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Portraits traducir español

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"Botched portraits"?
¿ Retratos cutres?
Clara doesn't do portraits!
Clara no hace retratos.
Now, believe me, it's time you start doing portraits.
Pero ahora, hazme caso, debes hacer retratos.
Along this wall, we have a few of our ancestral portraits.
Aquí están algunos de nuestros antepasados.
A commissión for two portraits.
Tiene que pintar dos retratos.
I have quite a collection of royal portraits.
Tengo una colección de retratos reales.
And those portraits of Homer and Chaucer are quite old friends.
Y esos retratos de Homer y Chaucer con como viejos amigos.
And along this wall we have some of the old family portraits. Bring it on.
- Traelos.
So that's his latest occupation : He draws portraits of saints.
Así que esa es su última ocupación, dibuja retratos de santas.
These? They're just a few portraits of some women I've known I got lonesome for, you know?
Unos retratos de mujeres que conocí y que echo de menos.
And to think that under that beautiful blank verse they print portraits of those horrible wrestlers.
Y pensar que bajo este hermoso poema... ponen los retratos de esos espantosos luchadores.
Rembrandt was famous for his portraits.
Rembrandt era famoso por sus retratos.
You undertook to paint the portraits of 16... of my officers at 200 florins a head.
Se comprometió a pintar el retrato de 16 de mis oficiales a 200 florines por cabeza.
Surely, you can't expect the remaining... 10 to pay for portraits that don't exist.
No puede pretender que los otros diez paguen un retrato que no existe.
I've new portraits and commissions. That's good.
Tuve retratos y comisiones nuevas.
All done. In one minute, you'll have six different portraits.
En un momento, tendremos 6 retratos diferentes.
Portraits? No, I paint heroes of the Antiquity...
- ¡ Héroes de la antigüedad!
Can it be that the good judge is displeased at the portraits I made of him?
¿ Estará disgustado por los retratos que hice?
I merely thought that you might find a costume among the family portraits that would suit you.
Sólo se me ocurrió que tal vez halle un disfraz que le quede bien en los retratos familiares.
¿ Retratos?
Ancestor portraits of Captain Kane?
¿ Retratos de antepasados de capitán Kane?
It's sad here! We're surrounded by memories, portraits, letters, certificates...
Vivimos con recuerdos, retratos, cartas en los cajones, diplomas...
Beautiful portraits of Marshal Göring in his uniforms.
Bonitos retratos del mariscal Göring con sus uniformes.
- Also portraits?
- ¿ También hace retratos?
Have detectives who buy portraits of murder victims a claim to privacy?
¿ Y los detectives que compran cuadros de víctimas de asesinato?
I have seen portraits - many, many of Your Majesty - and I have heard reports most glowing about the beauties and charms of Your Majesty, but the palette of the painter has not colours enough to paint, and the lyre of the poet has strings not tender enough to sing about the beauty which my eyes have the good fortune to dazzle at.
He visto muchos retratos vuestros, y me contaron maravillas de vuestra belleza y encanto, pero ni todos los colores bastan para pintaros, ni la lira del poeta tiene cuerdas suficientes para cantar vuestra belleza.
For several years I've been a great admirer of your work, especially your portraits
Hace años que siento admiración por su trabajo. Especialmente sus retratos.
I don't paint portraits anymore.
Ya no pinto a la gente.
Mr. Cunningham, I just don't paint portraits anymore..
- Ya no pinto retratos...
No doubt you've noticed their portraits around the walls. All of them beautiful.
Todas bellas, algunas inteligentes.
I bought your portraits and tore them to 1.000 pieces.
Compré retratos tuyos y los rompí en mil pedazos.
You can see it all the great portraits of the past.
Se ve en todos los grandes retratos del pasado.
And the party told me how to paint portraits.
- Me dicen que pinte retratos.
Well, well! What do we have here? This little girl would be perfect for one of my portraits.
Pero que es lo que veo, la niña que yo estaba buscando para mi cuadro de la exposición de Bruselas.
- Both histories of their families and portraits of their celebrated families.
- Sí, con la historia de sus familias y retratos pintados por artistas famosos. Esos retratos son muy malos, seguro.
The portraits are very bad, very bad.
Son malísimos. Nunca reconocería el mío.
- And it's terrible. - I thought women were only vain about their portraits.
Creía que éramos las mujeres las únicas que pensábamos en esas cosas.
Family portraits too.
Y los retratos de familia, también.
A pretty model for portraits.
Bonito modelo para un retratista.
My apologies, sir. I didn't recognize you, though my wife's room is full of portraits of you.
Mis disculpas, señor, no le había reconocido, aunque la habitación de mi esposa, está llena de retratos suyos.
The family portraits... I removed them.
He quitado todas las fotos de tu familia.
As he held those family portraits in his arms, I realized that he was furious with me.
Mientras sostenía entre sus manos los retratos de sus familiares, me he dado cuenta de que estaba furioso conmigo.
You see, I must have the finished portraits by tomorrow.
Verá necesitaré los retratos para mañana.
I merely thought that you might fiind a costume... among the family portraits that would suit you.
Creo que debería buscar un vestido en los retratos de la familia.
You make thousands of soles and dozens of portraits.
Harás miles de soles y docenas de retratos.
- There are no authentic portraits available so sculptors and painters have to work from models.
No hay retratos auténticos de Juana de Arco los escultores y pintores deben trabajar con modelos.
No, I don't want to do portraits.
No, no quiero hace retratos.
The portraits are very lifelike.
- Eso es lo que temo.

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