Promise me that traducir español
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So just promise me that you will do everything you can to make Kate feel welcome tomorrow.
Así que prométeme que harás todo lo posible para que Kate se sienta en casa mañana.
Okay, hanna, promise me that you never Take a job at a crisis center.
- Vale, Hanna, prométeme que nunca aceptarás un trabajo en el centro de crisis.
Can you at least promise me that you'll be careful?
¿ Puedes por lo menos prometerme, que tendrás cuidado?
Promise me that you will not hold me back from Stannis.
Prométame que no me pedirá que no mate a Stannis.
Promise me that you will stop stealing.
Prométeme que vas a dejar de robar.
Promise me that we'll always surprise each other.
Prométeme que siempre nos sorprenderemos el uno al otro.
I just want you promise me that you will not speak to them again.
Solo quiero que me prometa que no volverá a hablar con ellos.
See that you come back safe to us home, promise me that
Mira, no lo han vuelto a salvo con nosotros llegar a casa, me prometo que
Or you promise me that you will never fail me again in any capacity, and we can all go on back about our evening.
O me prometes que tú nunca más me fallarás de nuevo en nada y podremos terminar por esta noche.
You have to promise me that you're coming home, Dad.
Tienes que prometerme que vas a venir a casa, papá.
Just promise me that life's gonna work out for you.
Solo prométeme que esta vida va a ser lo que quieres.
Promise me that no matter what, we're gonna be really mature about this, okay?
Prométeme que pase lo que pase, vamos a ser muy maduros, ¿ vale?
Promise me that you're not gonna feel bad about trying to live in the good ones, okay, the good days?
Prométeme que no te vas a sentir mal por tratar de vivir los buenos, vale, ¿ los días buenos?
Promise me that you will stay away from him.
Prométeme que te mantendrás alejada de él.
Promise me that you will stay away from him.
Prométeme que te alejarás de él.
please promise me that you won't do that to me.
por favor prométeme que no me harás eso.
Promise me that you won't leave me alone with those nuns?
¿ Me prometes que no me dejarás sola con esas monjas?
Promise me that you'll wear something tight tonight.
Prométeme que usaras algo apretado esta noche.
But you got to promise me that, no matter how weird this thing gets, you say I cooperated.
Pero prométeme esto,... no importa qué tan raro se ponga, dirás que cooperé.
If I let you out you have to promise me that you're - - you'll take me wherever you're going.
Si te dejo salir, tienes que prometerme que me llevaras a donde vayas.
But you got to promise me that, no matter what happens with them, no matter how weird this thing gets, you say I cooperated.
Pero prométeme esto, no importa lo que suceda con ellos no importa qué tan raro se ponga, dirás que cooperé.
Leonard, promise me that when our new waitress comes over, you will not start a complicated on-again, off-again relationship with her, because I am very, very hungry.
Leonard, promete que cuando la nueva camarera se acerque, no empezaras una relación de ida y vuelta con ella, porque estoy muy, muy molesto.
No matter what happens, promise me that you're gonna continue your journey with food.
No importa lo que pase, prométeme que te quedarás continuar su viaje con la comida.
I will take you on as a patient, but you just need to look me in the eye and promise me that you will have health insurance by the time she delivers.
Te atenderé como paciente, pero tienes que mirarme a los ojos y prometerme que tendrá seguro médico cuando se ponga de parto.
Promise me that even if you get scared, you'll keep pushing forward.
Prométeme que incluso si te asustas, seguirás avanzando.
Sir, promise me that next time you catch any criminal, you won't kill him.
Señor, prométame que.. .. la próxima vez que atrape a un criminal, no lo matará con un tiro.
Hey, hey, and promise me that you're gonna take it easy tonight.
Oye, oye, y prométeme que vas a tomártelo con calma esta noche.
You got to promise me that you'll stop looking for these guys.
Tienes que prometerme que dejarás de buscar a esos chicos.
Are you going to promise me that they won't kill us too?
¿ Vas a prometerme que no nos matarán a nosotros también?
