Martian traducir español
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All this time... all I wanted was to come in contact with a living Martian- - speak with him, learn from him.
Todo este tiempo... quise ponerme en contacto con un marciano vivo... hablar con él, aprender de él.
That I could speak to a Martian- - ask him questions.
Que pudiera hablar con un marciano, preguntarle.
Wilder leaves the Martian, and leaves his dream as well- - his dream of sharing this new world with a few survivors of the race which had existed here for eons.
Wilder deja al marciano y deja también su sueño... su sueño de compartir este mundo con los sobrevivientes de la raza que ha existido por eones.
We're going to learn the Martian way of life, we're going to learn their language, and learn how they lived so well.
Aprenderemos a vivir como los marcianos, su idioma, y cómo viven tan bien.
I'm saying it may have been a Martian.
Digo que quizá era un marciano.
And Colonel Wilder becomes chief coordinator of the planet Mars hoping that perhaps he can save some remnant of the old Martian civilization from the advancing thunder of human feet.
El coronel Wilder es el coordinador de Marte y espera poder salvar algún remanente de la antigua civilización marciana del estruendo del paso incontenible de los humanos.
They plant poles to carry power, dig trenches to bury water pipes, scrape away the land for roads and then pave over the Martian landscape.
Plantan postes para llevar energía, abren zanjas para enterrar tuberías, raspan la tierra para hacer caminos y pavimentan el paisaje marciano.
There was a rumor on the ship- - one of the crewmen spoke of it- - that some prospector broke both his legs up in the Martian hills and would've died there except that something like spheres of light came at him.
Había un rumor en la nave... uno de los tripulantes habló de... que un explorador se rompió ambas piernas en las colinas marcianas y habría muerto de no ser porque unas esferas de luz se acercaron a él.
These are the oldest remnants of Martian culture we've discovered to date.
Estos vestigios de su cultura es lo que hemos descubierto.
There are at least a dozen communities of sinners in need of redemption, and here we are, roaming all over the Martian countryside because of some ridiculous rumor.
Hay comunidades de pecadores para redimir y henos aquí, vagando por el campo marciano por un ridículo rumor.
A Martian Adam and Eve, if you like.
Un Adán y una Eva marcianos.
Instead of a cross, a blue sphere will represent the Martian Christ.
En lugar de una cruz, una esfera azul representará el Cristo marciano.
I'm saying he may have been a Martian.
Digo que quizá era un marciano.
Stop it. He's a Martian!
Alto. ¡ Es un marciano!
Wilder's mind is a confusion of troubled thoughts- - thoughts about the dead Martian who might've taught them something of the planet they're living on.
La mente de Wilder es todo confusión... piensa en el marciano que pudo enseñarles sobre el planeta en que viven.
A Martian!
¡ Un marciano!
After years of calculation, he believed he'd found the values for a Martian circular orbit which matched ten of Tycho Brahe's observations within two minutes of arc.
Tras años de cálculos, creyó encontrar los valores de una órbita circular marciana, que coincidiera con 1 0 de las observaciones de Tycho, con 2 minutos de arco de margen.
The discovery that such a thing as nuclear winter was really possible evolved out of studies of Martian dust storms.
El descubrimiento de que el invierno nuclear era posible surgió de estudios sobre las tormentas marcianas de polvo.
I never made it with a Martian before.
Nunca lo he hecho con un marciano.
A martian jumps out at you.
Aparece un marciano, por ejemplo.
Lowell believed that the Martian climate was changing that the precious water was trickling away into space that the planet was becoming a desert world.
Ésta es turca y ésta, alemana.
There is no question that his Martian canals were of intelligent origin. The only question was which side of the telescope the intelligence was on.
Si una pequeña montaña a la deriva golpeara la Luna, ésta oscilaría.
Often craters have, trailing behind them long streaks of bright or dark material, blown out by the winds natural weathervanes on the Martian surface.
Hay un cráter reciente llamado Giordano Bruno en una zona que registró una explosión en 1178.
For the sand to be blown about in the thin Martian atmosphere the winds have to be fast sometimes approaching half the speed of sound.
La evolución lunar es una historia catastrófica :
We knew that the volcanoes of Tharsis were too high. The thin Martian atmosphere would not support our descent parachute.
También imaginó vastas inundaciones y volcanes en todo el planeta.
First, it put out a finger to test the Martian winds. Then, flexing its arm it flung off a protective glove.
Los astrónomos babilonios vieron a Venus en su actual órbita estable antes de la época citada por Velikovsky.
In case it were to sink into Martian quicksand we wanted to know about it before it disappeared.
