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Milord traducir español

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You have, My Lord, wisely recognised the difficult role played by this eminent counsel as my mouthpiece, yet it is in your power still to hand me that voice.
Milord, ha reconocido la dificultad de este ilustre abogado siendo mi voz, sin embargo, en su mano está el otorgarme esa voz.
My Lord... I believe no man is better qualified.
Milord... creo que nadie podría hacerlo mejor que él.
My Lord Buller.
- Milord Buller.
My Lord Buller.
Milord Buller.
My Lord, forgive me.
Milord, discúlpeme.
My Lord, forgive this further irregularity.
Milord, perdone esta nueva irregularidad.
My Lord, I ask for an adjournment.
Milord, pido un aplazamiento.
My Lord, we make objection to this late witness in the strongest terms.
Milord, nos oponemos enérgicamente a este testigo tardío.
That is a baseless allegation... Deceived by practised hands!
- Milord... - ¡ Engañada muy hábilmente!
My Lord!
- ¡ Milord!
We have no questions, My Lord.
No tenemos preguntas, milord.
We do, My Lord.
Lo tenemos, milord.
Mylord, mylord.
Milord, milord.
With respect, my Lord, we are answerable to our shareholders, not to you.
Con todo el respeto, milord debemos responder ante nuestros accionistas, no ante usted.
No, my lord, it's a straight race.
No, milord, es una carrera sencilla.
Archchancellor Ridcully, my lord.
El archicanciller Ridcully, milord.
An Omniscope, my lord.
Un omniscopio, milord.
Ready when you are, my lord.
Cuando usted diga, milord.
I think we have a winner, my lord. Mm-hmm.
Creo que tenemos un ganador, milord.
There we have it, my lord.
Ahí lo tenemos, milord.
My Lord, it's clear the race is over.
Milord, claramente la carrera ha terminado.
Sorry to interrupt, my lord.
Lamento interrumpir, milord.
My Lord, they're lying.
Milord, están mintiendo.
He appears to have vanished, my lord.
Parece que ha desaparecido, milord.
Excuse me, my lord.
Disculpe, milord.
My lord.
Thank you, my lord.
Gracias, milord.
A PlaV, my lord.
Una obra, milord.
My name, my lord?
¿ Mi nombre, milord?
Yes, my lord.
Sí, milord.
My lord, I really- -
Milord, de verdad...
I am sorry for your loss, my lord.
Lamento su pérdida, milord.
This is a Puritan home, my lord.
Esta es una casa puritana, milord.
- Yes, my lord.
- Sí, milord.
- My lord, I thought that- -
- Milord, yo pensé...
Which country did you like the best on your travels, my lord?
¿ Qué país le gustó más en sus viajes, milord?
Two cycles have passed, my lord.
Ya pasaron dos ciclos, milord.
My lord, it is a well-defended fortress.
Milord, es una fortaleza bien defendida.
My lord, my expenses have enlarged.
Milord. Mis gastos han aumentado.
My lord?
¿ Milord?
Me lord?
¿ Milord?
- My lord- -
- Milord...
My lord, I... I am not worthy of this charge.
Milord, yo no soy digno de este encargo.
My lord why would I lie?
Milord ¿ por qué habría de mentir?
I'm afraid that is not possible, my lord.
Me temo que eso no es posible, milord.
You were at the Milord?
¿ Venís del Milord?
- Okay, you were.
- Venís del Milord.
They were at the Milord.
Vienen del Milord.
I'm new to town, my lord.
- Soy nueva en la ciudad, milord.
That is too sad for me to accept, my lord. Life is too cruel.
Eso es muy triste de aceptar para mí, milord.
Did you enjoy what I just did for you, sire?
Dsfruto lo que hice para usted milord

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