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Outdated traducir español

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Hetman is somewhat outdated, but it comes from my mother.
Hetman resulta un tanto anticuado, pero viene de mi madre.
Maybe my data on sex is a little outdated, too.
Quizá mis datos sobre el sexo estén también desactualizados.
You love these outdated stories.
En el fondo, amas esas historias pasadas de moda.
- Is outdated.
- Está pasado de moda.
Maybe in South Africa this still worked, but here, this gimmick is outdated.
Tal vez en Sudáfrica funcionara, pero aquí el truco es viejo.
Toasts and cheers are outdated habits. You young people laugh at these things.
Brindis y salutaciones son antiquísimas costumbres, algo que los jóvenes menospreciáis.
Many civilized nations still use outdated methods, but always at the forefront, the U.S. Post puts helicopters at the disposal of their modern postmen.
Muchos países avanzados utilizan métodos anticuados, pero siempre a la vanguardia, USA posee helicópteros a disposición de sus modernos carteros.
That movie's already outdated, you know.
Pues esa película es vieja. ¡ Cuando vea las nuevas!
Is that outdated?
¿ Eso es anticuado?
You're outdated.
Estás pasado de moda.
- Outdated.
- Borbónica.
All outdated now, like the spinning wheel.
Ahora ya está todo obsoleto como la rueda.
Who knows what we may accomplish... against the outdated Baron Gruda and his outdated world?
Quién sabe qué podemos lograr... si enfrentamos al antiguo barón Gruda y a su antiguo mundo.
They say greed is a vice, but that's outdated.
Se dice que la lujuria es inmoral, pero ésa es una filosofía anticuada.
Are outdated.
Están anticuados.
It's completely outdated.
Está completamente démodé.
¿ Démodé?
Old but not so long outdated.
Viejos pero no tan fuera de moda.
It was okay before, but it's outdated nonsense now.
Antes valían, pero hoy son tonterías pasadas de moda.
You ask anybody... except that outdated reporter friend of yours... and you'll find that today the average man wants to know why.
Pregunte a alguien, que no sea ese anticuado periodista amigo suyo, y verá que hoy en día el hombre medio quiere saber por qué.
Your wit is as outdated as your profession.
Tus chistes están tan pasados como tu profesión.
Outdated tool, the truck, there are machines
¡ Cuántos instrumentos, camiones, maquinaria!
Shall we cast it into the refuse of outdated things?
O la rechazaremos como algo viejo, inútil, pasado?
I'm outdated now.
Soy un viejo. Me he quedado anticuado.
It's an outdated form of punishment.
Es una forma de castigo anticuada.
Alistair McVurrich carries in his right hand an outdated dragoon pistol for which he has no further ammunition.
Alistair MacVurrich tiene una vieja pistoleta para la que no tiene más municiones.
Perhaps love of country is outdated.
Tal vez esté pasado de moda.
- Oh, you feel marriage is outdated?
- ¿ Crees que tu matrimonio ha caducado?
For me, it's an outdated feeling.
Para mí, es un sentimiento anticuado.
- Outdated terminology, sirs
- Terminología anticuada, señores.
Herr General, I see now I have notions of honour... which are outdated.
Ya veo que tengo una idea del honor... completamente anticuada.
They're not outdated.
¡ No es anticuada!
He wouldn't be the descendant of the pharaohs if he wouldn't at least rebel a bit. Our laws are strict, and our customs are perhaps outdated.
No sería el Príncipe descendiente de Sumos Sacerdotes y Faraones si no tratara de divertirse un poco en su juventud.
The OK-TV Charter is more outdated than that of any other gov't agency.
La buena TV es más anticuada que... ninguna otra agencia gubernamental.
Old-fashioned, outdated, from World War I.
Al viejo estilo, caduco, de la I Guerra Mundial.
- I know - you want to say, that the French methods are outdated.
- Yo sé - quiere decir,... que los métodos Franceses son anticuados.
However, we are making such scientific strides... that last year's book is already outdated.
Estamos logrando progresos tan importantes que... el libro del año pasado ya está desactualizado.
- No, and it's outdated. lt worked fine.
- No, era antigua, pero funcionaba.
An outdated theory.
Una teoría obsoleta.
it seems that marriage is an outdated custom for your generation free love, is to be free to love without commitment...
Es su generación la que acabará con la costumbre del matrimonio. Bueno, el amor libre es ser libre para amar a alguien... sin un compromiso permanente.
The failure, the dreamer, the fantasist brings them to you, the one who held on a past outdated by history!
El fracasado, el soñador, el El fantasista los trae a usted,... El que tenia un pasado anticuado!
With his outdated weapon?
¿ Con su obsoleta arma?
For you and people your age, love is outdated.
Los de tu edad. Para vosotros es algo anticuado.
That sort of humour is outdated.
Ese modo de comicidad está caducado.
You will jump one outdated instruction with him, then the other.
Is outdated.
Está pasada de moda
I want a gas stove, no outdated stoves.
Quiero una estufa de gas, no una estufa anticuada.
A man of 73 years he went to substitute one of 68, e Weygand had passed this year in the Syrian, it was outdated.
un hombre 73 años reemplazaba a otro de 68. y Weygand había pasado el último año en Siria y había perdido contacto con la realidad.
Some of it may be outdated.
Parte podría estar vencida.
You Italians, who haven't given up to be called MEN, be united beyond every faction beyond all Parties, above every intended division beyond the outdated and old-fashioned and too much long exploited fascism and anti-fascism be united to say yes to the freedom of order this demonstration wants to prove that it's possible to defeat communism that it's possible to defeat the enemies of Italy and together we'll do it!
"... italianos, que no hemos renunciado a llamarnos hombres,... " "... nos unamos más allá de las facciones... " "... más allá de los partidos, de la divisiones interesadas... "

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