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Oshkosh traducir español

33 traducción paralela
In Oshkosh than to starve on Broadway.
En Oshkosh, que morirse de hambre en Broadway.
Who did you think you were following, some second-hand car dealer from Oshkosh, Wisconsin? Cross is the best.
¿ Creíais que tratabais con un vendedor de coches de segunda mano?
- Oshkosh.
He's from Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
Es de Oshkosh, en Wisconsin.
Where you from, Oshkosh?
¿ De dónde eres, paleto?
A thousand units to Oshkosh?
¿ Mil unidades a Oshkosh?
Your dad never sold a thousand in Oshkosh.
Tu papá nunca vendió mil en Oshkosh.
A fisherman in Wisconsin stared into a hole for 20 years before he caught his first fish.
Un pescador de Oshkosh, Wisconsin... pasó 20 años mirando un hoyo como éste hasta que pescó algo.
It's now 9 : 00. Which means that every shoe store... in the greater Oshkosh area is closed for the night.
Són las 21 horas y todas las tiendas de zapatos de la región están cerradas.
I don't live in Oshkosh.
No vivo en la luna.
I'm Lyle, Housewares manager in Oshkosh.
Soy Lyle, gerente de Housewares en Oshkosh.
Steve from Oshkosh got ice and snow management.
Steve de Oshkosh consiguió hielo y nieve para su gestión.
You had these little OshKosh cords and they were way too big and once at the mall, they fell right down to your knees and I said, "Whoa, there, Droopy Drawers!" – and I'm just afraid if we don't answer everything accurately, the Harvard police will come
Y una vez en el centro comercial, se te cayó hasta las rodillas, y dije : "Calzones Caídos" y tengo miedo de que si no respondes honestamente, la policía de Harvard
Hey, hey, hey, OshKosh B'gosh, she don't want what you're shoveling.
Oye, niño vestido con ropa OshKosh B'gosh. Ella no quiere lo que tú paleas.
Just OshKosh B'Gosh me And then leave me be
Vístanme con OshKosh B'Gosh Y déjenme en paz
I didn't think OshKosh B'Gosh made power suits.
No sabía que OshKosh B'Gosh, hiciera trajes de poder.
He's just a boy barely out of his OshKosh B'Gosh.
Es sólo un niño recién salido de OshKosh B'Gosh.
He's just a boy barely out of his OshKosh B'Gosh.
El es sólo una ave de la bahía fuera de su nido
I leave him there in Oshkosh.
Lo dejo aquí en Oshkosh.
And that's two fine women who've been singing together... since they were little girls growing up in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
Y me refiero a dos hermosas mujeres que han estado cantando... desde que eran niñas en Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
Cee-lo, that's right. Dig up in your OshKosh your babyGap and pay the man.
Suelten su dinero y paguenle al tipo.
Where you calling from, Tommy? Oshkosh?
- ¿ Llamas desde Oshkosh?
Where you calling from, Tommy? Oshkosh?
¿ De donde estás llamando, Tommy?
I'm here with Ma.
¿ De Oshkosh? Estoy aquí con Mamá.
Oh, OshKosh B'Gosh, it's a brand new paperboy.
- Por 47 minutos y 16 segundos. - ¡ No lo creo! Si, si. ¿ Sabes que otra película es buena?
Step-and-fix-it routine. Is it your view we're gonna have Plato's Retreats- - it's gonna be part of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, too someday?
¿ Es su idea que vamos a tener Retiros de Platón... también será parte de Oshkosh, Wisconsin algún día?
Guess you guys gotta make those commissions be able to buy all the goddamn FUBU and OshKosh B'gosh and shit the baby's gonna be wearing.
Supongo que necesitan el dinero de la comisión para poder comprar los putos biberones y toda esa mierda que los bebés necesitan.
With, like, a little Harvey Specter, you know, all hair-gelled, and, like, pinstripe Oshkosh B'gosh.
Con un pequeño Harvey Specter, ya sabes, con el pelo engominado y un traje a rayas de tienda de ropa de niños.
Lacey, I've known you since you were in Oshkosh overalls.
Lacey, te conozco desde que estabas en pañales
Okay, so once they open up, we'll go to Oshkosh B'gosh.
Bien, entonces una vez que abran iremos a Osh Kosh B'gosh.
you don't want to say, "OshKosh B'gosh" "
no vas a querer decir, "OshKosh B'gosh"
I pled with him to help me on this case, because it certainly isn't the case that you can just have one person and there's not a lot of attorneys in Oshkosh that have a background dealing with homicides.
Le supliqué que me ayudara, porque este no es un caso para un solo abogado, y no hay muchos abogados en Oshkosh con experiencia en homicidios.
Excuse me, OshKosh B'gosh.
Discúlpame, OshKosh B'gosh.

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