Maybe i don't traducir español
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I don't know. Maybe you're looking for a little danger?
No sé. ¿ Puede que busquéis emociones fuertes?
- I don't know. Maybe 10 years.
Quizá hace diez años.
I don't know. Maybe he's warmed up to his sincere disciple.
Quizás le ha tomado aprecio a su sincero alumno.
I don't know, maybe I do.
No lo sé, a lo mejor sí.
I don't mean to be forward, but maybe your good fortune will rub off on me.
No quiero ser atrevida, pero quizá tu buena fortuna se me contagie.
I was wondering if you could provide a vehicle and maybe a travel permit so we don't get too held up at the checkpoints.
Me preguntaba si podrías dejarme un vehículo y quizá un salvoconducto para no tener que detenernos en los puestos de control.
I don't know, maybe it'll be harmless.
- No sé, quizás sea... inofensivo.
Then maybe I don't want to live in your ocean.
Entonces tal vez no quiera vivir en vuestro océano.
Then maybe I don't want to live in your ocean.
Entonces tal vez no quiero vivir en tu océano.
I don't know, maybe I should just start the whole book over, tear it apart and build it back up from the beginning.
No sé, tal vez debería empezar todo el libro de nuevo, destrozarlo y construirlo desde el principio.
I don't know, maybe this isn't a good fit.
No sé, tal vez no seas la adecuada.
I don't know, I think you should hold off a little longer. Maybe dig a little deeper.
No sé, creo que deberías esperar un poco más, tal vez cavar un poco más profundo.
- I'm doing this now because I can't watch you be with anyone else, because for once, we are both in a place to maybe start a relationship, and after everything that we've been through, and at a time when I don't know what the future holds,
- Lo hago ahora porque no puedo verte con otra persona, porque, por una vez, estamos los dos en situación de quizá comenzar una relación y después de todo por lo que hemos pasado, y en un momento en que no sé qué deparará el futuro,
I don't know, maybe I'm just frightened.
No sé, tal vez sólo estoy asustada.
So anyway, Elliot's boyfriend broke up with him and I don't want him to be alone on his big day, so I was wondering if maybe you could fly in for a birthday dinner tomorrow night.
De todas formas, el novio de Elliot rompió con él y no quiero que esté solo en su gran día. así que me preguntaba si tal vez podrían volar para una cena de cumpleaños mañana en la noche.
I don't know. Maybe it's our turn.
No sé, quizá sea nuestro turno.
And, you know, maybe you don't want him on your team, but I'll always want him on mine.
Y, sabéis, puede que no lo queráis en vuestro equipo, pero siempre lo querré en el mío.
I don't know, maybe Vincent feels like I forced him into all of this.
No lo sé, tal vez Vincent siente que le obligué a todo esto.
I don't know, maybe because I've spent half my life being the cliché nerdy professor?
No lo sé, ¿ quizá porque he pasado la mitad de mi vida siendo el típico profesor friki?
I don't know, maybe, you know?
No sé, a lo mejor, ¿ sabes?
[sighs] Yeah, well, maybe I don't want to.
Sí, bueno, quizás no quiera.
I don't know, maybe Mark and Donnie Wahlberg are on to something.
No lo sé, quizás Mark y Donnie Wahlberg están en lo cierto.
Maybe I don't want an ad...
Tal vez no quiero un anuncio...
Maybe there's some kind of starter or something, I don't know!
Tal vez haya algún tipo de arranque o algo así, no sé!
Maybe I don't like loans.
Tal vez no me gustan los préstamos
Maybe I don't know how much of this is a reaction to what happened.
Quizás no sé cuánto de esto es una reacción de lo que ha pasado.
Maybe there are other reasons that I don't want to come home.
Puede que haya otros motivos por los que no quiera ir a casa.
Maybe I don't look that way, but I am still agile.
Quizás no me veo así, pero aun soy ágil.
I don't know, maybe you got Carol on the brain.
No lo sé, quizás tienes a Carol en mente.
