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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ O ] / O'connell

O'connell traducir español

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I'd have walked down the middle of O'Connell Street just to get a glimpse of the two of you.
Caminé en medio de la calle O'Connell sôIo para verlas.
- Mrs. O'Connel.
¿ Señora O'Connell?
If this hairy heathen resembles anybody... it's me wife's second brother Marcus V. O'Connell.
Si esa cosa peluda se parece a alguien... es al segundo hermano de mi mujer, Marcus V. O'Connell.
Bill O'Connell, a Rutgers graduate... had been employed in the Foreign Department of the Chase National Bank.
Bill O'Connell, un graduado de Rutgers... había sido empleado en el departamento extranjero del banco Chase National.
He spent two years in the bank's European branches... then Hitler went on the march... and O'Connell returned to New York.
Pasó dos años en las sucursales europeas del banco. Luego Hitler avanzó... y O'Connell regresó a Nueva York.
- Bill O'Connell. - Lassiter.
- Bill O'Connell.
- O'Connell didn't make any.
O'Connell no cometió errores gracias a que pensó rápido.
O'Connell has been through it all before.
No, O'Connell ya pasó por todo esto. Mira esto.
- O'Connell?
- ¿ Y O'Connell?
- Colonel Van Duyvil, chief of Dutch Intelligence.
Coronel Van Duyvil, jefe de Inteligencia. Bill O'Connell.
Bill O'Connell.
- ¿ Cómo está?
- O'Connell is my chief assistant on the Dutch project.
- Él me asiste en el proyecto holandés.
- Would you show Mr. O'Connell to his office? - Yes, sir.
- Lleve al Sr. O'Connell a su oficina.
- Two days ago you saw your friend O'Connell.
Hace dos días viste a tu amigo O'Connell.
Your chum O'Connell... is an agent of the Nazi government.
Tu amigo O'Connell... es un agente del gobierno nazi.
O'Connell has been assigned a mission in Holland. That's the clincher to all the misinformation we have allowed him to obtain.
A O'Connell le asignaron una misión en Holanda... sobre información errónea que le permitimos obtener.
That's the lie we're trying to sell... to the German High Command, and Kuncel... O'Connell... is the salesman.
Queremos venderle esa mentira al alto mando alemán... y Kuncel, alias O'Connell, es el vendedor.
- O'Connell asked for you.
O'Connell te pidió a ti.
She'll be briefed for the Holland mission with you and O'Connell.
Sí. Se le informará de la misión junto con ustedes.
- We think O'Connell is sold.
Creemos que O'Connell tiene suficiente información.
O'Connell can do it.
O'Connell puede hacerlo.
O'Connell fired at reception committee.
Stop. " Disappeared.
O'Connell disparó al comité de recepción.
O'Connell in possession of all Henri Masson documents. Stop.
O'Connell tiene los documentos de Henri Masson.
Bill Rutherford, Harry Shoenstein, Hank O'Connell.
Bill Rutherford, Harry Shoenstein, Hank O'Connell.
Patricia Hitchcock O'Connell daughter of Alfred Hitchcock and Alma Reville.
Patricia Hitchcock O'Connell, hija de Alfred Hitchcock y Alma Reville.
My name is Randall Simpson O'Connell.
Me llamo Randall Simpson O'Connell.
I looked across the gully O'Connell Street.
He buscado en la basura de la calle O'Connell.
Uh, I want to mention, first of all, this is edited by Father John O'Connell.
La edita el Padre O'Connell.
Constables Turner, Davies, Cunningham and O'Connell, report to the station office immediately.
Agentes Turner, Davies, Cunningham y O'Connell, preséntense en recepción.
The detective constable on standby, report to Detective Inspector Cameron. Constables Turner, Davies, Cunningham and O'Connell, report to the station office.
Que el oficial de guardia se presente ante el inspector Cameron.
... Davies, Cunningham and O'Connell, report to the station office.
Davies, Cunningham y O'Connell, preséntense en recepción.
Mary O'Connell, that little blonde you paid for.
Mary O'Connell, la pequeña rubia que estuvo con usted.
Write her about your job with Mr. O'Connell. Laying lines of red bricks like a craftsman born.
Escriba sobre su trabajo con el Sr. O'Connell, asentando hileras de ladrillos rojos como un auténtico artesano.
Kate O'Connell.
Kate O'Connell.
Not for all the wealth of O'Connell Industries.
Ni por toda la riqueza de las Industrias O'Connell.
My husband trusted everyone, built the O'Connell business.
Mi marido confiaba en todos, y construyó el imperio de los O'Connell.
Oh, Mr. O'Connell.
Ah, Sr. O'Connell.
But then, you've got such an executive flair about you, Mr. O'Connell.
Pero si es un ejecutivo tan bueno, Sr. O'Connell,
Or Mr. O'Connell.
O al Sr. O'Connell.
May I present my friend, Kate O'Connell.
Permítame presentar a mi amiga, Kate O'Connell.
Yes, I remember, Mr. O'Connell.
Sí, lo recuerdo, sr. O'Connell.
Anyone who can skin Joe Devlin is welcome in the O'Connell home.
Cualquiera que pueda derrotar a Joe Devlin es bienvenido por los O'Connell.
I mean, O'Connell's.
Quiero decir, los O'Connells.
Is it this O'Connell's?
¿ Son estos O'Connell?
O'Connell Industry?
¿ Industrias O'Connell?
It's like the whole country was raised right under the O'Connell flag.
Es como si todo el país se hubiera erigido sobre la bandera O'Connell.
Ah, well, ma'am, Mr. O'Connell, what it's about, it's about the American Friends for Northern Ireland.
Oh, bien, Sra., Sr. O'Connell, de lo que se trata, es sobre los Amigos Americanos de Irlanda do Norte.
I'm afraid it has to do with a murder, Mrs. O'Connell.
Temo que tenga que ver con un asesinato, Sra. O'Connell.
Mrs. O'Connell isn't one to betray her responsibilities.
La Sra. O'Connell no es alguien que incumpla sus responsabilidades.

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