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Park avenue traducir español

481 traducción paralela
Say, on Park Avenue.
Digamos, en Park Avenue.
And an apartment on Park Avenue.
Y un departamento en Park Avenue.
What's the use of kidding ourselves, Mr. hinchecliffe? We're not selling newspapers on park Avenue.
No distribuimos nuestro periódico en barrios de lujo.
# 890 Park Avenue, New York City. "
890, Park Avenue.
Residence, 1100, Park Avenue.
Domicilio : 1100 Park Avenue.
They walked over to Park Avenue.
Caminaron hacia Park Avenue.
Yes, I now speak like rich Park Avenue lady.
Sí, yo ahora hablar como dama rica de Park Avenue.
Not one of those stuffed brassieres you see on Park Avenue.
No una de esas consentidas que uno ve en Park Avenue.
Say, Janie... get a load of Park Avenue, will you?
Oye, Janie... mira a todos los ricachones de Park Avenue.
With that swell Park Avenue juvenile bailing you out.
Después de que ese galán de la Quinta Avenida pagó tu fianza.
Why, that Park Avenue know-it-all.
¡ Ese sabelotodo de Park Avenue!
We'll sit around the fire, whittle sticks... and talk about a girl who traded Broadway for Park Avenue.
Nos sentaremos junto al fuego, tallaremos palos... y hablaremos de una chica que canjeó Broadway por Park Avenue.
She's gone Park Avenue.
Se muda a Park Avenue.
Mr. Renault has got a dinner date with some of his Park Avenue friends.
El Sr. Renault tiene una cena con algunos de sus amigos de Park Avenue.
Kurt, tengo una idea.
Diane Lorrimer. 333 Park Avenue.
Diane Lorrimer. Trescientos treinta y tres de la Avenida Park.
I can remember not so long ago a penthouse on Park Avenue. With a real tree, and flowers, and a fountain, and a French maid. And a warm bath with salt from Yardley's.
No hace mucho estaba en un ático en Park Avenue con un árbol de verdad, flores, una fuente, una sirvienta francesa tomando baños calientes con sales de Yardley vistiendo con un vestidito de Schiaparelli paseando por el parque en un coche de caballos.
Mrs. Winton's little boy, of the Park Avenue Wintons.
El pequeñín de la Sra. Winton, de los Winton de Park Avenue.
298 Park Avenue, New York City.
Park Avenue 298, ciudad de Nueva York.
La tengo jugando en Park Avenue.
Park Avenue está bien, pero no pagan dividendos.
But I'm gonna meet them if I've to dynamite Park Avenue.
Iré a por ellos dinamitando los barrios peras.
Say, those Park Avenue words don't go with your hair.
Esos modales de barrio alto no casan con tu peinado.
You are pretty clever, aren't you? Shoving me around just because I haven't got a Park Avenue Accent and a family to stick up and holler.
Te creerás que puedes faltarme sólo porque no tengo acento pijo ni una familia que me defienda.
A preacher, a teacher, and a Park Avenue society dame... Lady.
Un sacerdote, una maestra, una dama de sociedad de Park Avenue...
I bet that dame is living on Park Avenue.
Apuesto que esa mujer vive en Park Avenue.
"Miss Lucille Van Epps O'Rourk, Park Avenue, New York."
"Srta. Lucille Van Epps O'Rourk, Park Avenue, Nueva York".
If it keeps rolling in, you can quit the cabaret and move right into Park Avenue.
Si sigue ganando así, puede dejar el cabaret y mudarse a Park Avenue.
A motor Cop. He rides down Park Avenue.
Está a menudo por Park Avenue.
You belong to that unfortunate category... that I would call the Park Avenue brat.
Usted pertenece a esa desafortunada categoría que yo denomino, los mocosos de Park Avenue.
Well, you're on Park Avenue...
Estamos en Park Avenue...
You go right down Park Avenue, then you turn to the right until you come to Madison.
Baja por Park Avenue, gira a la derecha hasta Madison.
He saw it on Park Avenue, so he thinks if he puts it up, he'll get trade from our rich neighbors.
Lo vio en Park Avenue, y piensa que, si lo usa, atraerá a nuestros vecinos ricos.
Park Avenue.
-... Park Avenue.
And, Tessie, please, be a little more Park Avenue.
Tessie, por favor, sé más refinada.
Since when is the policy of the Express dictated by Park Avenue and Wall Street?
¿ Desde cuándo Park Avenue y wall Street deciden en el Express?
I don't suppose you play this on Park Avenue.
No deben de jugar a esto en Park Avenue.
* See how the other half lives * On Park Avenue
Ver como viven los otros en Park Avenue.
* Let's go slumming on Park Avenue
Vamos elegantes a Park Avenue.
* Let's go slumming, nose-thumbing * At Park Avenue
Vayamos elegantes a Park Avenue.
* Let's go slumming, nose-thumbing * At Park Avenue
Vayamos elegantes a Park Avenue
* Let's go slumming, nose-thumbing * At Park Avenue
Vamos elegantes a Park Avenue
That's just what I've been doing-slumming on Park Avenue.
Eso es lo que he estado haciendo en Park Avenue.
* Let's go slumming, nose-thumbing * At Park Avenue
Vamos elegantes a Park Avenue.
Married to a Park Avenue cluck... with the longest yacht and the shortest chin ever christened.
Con un tonto de Park Avenue con el yate más largo... y la barbilla más corta que he visto.
- Ah. Park Avenue, huh?
- Park Avenue, ¿ eh?
Hey, the Park Avenue mob's movin'in.
- Ya llegó la gentuza de Park Avenue.
( Eddie Miller )'She's working as a mannequin at Trinette's and Park Avenue.'
Trabaja de maniquí en Park Avenue.
No, make that near the bridge... at the fourth park bench on the avenue.
No, mejor cerca del puente.... En el cuarto banco del parque, junto al camino.
For every light on Fifth Avenue.. For every leaf in Central Park, there is a girl in New York.
Por cada luz de la Quinta Avenida, cada hoja de Central Park, hay una chica en Nueva York.
# Our penthouse on Park Avenue... #.. way in the midst of the sky... #.. it certainly seems rather high, it certainly is rather high. # You seem high yourself.
Parece que estás muy alegre.

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