I don't... I don't know, Cat. With all this crap going on, maybe I am just not cut out for this job.
No... no lo sé, Cat, con toda lo que está pasando, quizás no estoy hecha para este trabajo.
Or maybe he knows something about the serum that I don't, and I'm just missing it.
O tal vez sabe algo del suero que yo no sé, y tan solo estoy perdiéndomelo.
Have you thought about, I don't know, contacting Helen and maybe, you know, warning her about Liam?
¿ Has pensado, yo No sé, en contacto con Helen y tal vez, ya sabes, advirtiéndole acerca de Liam?
Maybe, but I don't think your average stiff has eyes like that.
Puede, pero no creo que uno de tus pedos te deje los ojos así.
And I, I just, I feel like... I don't know, I think, I think maybe I just feel a little lonely.
Y yo, yo solo... me siento como... no lo sé, creo, yo creo que quizás solo me siento un poco sola.
Maybe it's the drink, I don't know, but...
Quizás sea por el trago, no lo sé, pero...
I don't know, maybe it's everything she's been through since I got back here.
No lo sé, quizá es por todo lo que ella ha pasado desde que yo volví aquí.
Well... you know, listen, maybe I don't have three grand, but...
Bueno... Escucha, puede que no tenga tres mil dólares, pero...
Maybe, I don't know, 20, something like that, perhaps.
no sé, tal vez 20, más o menos, creo.
I don't know, maybe nine bucks was a fortune when her grandmother bought it.
- No lo sé, quizá nueve dolares era una fortuna cuando su abuela lo compró.
Well, I don't know, maybe Max?
- Bueno, no sé, ¿ quizá Max?
Also, it was crazy assertive and I feel like maybe I don't actually need power pose training.
Además, fue muy tajante y siento como si tal vez no necesite realmente entrenamiento en posturas de poder.
Maybe this is terrible, but I don't really care.
Quizá sea algo terrible, pero realmente no me importa.
I don't know who you are or how you know all this, but maybe you're right.
No sé quién es o cómo sabe todo esto, pero puede que tenga razón.
You got me thinking the other night about how we don't party like we used to, and I thought maybe I could do something about it.
Me tienes pensando la otra noche acerca de cómo no lo hacemos fiesta como solíamos hacerlo, y pensé que tal vez yo pudiera hacer algo al respecto.
I know I don't call you that, but maybe we should start calling you that.
Ya sé que no te llamo así, pero igual deberíamos empezar a hacerlo.
I don't know, maybe he got spooked before the Vic got home, or it could be...
No sé, tal vez él se asustó antes de que el Vic llegó a su casa, o podría ser...
Um, I don't know, maybe just subconsciously I wanted Amy to smell more like you.
No lo sé, quizás subconscientemente quería que Amy oliera más a ti.
I don't know. Maybe she... wanted something from her lab, something we confiscated when we arrested her.
Quizá ella... quería llevarse algo de su laboratorio, algo que confiscamos...
Maybe it's because we need to believe something good can come out of all this beast, superhuman crap, I don't know, but we really want this to happen.
Quizá es porque necesitamos creer que algo bueno... puede salir de esto de las bestias, de la mierda de superhumanos, no sé, pero realmente queremos que ocurra.
Maybe it's just stress, I don't know, but it seems like you're hiding something and it's eating you up.
Quizá sea solo estrés, no sé pero creo que está ocultando algo y que eso le está devorando.
Well, I don't want to sound like a dick here, but have you ever considered maybe you should leave?
Bueno, no quiero sonar como un idiota, ¿ pero has considerado siquiera que quizás deberías irte?
maybe i don't want to 17
maybe it's better this way 17
maybe i do 116
maybe i won't 28
maybe i am 188
maybe it won't 17
maybe it's me 32
maybe i did 99
maybe i will 247
maybe it's for the best 67
maybe it's better this way 17
maybe i do 116
maybe i won't 28
maybe i am 188
maybe it won't 17
maybe it's me 32
maybe i did 99
maybe i will 247
maybe it's for the best 67