain Carter, I'm sorry.
Mayor Morton y Capitán Carter, lo siento.
I want Colonel Carter for Major General Lee Gordon on General Patton's staff.
Quiero al Coronel Carter para el General Lee Gordon en el equipo de Patton.
President Carter proposes major changes to federal drug laws.
El presidente Carter propone cambios importantes... a las leyes federales sobre drogas.
From the Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force,..... in recognition of Captain Samantha Carter's outstanding work,..... I hereby authorise her immediate promotion to the rank of major.
En nombre del Jefe del Estado Mayor de las Fuerzas aéreas, en reconocimiento al extraordinario trabajo de la capitán Samantha Carter, por la presente autorizo su ascenso inmediato al rango de comandante.
Major Samantha Carter. Dr Daniel Jackson.
Comandante Samantha Carter, Dr. Daniel Jackson.
This is Major Samantha Carter.
Aquí la Mayor Carter.
You are Major Samantha Carter.
Usted es la Mayor Samantha Carter.

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