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Morrie traducir español

166 traducción paralela
Excuse me, Mrs. Fox, for buttin'in like this.
Disculpe, Sra. Fox, por importunarla. - Soy Morrie Keno, de Keno y Kraus.
I'm Morrie Keno
- Hola.
Get in touch with Morrie.
Contáctate con Morrie.
It's for you, Morrie.
Es para ti, Morrie.
It's about time, Morrie.
Ya es la hora, Morrie.
Nick Johonus just picked up Morrie at his hotel.
Nick Johonus recogió a Morrie en su hotel.
Morrie, you ride with Nick and ditch those clothes.
Morrie, ve con Nick, y deshazte de esas ropas.
What do you think, Morrie?
¿ Qué cree usted, Morrie?
I was just telling Nick and Morrie the joys of a sea voyage.
Le contaba a Nick y a Morrie las delicias del viaje por mar.
So long, Morrie.
Adiós, Morrie.
- What's the definition of leather?
- ¿ Cuál es la definición de "cuero", Sr. Morrie?
¡ Morrie!
I thought Morrie Fisher owned that land.
Creía que pertenecía a Morrie Fisher.
Morrie Singer.
- Me temo que no...
- Yeah, I'm gonna need one if you don't help me.
- Sí. - Morrie Singer. Tengo un problema.
- I do believe you, Morrie. I'm beginning to think there's more here than meets the eye.
- Tiene que creerme, señor Steele.
This Morrie Singer and his two henchmen... march right through the front doors along with all the other guests.
- Por supuesto. Por eso nadie vio nada. Morrie Singer y sus dos secuaces pasan por la puerta con los demás invitados.
[Brakes Squeal]
Laura, ese Charger es de Morrie Singer.
You've no idea what a relief it is to see you again.
Morrie, Morrie.
I've been trying to think of what to say to you, Mr. Considine. Well, I can understand that, Morrie.
Estaba pensando en lo que iba a decirle, señor Considine.
I've been trying to think of what to say to my board of directors... about an old man who comes to me with one final score he wants to pull in my territory.
Lo entiendo, Morrie. Yo tampoco sé qué les voy a decir a los directores. Sobre un viejo que me viene con un golpe final que quiere hacer en mi territorio.
Morrie, do you have any idea how my board of directors... will react when I tell them a story like that? Badly. Very badly.
¿ Tienes idea de cómo reaccionará la junta directiva cuando les cuente una historia como esa?
Oh, I know you agreed with Morrie to take 20 % %... but, uh, that feels a little rich. Better terms.
¿ Por qué ha venido?
Because Morrie Singer led us here, Mr. Considine. Morrie Singer. Morrie Singer.
Porque Morrie Singer nos ha traído hasta aquí.
- He's a man with a problem, Mr. Considine.
No conozco a ningún Morrie Singer. - Es un hombre con un problema.
The way we have it worked out, Morrie Singer, small-time thief... pulls a small-time job and comes up with a big-time jewel.
- ¿ En serio? Según nuestras averiguaciones, Morrie Singer, un ladronzuelo dio un pequeño golpe y encontró una joya valiosa.
Morrie, when you reached the safe, did it look as if someone had already violated it? Uh, drill shavings, torch marks?
Morrie, cuando llegaron a la caja ¿ parecían haberla forzado antes?
I'm a friend of Morrie Singer's.
Soy un amigo de Morrie Singer.
Morrie Singer's a man of very modest means.
Morrie Singer es un hombre de muy pocos recursos.
[Murphy] That's Morrie's car.
Es el coche de Morrie.
That's Morrie Singer's dog...
Es el perro de Morrie Singer.
You're Morrie Singer?
Usted es Morrie Singer.
Where did you get that? The safe was apparently empty and unblemished when Morrie Singer arrived to rob it.
La caja estaba vacía e intacta cuando Singer llegó para robarla.
You say there was a single stone worth over two million in that safe?
¿ Dices que había una piedra de más de dos millones de dólares? - ¿ No te lo ha dicho Morrie?
- [Morrie] Morrie didn't know. Look, folks, I may be a thief, but I'm not a liar.
Amigos, seré un ladrón, pero no un mentiroso.
Funding a heist with syndicate money... then keeping the spoils for yourself. Who'd believe the safe was cleaned out before poor Morrie even got to it?
¿ Quién iba a creer que la caja estaba vacía cuando llegó Morrie?
There was this guy once, Morrie GIuck, a numbers runner.
Una vez hubo un tipo, Morrie Gluck, era cobrador.
Morrie calls him, asks for 24 hours to get his affairs in order.
Morrie lo llamó, le pidió 24 horas para poner sus asuntos en orden.
Morrie, well, he knew the jig was up, but at Ieast he went out with a Iittle class.
Morrie, él sabía lo que pasaría pero al menos se fue con clase.
- Morrie.
- Morrie.
Morrie is the image of his father.
Morrie es la imagen de su padre.
My ex-agent, Morrie...
Mi ex agente, Morrie...
Uh, Morrie Singer.
El más viejo ha firmado.
Had a younger guy with him.
"Morrie Singer".
Morrie... [Clears Throat] Recapitulate the events of the evening for me.
La llevas clara.
Morrie, the clock is ticking.
Nos volará la cabeza a los tres, en vez de solo a mí.
"GOJ 318." Laura, it's Morrie Singer in that Charger.
"GOJ 318".
After all, you didn't supply me with any men, any money.
Sé que acordó que Morrie le daría el 20 por ciento pero eso me parece demasiado. Al fin y al cabo, a mí no me dio hombres ni dinero.
Still buying time, Morrie.
Para ganar tiempo.
I'm afraid I don't know anyone named Morrie Singer.
Morrie Singer.
- Morrie didn't tell you that?
- Morrie no lo sabía.

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