Party of two traducir español
243 traducción paralela
Crane, party of two.
Crane, partido de dos.
Party of two.
Parte de dos.
Party of two.
Dos personas.
Party of two.
Sí, para dos.
Werner, party of two.
¡ Warner, mesa para dos!
Forman. Party of two.
Forman, mesa para dos.
Let this party be a success, and inside of two weeks, we'll be invited to the Egelbaurs.
Si la fiesta es un éxito, en dos semanas... los Egelbaur nos invitarán.
When our Party consisted of only seven members... it already had two principles.
Cuando nuestro partido lo componían únicamente siete miembros ya tenía dos principios
Obviously, you two are a member of his party.
Obviamente, ustedes dos van con él.
A seven-man party headed by Yoshitsune, whereas there are one two three four five six seven of you
Un grupo de 7 hombres encabezado por Yoshitsune... siete. Uno, dos, tres, cuatro cinco, seis, ¡ siete!
Further, it was established there were two other members of the original party riflemen, hired by the same guide.
Después, se supo que había otros dos miembros de la partida original... fusileros, alquilados por el mismo hombre.
Many are party to the negotiations being conducted with your politicians in preparation for the wonderful union of our two nations
Muchos negocios con los hombres políticos de aquí... preparando la unión maravillosa de ambos pueblos.
- We are a party of five ladies, and we have only two bunks.
Somos cinco señoras y sólo tenemos dos literas.
All right Mirko, but who between the two of us is the guilty party for tonight?
Está bien, Mirko, ¿ quién de nosotros es el que está de mal humor?
Nicholas Arden. Mr. Nicholas Arden, a respected member of the local bar... is charged primarily with bigamy... but is also a party to one or two other actions.
Al Sr. Nicholas Arden, miembro del Colegio de Abogados... se le acusa principalmente de bigamia... pero es parte de otras dos demandas.
Two members of your party, the lord known as Ian, and the lady, Ping-Cho, are being held under guard.
Dos miembros de su grupo, el caballero Ian y la señorita Ping-Cho están bajo vigilancia.
The principal clauses of our contract foresee two possible breaches, for, of course, neither party must be wronged at the last moment.
Las cláusulas principales de nuestro contrato anticipan dos brechas posibles, para que, claro, ninguna de las partes deba ser agraviada a último momento.
After we landed, two of our party went to explore.
Después de aterrizar, dos de nuestro grupo fuimos a explorar.
And when those two red-headed friends of yours showed up at the party. You pretended you'd just saw them. I knew for a fact that you'd seen them the night before.
Cuando esos malditos pelirrojos fueron a la fiesta y dijiste no verlos hace tiempo.
- Come on. Let's have a private party, just the two of us.
No, celebraremos su libertad.
Two of your party have been murdered.
Han asesinado a dos miembros de su equipo.
While orbiting planet Beta III, trying to find some trace of the starship Archon that disappeared here 100 years ago, a search party consisting of two Enterprise officers was sent to the planet below.
Estábamos en la órbita de Beta lll intentando hallar alguna pista de la nave Archon desaparecida 100 años atrás. Dos tripulantes de la Enterprise fueron enviados a inspeccionar el planeta.
Make sure the landing party works in teams of two.
Asegúrate que el desembarco se divida en dos equipos.
Seven of his working party are unaccounted for, there are four badly injured - and I think two of them are going to die.
Siete de su grupo de trabajo están en paradero desconocido. Hay cuatro heridos de gravedad y creo que dos de ellos van a morir.
For that, the accused : Ex-Secretary General of the Party, of Jewish origin ex-Head of Foreign Affairs of the Party of Jewish origin ex-Head of Economy, of Jewish origin Ex-Junior Secretary General of the Party, Czech ex-Minister Foreign Affairs, Slovak ex-Vice minister of National Defence, of Jewish origin... ex-Vice minister of Security, Czech, of Jewish origin the two Vice ministers of Foreign Affairs of Jewish origin the two Vice ministers of Foreign Trade.
Por estos hechos, los acusados : Ex-Secretario General del partido de origen judío ex-Dirigente de relaciones internacionales del Partido de origen judío ex-Dirigente de economía, de origen judío Ex-Secretario General adjunto del partido, checo ex-Ministro de Relaciones exteriores, eslovaco ex-Viceministro de defensa nacional, de origen judío... ex-Viceministro de Seguridad, checo, de origen judío los dos ex-Viceministros de relaciones Exteriores de origen judío los dos ex-Viceministros de comercio exterior.
One of the photographers took this shot when you arrived with Miss Shaw, and two of the nurses saw this man leading the raiding party.
Uno de los fotógrafos sacó esta foto cuando usted llegaba con la Srta. Shaw,... y dos enfermeras vieron a este hombre dirigiendo al grupo de ataque.
They were sexually assaulting two members of our party at gunpoint.
Estaban atacando sexualmente a dos amigos a punta de pistola.
Now, tell me if you can recognize either of the two men you saw at the block party. Take your time.
Dígame si reconoce a alguno de los que vio en la fiesta del barrio.
Actually, I hadn't eaten for two days... I read "Party of the People", and came here.
- La verdad es que llevaba dos días sin comer, he leído lo de la "Fiesta del pueblo", y me he venido para acá.
And most recently... that a Roman toga party was held... from which we have received... two dozen reports of individual acts of perversion... so profound and disgusting... that decorum prohibits listing them here.
Y más recientemente, que se celebró una fiesta de togas romanas... de la que hemos recibido... dos docenas de informes de actos individuales de perversión... tan grandes y desagradables... que el decoro me prohíbe citarlos aquí.
