Maybe i didn't traducir español
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I didn't realize we just stepped out of a "maybe" seminar.
No sabia que habiamos estado en un seminario de "tal vez".
And maybe you didn't know why at the time, but I think you wanted our help.
Y no sabias porque pero creo que fue porque querias ayuda
Maybe I didn't go to college when I was 11 like you.
Quizás no fui a la universidad cuando tenía 11 años como tú.
- Chuck.... Maybe the reason that I can't believe he just left... ... is because he didn't.
Tal vez la razón por la que no puedo creer que se fuera y ya es porque no lo hizo.
Well, maybe I didn't quite understand.
Bueno, tal vez no entendí bien.
W-well, I didn't want to have to be the one to say it, but, uh... maybe, uh, you know, a gift now and then?
Bi-Bien, yo no quería ser la que lo diga, pero, uh... quizas, uh, tu sabes, un regalo ahora y entonces?
it's freezing out here. well, maybe if a certain shepherd didn't dress like a $ 2 whore. i have a date in half an hour.
esta congelado aca afuera Tal vez un pastor certificado no se viste como una puta por $ 2 tengo una cita en una hora y media
maybe i didn't lose every good thing with my amnesia.
Quizás no perdi todas mis buenas cualidades con la amnesia.
I wanted to start over some place where I didn't know anybody, where maybe I would never know anybody.
Quería empezar desde algún lugar donde no conociera a nadie, donde tal vez nunca conozca a nadie.
- Maybe that's why I didn't get in.
- Quizá sea por eso que no entré.
Maybe I got this all wrong. Maybe he didn't take it.
Quizá me equivoco por completo, quizá él no la tomó.
Maybe I didn't make myself clear, earlier on, when I was talking about the customer always being wrong.
Quizá no fui claro hace rato cuando hablaba de que el cliente siempre se equivoca.
I can understand why you might be angry at her, too, though...'cause you feel that, maybe, she didn't protect you from what was going on at home.
Puedo también entender por qué estás enfadada con ella, porque sientes que tal vez ella no te protegió de lo que estaba sucediendo.
" Maybe I didn't love him,
"Quizá no lo amaba,"
"Maybe I didn't care."
"Quizá no me preocupé"
And I said something that I wish I hadn't said, and maybe it did or didn't make a difference, but I shouldn't have said it.
Y dije algo que ojalá no hubiera dicho y que quien sabe si hubiera cambiado o no el resultado, pero no debí decirlo.
I mean, your clue didn't really find him - but I thought maybe we could keep in touch.
Quiero decir, tu pista realmente no sirvió pero pensé que tal vez podríamos mantenernos en contacto.
Maybe Mira didn't tell you, but I'm a psychic, yeah.
Quizá Mira no te lo haya contado, pero soy psíquico, si.
Maybe it'll start something, and I'll be okay, but it didn't work.
Tal vez podría empezar algo, y estaría bien, pero no funcionó.
Maybe I didn't do as well as I hoped so?
Tal vez no lo hice tan bien como pensaba, ¿ eh?
Maybe I didn't hear you right. I thought you said something about how... you felt about me.
Talvez no te escuche bien pensé que dijiste algo sobre...
You didn't tell me this before because...'cause it would look like I maybe had something to do with it.
¿ Un cobarde, Dale? No me contaste esto antes porque... ¿ Porque parecería como si tuvieras algo que ver con ello?
Maybe I didn't.
Tal vez no.
I didn't say that. Maybe I should remind you, Mr Griffiths, the end of the war was announced on US bases a week ago, and, ah, we didn't have any problems.
Tal vez debería recordarle, Sr. Griffiths, que el final de la guerra fue anunciado en las bases de USA hace una semana, y, ah, no tuvimos ningún problema.
Maybe I started the rumour myself... ... and I didn't realise it.
Puede que yo mismo empezara el rumor... y no me diera cuenta.
For a second there I thought maybe you didn't know.
Por un segundo ahí pensé que tal vez no sabías.
Well, maybe I didn't kw you back then, but New York, that life - - that's what made you who you are.
Bueno, quizá no te conocía en aquel entonces, pero Nueva York, aquella vida... es lo que hizo lo que eres ahora.
Well, maybe he didn't value your services as much as I do.
Bueno, tal vez el no valoraba sus servicios tanto cuanto yo.
