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Nishi traducir español

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Genzo Nishi, Tozaburo Takiguchi Set Decorator :
Yoneichi Wakita Decorados :
Sakutaro Kawsaki, Shintaro Mishima
Genzo Nishi, Tozaburo Takiguchi, Sakutaro Kawsaki, Shintaro Mishima
Cinematography by MACHII Harumi Music by NISHI Goro
Música : NISHI Goro Fotografía :
I'm Nishi, from World.
Yo soy Nishi, de World.
¡ Nishi!
Has Nishi seen them?
¿ Nishi las ha visto?
If we had a daughter, I'd want her to marry Nishi.
Si tuviéramos una hija, me gustaría que se case con Nishi.
Nishi is lying.
Nishi miente.
You, Nishi.
Tú, Nishi.
Another work from Bastin Vijay
The bridegroom, Koichi Nishi, who stands here beside me, hardly needs me to enumerate the skills he has displayed as Vice President Iwabuchi's secretary.
Les presento al novio, eI Sr. Koichi Nishi. Todos saben que es eI secretario del Vicepresidente Iwabuchi.
Nishi, who lost his family to the war...
Por culpa de Ia guerra el Sr. Nishi...
What did this Nishi do before?
¿ De qué trabajaba antes?
Nishi's future prospects glow brightly indeed.
Es un joven prometedor.
Frankly, my father isn't crazy about aspects of Nishi's past outlined in a detective agency's report.
A mi padre no Ie gustó el informe del detective sobre Nishi.
But then it's not my father who's getting married.
Pero él no se iba a casar con Nishi.
My father has to accept that Yoshiko's in love with him.
Yoshiko ama a Nishi, así que él accedió.
Fact is, I love Nishi too.
Yo mismo soy amigo de Nishi.
Since then, I've learned that Nishi has a rare sense of justice.
Tiene un extraño sentido de Ia justicia.
Rumors are flying about this wedding, about Nishi using my sister's disability to boost himself up the corporate ladder.
Se rumorea que atacó el lado débil de mi padre : su hija. Y se casó con ella para ascender.
Listen, Nishi. If you make my sister unhappy,
Si Ia haces desdichada, te mataré.
Then, on the same day, a fare to Nishiogikubo.
Mismo día : a Nishi-Ogikubo.
What kind of person is Nishi?
¿ Qué clase de hombre es eI Sr. Nishi?
Given his relationship to the vice president, I just don't -
Pensando en Ia conexión de Nishi con eI Sr. Iwabuchi...
Please tell me. Just what kind of person is he?
DígameIo. ¿ Qué clase de hombre es eI Sr. Nishi?
My relationship with Nishi?
¿ Nishi y yo?
Oh, excuse me. Lady of the house, is it?
DiscúIpeme, Sra. de Nishi.
Does Nishi... love you?
¿ Es Nishi bueno contigo?
Nishi speaking.
Aquí Nishi.
I don't know what Nishi's up to. He's out late every night.
¿ Qué hace saliendo hasta tan tarde cada noche?
I'll start a new round with Nishi.
Con Nishi.
But listen, Nishi. Don't risk your neck for him.
Pero no te juegues el cuello por él.
It's my fault she's lame, Nishi.
La Iisié, Nishi.
How are Nishi's performance evaluations?
¿ Qué tal es su eficiencia?
The real Koichi Nishi is elsewhere.
Nishi es otra persona.
Yoshiko-san, for example.
Como Ia Sra. Nishi.
Stop making Nishi do your dirty work.
Deje de darle todo eI trabajo peligroso a Nishi.
He's out late every night.
Nishi siempre llega tarde.
What can Nishi be up to?
¿ Qué está haciendo Nishi?
You mean to say Nishi is Furuya's son?
¿ Nishi es eI hijo de Furuya?
But his legal name is Nishi, not Itakura.
Su certificado de nacimiento es Nishi, no Itakura.
And what about Yoshiko-san?
¿ Y Ia Sra. Nishi?
You can't get to Nishi with your sob stories.
No puede impresionar a Nishi con esas historias para llorar.
I felt sorry for Nishi-san and Yoshiko-san.
Pero sentía lástima por eI Señor y Ia Señora Nishi.
He simply asked to speak to your daughter.
Preguntó por Ia Sra. Nishi.
Hey, Nishi.
Nishi, escúchame.
Listen, Nishi.
Dime, Nishi.
Where's Nishi?
¿ Nishi?
It's Nishi.
¡ Nishi!

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