Promise me that- -
Prométeme que...
Now... If you can just promise me that you won't shoot any more people with that gun of yours, I need help with a couple of things.
Bueno... si puedes prometerme que no dispararás a más gente con tu arma, necesito ayuda con un par de cosas.
Promise me that this is not gonna get ugly.
Prométeme que esto no se va a poner desagradable.
I just want you to promise me that if you ever find yourself running things, that you'll make me queen.
Prométeme que, si alguna vez llegas a ser jefe me convertirás en reina.
I thought I thought of every possibility but somehow I know that it'll all turn out and you'll make me work so we can work to work it out and I promise you, kid, that I'll give so much more
* Creí que había pensado en todas las posibilidades * * pero de alguna forma sé que todo resultará * * y me harás trabajar para que podamos hacerlo funcionar. *
and you'll make me work so we can work to work it out hey, and I promise you, kid, that I'll give so much more than I get
* Sabes que todo resultará * * y me harás trabajar para que podamos hacerlo funcionar. * * Y te prometo, niña, que daré mucho más * * de lo que reciba, * * solo que aún no te he conocido. *
But you gotta promise me you're not gonna mention that my 90 % being right average took a major hit today.
Pero tienes que prometerme que no vas a mencionar que mi 90 % de acierto puede estar exagerado tomando su máximo hoy.
I promise you, if you don't get me that money I will kill Shaun.
- Te lo prometo, si no me consigues el dinero mataré a Shaun.
It's that you made me break my promise to Annie.
Es que me hiciste romper mi promesa con Annie.
Just promise me you'll send someone over to Siobhan Martin's apartment, I'll be on that plane, I swear.
Solo prométeme que mandarás a alguien al apartamento de Siobhan Martin, y estaré en ese avión, lo juro.
My father made me promise one thing, that I would never marry an American.
Mi padre me hizo prometer una cosa que jamás me casaría con un americano.
Promise me you'll do that.
Prométeme que lo harás.
You must look out for this child in this new land. Promise me you'll do that.
Debes cuidar a esta niña en esta nueva tierra.
I have consulted with the High Septon and he assures me that their crimes against the realm free you from any promise you have made to them in the sight of the gods.
He consultado con el Alto Septon, y me asegura que sus crímenes contra el reino Io exoneran de cualquier promesa que les haya hecho ante la mirada de los dioses.
On that day, he made me promise that if anything ever happened to him, I would look after you, as if you were my own son.
Ese día, me hizo prometer que si le llegara a pasar algo, yo cuidaría de tí, como si fueras mi propio hijo.
Look, I may not be all that much like... a crystal, but I need a job, and I promise I will work really hard if you give me a chance.
Mira, puede que no sea todo al igual que... el cristal, pero necesito un trabajo, y prometo que trabajaré muy duro si me das una oportunidad.
Will you promise me the next time someone does or says anything that hurts you, You will tell an adult?
¿ Prometes que la próxima vez que alguien diga o haga algo que te lastime le dirás a un adulto?
Can you promise me if that I wasn't on your ass, that you wouldn't slip?
¿ Puedes prometerme que si no estuviera pegada a tu culo no tendrías un desliz?
But Duncan, you must promise me... never let them know that they are sisters.
Pero Duncan, tienes que prometerme que nunca permitirás que sepan que son hermanas.
So please, please, please don't let this happen and I promise that... I promise, I will stop wearing fur coats from today, and You know how much I love fur
Así que por favor, por favor, por favor no dejes que esto ocurra y te prometo que... voy a dejar de llevar abrigos de piel a partir de hoy, y ya sabes lo mucho que me gusta la piel.
Promise me you'll never do that.
Prométeme que tú nunca lo harás.
If both of you promise that you will stay here with me for a week.
Que los dos os quedéis conmigo aquí durante una semana.
promise me 643
promise me something 56
promise me you'll be careful 18
promise me one thing 53
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
promise me something 56
promise me you'll be careful 18
promise me one thing 53
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161