All I'm getting at is if you didn't kill this man, then maybe this can still work out in your favor.
Lo que insinuó es que si no mataste a este hombre, entonces tal vez esto pueda salir bien para ti.
And I didn't wanna hear you, but maybe you're right.
Y no quería escucharte, pero tal vez sea cierto.
Now, I didn't know this - maybe you did - but this is news to me..
Yo no sabía esto, quizás ustedes sí...
So if you want to call that rape, okay, maybe she looked at it that way, but I didn't kill her!
Así que si quieres llamar a eso violación, de acuerdo, tal vez ella lo vio de esa manera, ¡ pero no la maté!
Maybe you didn't take him down, but the c.i.a. did.
Puede que tú no acabaras con él, pero la CIA lo hizo.
Maybe you saw Two-Man do those things, maybe you didn't. I know what I seen.
Tal vez viste a Two-Man hacer esas cosas, tal vez no.
Or maybe I'd learn something about a father I didn't really know.
O quizás... aprendería algo sobre un padre que yo no conocía..
But maybe the strangest part of the day is that somehow, without talking I was able to answer a question that I didn't have the answer to.
Pero lo más extraño del día es que, no sé cómo, sin hablar pude responder a una pregunta de la que ni sabía la respuesta.
Maybe she always was and I didn't realize it because you nevertalked to me.
Que de hecho siempre ha sido una loca.. .. sin que me diera cuenta,. .. porque yo no intervenía en nada cuando ustedes hablaban..
Maybe I just didn't want to know.
Tal vez solamente no quiera saberlo.
Well, it didn't seem like a big deal, but maybe I should've said something.
No parecía nada importante, pero quizás debería haber dicho algo.
I didn't know george maybe as well as I could have.
No conocí a George tan bien como hubiera podido.
It's early. And the truth is, maybe I didn't consider him enough in my decision.
Es temprano y quizá no lo consideré lo suficiente al tomar mi decisión.
I know, but maybe there's something that you forgot or something that you didn't fully explain that could help us find who really pushed you.
Lo sé, pero quizá haya algo más que te has olvidado. O algo que no has explicado completamente. Eso podría ayudarnos a encontrar quién te empujó.
Maybe I didn't read my Fatbible close enough, but isn't he supposed to be in charge of this place?
Tal vez no he leído mi Fatbiblia con la suficiente atención, pero, ¿ no se supone que está a cargo de este lugar?
And panic when she didn't cry, because I thought maybe she had died from a nosebleed.
Y entraba en pánico, porque creía que había muerto desangrada por la nariz.
Maybe he didn't realise what she meant. "I've already won it."
Quizás no sabía lo que ella quería decir. "Ya he ganado"
Well, no, maybe I didn't insist hard enough.
- Tal vez no insistí lo suficiente.
Maybe, maybe I didn't know what I was supposed to do.
Quizá, quizá no sabía lo que debía hacer.
Right then I didn't know, who did it. So I thought, Shit, maybe they're coming after me, too. "
Entonces pensé, "Mierda, quizás ahora vengan por mí."
No, all I'm saying is that maybe it would be easier.. .. if you didn't decide how thing are gonna end before you start.
Lo que digo es que, quizáz sería más fácil si no hubieras decidido como terminan las cosas antes de empezarlas.
Okay, and maybe I didn't have the best start here, but I want...
Y tal vez no haya empezado aquí de la mejor manera, pero quiero...
Frank, maybe I didn't make myself perfectly clear.
Frank, tal vez no fui perfectamente claro.
maybe i didn't make myself clear 16
maybe it's better this way 17
maybe i do 116
maybe i don't 50
maybe i won't 28
maybe i am 188
maybe it won't 17
maybe it's me 32
maybe i did 99
maybe i will 247
maybe it's better this way 17
maybe i do 116
maybe i don't 50
maybe i won't 28
maybe i am 188
maybe it won't 17
maybe it's me 32
maybe i did 99
maybe i will 247
maybe it's for the best 67
maybe it isn't 28
maybe i could 67
maybe it does 31
maybe i don't want to 17
maybe i'm 26
maybe it is 190
maybe it's time 38
maybe it 21
maybe it's true 24
maybe it isn't 28
maybe i could 67
maybe it does 31
maybe i don't want to 17
maybe i'm 26
maybe it is 190
maybe it's time 38
maybe it 21
maybe it's true 24