Lo peor del caso Velikovsky no fue que sus ideas fueran incorrectas o que se contradijeran con los hechos.
We found that the Martian air was less than 1 % as dense as ours and made mostly of carbon dioxide.
¿ Será nuestro hermano un apacible planeta veraniego más cálido que la Tierra por su cercanía al Sol?
First, when Martian soil samples are mixed together with an organic soup from Earth something in the soil seems to have broken food down almost as if there were little Martian microbes which metabolized, enjoyed the soup from Earth.
Así, se puede determinar la composición de los gases de la atmósfera venusiana desde la Tierra, es decir, a 60 millones de km. Aún me asombra : podemos identificar los elementos de algo desde una gran distancia, sin tocarlo siquiera.
Second, when gases from Earth were mixed together with Martian soil something seems to have chemically combined the gases with soil almost as if there were little Martian microbes capable of synthesizing organic matter from atmospheric gases.
No vemos la parte próxima al infrarrojo. Pero los instrumentos, sí. He aquí el modelo de absorción del CO 2 :
Perhaps the ultraviolet light from the sun strikes the Martian surface and makes some chemical which can oxidize foodstuffs.
Hacia 1 920, las primeras experiencias no descubrieron en Venus ni un indicio de vapor de agua entre las nubes.
I wonder if we'll ever find a specimen of life based not on organic molecules but on something else, something more exotic. The Viking experiments found that the Martian soil is not loaded with organic remains of once living creatures.
Pero la demostración sobre su altísima temperatura llegó con la primera nave que penetró sus nubes y descendió en la superficie del planeta vecino.
Such plants could be seeded on the vast expanse of the Martian polar icecaps taking root, spreading, giving off oxygen darkening the surface, melting the ice and releasing the ancient Martian atmosphere from its long captivity.
Este mundo no es desechable. Y aún no podemos diseñar otros planetas. El desierto terrestre más inclemente es mucho más acogedor que cualquier lugar de Marte.
We might even imagine a kind of Martian Johnny Appleseed robot or human roaming the frozen polar wastes in an endeavor which benefits only the generations to come. It might take hundreds or thousands of years.
Su superficie arenosa y polvorienta atmósfera refleja al espacio tanta luz que se enfría congelando el agua, en una era glacial perpetua.
He said strange things had happened at the Martian Pole.
Dijo que habian pasado cosas extrañas en el polo marciano
Completely under its power from the moment that they first met one another in that Martian cave.
Quedó bajo su poder desde que lo vió en la cueva de Marte.
Well, if you can't fart under the stars anymore without a Martian falling on your head they'll be arriving by the wagonfuls!
Bien, si no se enlata el pedo bajo las estrellas se cae un marciano en la cabeza que llegará en un estúpido vagón!
Aah... a Martian dropped in...
Aah... un marciano se dejó caer en casa.
For he is a human and I am a Martian.
Porque él es humano y yo marciano.
And what if I played a Martian? What do you say to this now?
¿ Y si yo empezara a jugar al marciano?
"An Ode to the Martian"
"La oda al marciano"
Help a Martian in the street!
Ayuda a un marciano en la calle.
One proof of the thrill which our space visitors give you are questions of whether we will broadcast a Martian language course.
Una prueba de cómo os emocionáis por esta visita cósmica son las preguntas acerca de si vamos a empezar las clases televisivas del idioma marciano.
The Martian's phenomenal intellectual powers have enabled them to master our language immediately.
Las fenomenales posibilidades intelectuales de los marcianos les permitieron dominar enseguida nuestro idioma.
You my baby Martian!
¡ Ay, mi marciano!
16 hours ago the last spaceship of the Martian invaders left the Earth.
Hace 16 horas la última nave de los invasores marcianos... abandonó la Tierra.
We will never forget the humans who did not hesitate to give their lives while opposing the Martian blood-suckers.
Tampoco olvidaremos a las personas que no vacilaron en dar su vida para oponerse a los sanguijuelas.
Viking painted its picture in vertical strokes, line by line until, with enormous relief, we saw the footpad securely planted in the Martian soil.
La eliminación de ideas molestas puede darse en religión o en política, pero no lleva al conocimiento.
But at Martian temperatures, there are no plausible silicon-based molecules which might carry a genetic code.
Un pequeño efecto invernadero es algo bueno.
Imagine a rover with laser eyes like this one but packed with sophisticated biological and chemical instruments sampler arms, microscopes and television cameras wandering over the Martian landscape.
Las grandes obras humanas en miles o decenas de miles de años.
We would need to evolve by artificial selection and genetic engineering dark plants able to survive the severe Martian environment.
Si estropeamos la Tierra, no habrá donde ir.