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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ M ] / Make the most of it

Make the most of it traducir español

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"She is willing! Why not make the most of it?"
"Ya que está tan dispuesta, debo aprovechar."
So make the most of it, you weasels!
Así que aprovechen bien esta oportunidad, canallas.
Why not take a moment like this and sort of make the most of it?
¿ Por qué no vivir este momento y sacarle el máximo partido?
You better make the most of it.
Make the most of it today. Everybody in town'll copy it tomorrow.
Pues sácale provecho hoy, porque todas lo copiarán mañana.
Make the most of it.
But this will be your last, so make the most of it.
Ésta será la última, así que aprovecha.
It's such a long time since we got together. I want to make the most of it.
Hacía tanto que no nos veíamos... que quiero aprovecharlo al máximo.
Now I've bungled a job, they'll make the most of it.
Hasta el momento todo iba bien, pero ahora voy a tener que pagar los platos rotos.
- Make the most of it.
- Aprovéchese.
We must make the most of it, mustn't we?
¿ Me concede este baile?
Because the Almighty God has given you a brain and you must make the most of it.
- ¿ Por qué debo? Porque Dios te dio un cerebro y debes usarlo.
Make the most of it because I'm leaving. You're leaving?
Pues, disfruta porque me largo.
We have to make the most of it now!
¡ Hay que aprovechar ahora!
Make the most of it!
- Date prisa.
- Make the most of it.
- Aprovéchenlo.
Make the most of it.
Úsalo bien.
If she's willing, why not make the most of it?
¿ Por qué si es eso lo que ella desea?
We haven't had an accident in this town since 1908 and Joe will want to make the most of it.
No teníamos un accidente en esta ciudad desde 1908 y Joe querrá sacarle el mayor partido posible.
We've got that chance, let's make the most of it.
Aprovechemos la oportunidad al máximo.
All right, go ahead. Make the most of it.
Que tengas suerte.
But this will be your last, so make the most of it.
Será la última.
If you like it here, you should make the most of it.
Si os gusta, no tengáis prisa.
Make the most of it.
You're alive and you better make the most of it.
Está viva y debería aprovecharlo.
And we guys make the most of it.
Y los hombres se aprovechan.
That's why one should make the most of it.
Por eso hay que disfrutarla.
And trust Sieber to make the most of it.
Sieber lo arreglará.
Well, you'd better make the most of it.
Bueno, será mejor que aproveche eso.
Make the most of it. You're on the assembly line of success.
Ésta es tu gran oportunidad.
This is open range and I'm going to make the most of it while it last.
Es pasto libre y pienso aprovecharlo.
Well, make the most of it.
Aprovéchenlo al máximo.
Let's make the most of it.
So whether you make them pay or not, they're going to make the most of it.
Cobres por ella o no, le sacarán todo el jugo que puedan.
We've got to make the most of it.
Tenemos que hacer lo máximo posible.
Sé que es un pequeño talento, pero debo sacarle partido.
Well, we must make the most of it.
Bueno, tenemos que aprovechar este momento.
When I think of all the interesting things you have in this room, dear, make the most of it.
Pensar en todas las cosas interesantes que tienes en esta habitación. Aprovéchalas.
We might as well make the most of it.
Mejor lo aprovechamos.
Make the most of it, my friends.
Aprovéchenla al máximo, amigos.
Only, I make the most of it anyway.
Sólo quiero disfrutarlo al máximo.
Best make the most of it.
Aprovechemos la ocasión.
Make the most of it. - I will.
Lo haré.
Make the most of it.
Llevará casi toda la noche.
- Make the most of it while you're young.
- Que aproveche mientras sea joven.
I want you to make the most of this party tonight. For who knows, it might be the last.
Disfruten al máximo de esta fiesta pues puede ser la última.
It must be obvious to even the most gullible of us that Mr. Stanley has attempted to make this honorable gathering The victim of a colossal fraud.
Incluso el más crédulo de nosotros sabe ya que el señor Stanley ha intentado convertir esta honorable reunión en víctima de un fraude colosal.
Further, and of most importance... it was his wish to will this son's life into the service of our king... confident that he will make a fitting and honorable place for himself in such service.
Considera de gran importancia y es su deseo, que dicho hijo entre al servicio de nuestro rey con la certeza de que encontrará un puesto digno de él en ese servicio.
"You'd look rather foolish trying to divorce me now after four days of marriage, " so I'll play the part of a devoted wife, mistress of your precious Manderley. " I'll make it the most famous showplace in England, if you like,
" Parecerías un idiota divorciándote de mí a los 4 días de la boda... así que simularé ser una abnegada esposa, la dueña de Manderley... la convertiré en el lugar más famoso de Inglaterra... todos nos envidiarán, dirán que somos la pareja más afortunada.
We have to make the most of what we have... and pray that it's enough.
Debemos arreglarnos con lo que tenemos... y rezar para que sea suficiente.
I want to make the most of it. - Don't you ever take vacations?
- ¿ No se coge nunca vacaciones?

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