Fellow colleagues, a party faction cannot be made of two factions.
Compañeros, una fracción no puede estar compuesta de dos fracciones.
Comrade Reed, the Executive Committee of the Comintern has decided against endorsing either the Communist Labor Party or the Communist Party of America, and instructs the two parties to merge forthwith.
Camarada Reed, la Comisión Ejecutiva del Comintern... ha decidido no respaldar ni al Partido Comunista Obrero... ni al Partido Comunista de América, y ordena que los dos partidos se unan.
the half-brother of Amilcar, born as he was of mixed Guinean and Cape Verdean blood, and like him a founding member of an unusual party, the PAIGC, which by uniting the two colonized countries in a single movement of struggle wishes to be the forerunner of a federation of the two states.
Él es el medio-hermano de Amilcar, nacido como él de sangre mitad guineana y mitad caboverdiana, y como él, miembro fundador de un partido inusual, el PAIGC, que uniendo los dos países colonizados en una única lucha desea ser el predecesor de una federación de los 2 estados.
And by the way, if you're memorizing and there are two people in your party, why not each one of you memorize every other word.
A propósito, si se la están memorizando y hay dos personas en tu fiesta, porque no cada uno de ustedes memoriza una frase.
Members are troubled by the fact that the two obvious candidates for the leadership represent the extreme wings of the party.
Los veteranos del partido están preocupados porque los dos candidatos al cargo representen a los sectores más opuestos del partido.
Two of my students are getting married, we're having a party.
Dos de mis alumnos se casan, y ahora hay una pequeña fiesta.
Party of two, 1 : 00.
A las 13 : 00.
Takes two and a half gallons of crushed strawberries... for the birthday party. I think that's gonna be really great.
Hacen falta 10 kilos de fresas machacadas para la fiesta de cumpleaños.
It's the ultimate slumber party weekend, and you girls just won two days and two nights of no parents, do anything you want to, good time on the slumber party weekend!
Es la mejor fiesta de pijamas del fin de semana Y ustedes, chicas, se ganaron 2 días y 2 noches sin padres para hacer lo que quieran. ¡ Diversión en la fiesta de pijamas del fin de semana!
To help us in our just cause.. are two of Nicaragua's Liberal Party.. and defenders of democracy..
Para ayudarnos en nuestra justa causa... están dos integrantes del Partido Liberal de Nicaragua... y defensores de la democracia
At a large party he summoned up the last of his strength held onto two pillars and pulled the house down.
Durante una gran fiesta, él reunió sus últimas fuerzas, empujó dos columnas y echó el templo abajo.
The thing is, the media's trying to hold up this whole one-party, two-faction system... by telling you that George Bush got this mandate with 54 % of the vote.
Los medios tratan de mantener un sistema de un-partido, dos-facciones... diciéndote que George Bush obtuvo el mandato con 54 % de votos.
huh-huh, huh-huh, right, erm... ladies and gentlemen and fellow survivors of that stunning stag party... how did those two girls get under the table and what the hell were they up to with that toothpaste?
Correcto. Bíén. Señoras y señores y compañeros sobreviventes de aquella maravillosa fiesta.
Fine. The two of you have fun at your party in the bathroom.
Muy bien, que os divirtáis en el cuarto de baño.
Attacks by the guerillas of PKK, Kurdistan's Workers Party, claimed new victims in two camps
La guerrilla del Partido de los trabajadores del Kurdistan, el PKK, genera más y más víctimas en ambos lados.
When the other half of the poison enters the body, the two meet... have a little party in your cardiovascular system... and suddenly you are quite dead.
Cuando la otra mitad del veneno ingresa al cuerpo, ambas se reúnen... hacen una pequeña fiesta en el sistema cardiovascular... y repentinamente, uno está completamente muerto.
Oh, no problem. Would you take an out-of-state, two-party, bad check?
No hay problema. ¿ Aceptarías un cheque de otro estado que rebotará?
But now, the lab is saying that makes her the responsible party, not the two of us jointly.
Pero ahora el laboratorio dice que ella es la responsable de la cuenta no los dos
All right, I have two announcements. Friday, you will have the chance to party down in the church basement to the Jesus-rock stylings of Testament.
Les anuncio que el viernes podrán pasarlo bien en el sótano de la iglesia con la versión rock del Testamento.
Oh, my God. I am trying to throw the party of the century for my father in two days.
Estoy planeando la fiesta del siglo para mi padre.
Two of their party were engulfed. Where what?
Dos del grupo se encenagaron
party of one 25
two hours later 53
two hours 343
two hours ago 92
two and a half men 29
two weeks later 82
two weeks ago 326
two months later 53
two hearts 28
two years ago 477
two hours later 53
two hours 343
two hours ago 92
two and a half men 29
two weeks later 82
two weeks ago 326
two months later 53
two hearts 28
two years ago 477
two months ago 182
two years later 88
two beers 79
two more 130
two thousand dollars 17
two hands 45
two days ago 368
two o'clock 76
two seconds 191
two years 509
two years later 88
two beers 79
two more 130
two thousand dollars 17
two hands 45
two days ago 368
two o'clock 76
two seconds 191
two years 509
two arms 16
two people 83
two and a half 63
two brothers 30
two thousand 72
two words 186
two minutes 637
two things 153
two weeks 445
two sugars 100
two people 83
two and a half 63
two brothers 30
two thousand 72
two words 186
two minutes 637
two things 153
two weeks 445
two sugars 100