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No i didn't traducir español

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Deeks, I swear, he didn't tell me.
Deeks, te lo juro, no me lo dijo.
I don't know what else you want me to tell you that I didn't already say to Rumpelstiltskin.
No sé qué más quieres que te diga que no le haya dicho ya a Rumpelstiltskin.
Sam, I didn't have anything to do with that.
Sam, yo no tuve nada que ver con eso.
I didn't know who they were going after until I saw Hetty with Carl Brown.
No sabía a por quién iban hasta que vi a Hetty con Carl Brown.
Well, I didn't hit her that hard.
Bueno, no le di tan fuerte.
I didn't mean for...
No me refiero a...
I didn't know if you like cream or sugar, so.
No sabía si le gusta la crema o azúcar, por lo que.
I spent two weeks down at 26th and Cal, ducking shanks and eating bologna sandwiches for something I didn't do.
Me pasé dos semanas hacia abajo en 26 y Cal, agachándose vástagos y comer sándwiches de mortadela por algo que no hice.
I didn't like how they disrespected me.
No me gustó la forma en que me faltó el respeto.
So there's something I didn't tell'em.
Así que hay algo que no me digo a ellos.
So I understand, the ATF didn't deconflict this operation with CPD or any other agency?
Asi que, entiendo, la ATF no deconflict esta operación con CPD o cualquier otra agencia?
I didn't kill her.
Yo no la mate
I didn't call you because of that.
Yo no te he llamado por eso.
I didn't know that.
No lo sabía.
I didn't want her taking the blame.
Y no quería que se llevara la culpa.
No, just... I didn't want her to get into trouble.
No, es que... no quería que se metiera en líos.
Sorry, I didn't mean to put you on the spot!
Lo siento, no quería ponerte en un aprieto.
Okay, I was in the bathroom when the shots were fired, so I didn't see anything.
De acuerdo, estaba en el baño cuando dispararon, así que no vi nada.
I didn't see anything, I don't know anything, I'm not gonna say anything, and I certainly should not be walking around with a target on my back!
¡ No vi nada, no sé nada, no voy a decir nada, y ciertamente no debería estar caminando por ahí con un blanco en mi espalda!
- I-I didn't know that...
- No sabía que...
You think I didn't try?
¿ Creen que no lo intenté?
The journal... didn't it say that I was going to help you one day?
El diario... ¿ no decía que iba a ayudarte algún día?
I didn't think you'd come.
No pensé que vendrían.
- No, I didn't.
- No, no lo hice.
- I'm sorry that I didn't tell you.
- Perdón por no decirte.
He's lucky I didn't suspend him.
Tiene suerte que no lo hayamos suspendido.
I just didn't want to do it without your permission.
Yo solo no quería hacerlo sin su permiso.
I didn't ask.
No pregunté.
I didn't interrogate him.
No lo interrogué.
I was late, so I probably didn't make a great first impression.
Llegué tarde, así que tal vez no haya dado una buena impresión.
I... I didn't write a check.
Yo... no escribí ningún cheque.
All right, but I didn't...
Es verdad, pero yo no...
I didn't give them any money.
no le di dinero a nadie.
I didn't realize what was... going on before.
Es que... no me había dado cuenta de lo que... estaba pasando hace un rato.
I don't know, I thought that you were blowing me off, so that's when I... but then when you completely didn't get it, that's when I made up that ex-boyfriend story.
No lo sé, creí que me estabas ignorando, así que yo decidí... pero luego, cuando tú no entendiste, me tocó inventar la historia sobre mi exnovio.
I didn't come here to be judged.
No vine para ser juzgada.
I'm sorry... that I didn't tell you.
Lo siento... no haberte dicho.
- I didn't wanna...
- no quería...
- I just wish that all my projects didn't have to be about me.
- Sólo quisiera que todos mis proyectos no tengan que ser sobre mí.
Yeah, but that was because you didn't know I was taking them.
Sí, pero fue porque no sabias que las estaba tomando.
Oh, you just... you didn't ask me what I wanted to see.
Pero... no me preguntaste qué quería ver.
I was home-schooled, so... I didn't get out much.
Me educaron en la escuela, así que... no salía mucho.
Sorry, I didn't have a dress to wear.
Lo siento, no tenía ningún vestido que usar.
Oh, I just... I didn't know you were gonna do that.
Es que... no sabía que ibas a hacer eso.
I didn't mean to scare you.
No quería asustarte.
♪ I'm sorry that I didn't want to jam ♪
* Lamento no haber contigo tocado *
- At least I didn't do that.
- Al menos yo no hice eso.
I didn't have a say in anything we did.
No tuve voz ni voto en nada de lo que hicimos.
Yeah, but I didn't tell you to tell me what to wear, and what to eat, and to pick the movie we saw.
Sí, pero no te dije que me dijeras qué vestir, qué comer, ni que eligieras la película por mí.
Uh, I... I didn't say anything.
Yo... no le dije nada.
I didn't say what movie.
No dije qué película.

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