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Remy traducir español

1,031 traducción paralela
Remy here?
Hello, Remy.
- Hola, Remy.
Look, Remy, that's what I come to talk to you about, that dough.
Mira, Remy, de eso vengo a hablarte, del dinero.
So long. I'll be seeing you later, Remy.
- Nos vemos luego, Remy.
Remy, take the beer away from that kid.
- Remy, quítale la cerveza al chico.
Now get out of here.
Bien, váyase. Remy, Remy.
Remy, Remy, nix-nix.
No, no, es el novio de Mary.
Oh, now, take it easy. Remy, we got a little surprise for you.
Remy, te tenemos una pequeña sorpresa.
Remy, give yourself a chance to become acquainted with dick before jumping to conclusions.
Remy, date la oportunidad de conocer a Dick... antes de sacar conclusiones.
Is he a copper, or isn't he a copper?
Escúchame, Remy.
Listen, Remy, I told dick when we became engaged in Paris that I couldn't marry a man who didn't work, no matter how much money he had, so he came home and joined the state police,
Al comprometernos en París, le dije... "No me casaré si no trabajas... " por más dinero que tengas. "
Let's give Remy a chance to get used to the idea. Come on, dick.
Vamos, Dick.
Now, Remy, she didn't know anything about him becoming a copper.
Remy, ella no sabía que se haría policía.
Remy, you stop shooting off your mouth.
- Remy, deja de vociferar.
It's that grab bag of yours again, Remy.
Otra vez tu bolsa de sorpresas, Remy.
Hello, Remy, this is post and ritter.
- ¿ Hola, Remy? Somos Post y Ritter.
I'm sorry to have to tell you, Remy, that in a meeting of the board this afternoon, your note was definitely called in.
Siento tener que decirte, Remy... que en la reunión de la junta... tu préstamo se cerró definitivamente.
Anything wrong, Remy?
- ¿ Sucede algo, Remy?
Now look, Remy, if you're in trouble, I wish you'd tell me.
Mira, Remy, si estás en problemas, quiero que me lo digas.
What are you driving at, Remy?
¿ Qué tratas de decir, Remy?
Remy, what are you driving at?
Remy, ¿ qué quieres decir?
Why, Remy, you're sweating worse than a stuck hog.
Remy, estás todo sudado.
Look, Remy, we've always been partners.
Remy, siempre hemos sido socios.
Oh, hello, Remy.
Hola, Remy. ¿ Qué?
Say, I'll bet Remy done that stickup.
Apuesto a que Remy cometió el atraco.
We want you to put the arm on Remy Marko.
Queremos que agarres a Remy Marco.
- Hola, Remy.
Remy, about that note of yours.
Remy, a propósito de tu préstamo.
Remy, you've always been a good customer- - well, here it is.
Remy, siempre has sido buen cliente. Aquí está.
Certainly, Remy.
- Claro, Remy.
Yes, Remy.
- Sí, Remy.
Oh, Remy, you're too big a man.
Remy, eres un hombre grande.
Remy, I knew you were too big a man to hold a grudge.
Sabía que no guardarías rencor.
I'm amazed at you, Remy, thinking your credit wasn't any good.
Me asombras, Remy. Y pensé que no tenías buen crédito.
Why, certainly, Remy.
Claro, Remy.
Good night, Remy.
- Buenas noches. Gracias.
My name is Remy.
Mi nombre es Rémy.
Listen, Remy...
Escucha, Rémy...
- I love you, Remy.
- Te quiero, Rémy.
You think too much, Remy. You can't feel anymore.
Razonas demasiado, Rémy, tienes el seso lleno de razones.
Listen, Remy.
Escucha, Rémy
I pity you, Remy.
Rémy, Le compadezco.
You hear me, Remy?
Me escuchas, Rémy?
We both know, Remy,
Los dos sabemos que Mary tiene que casarse algún día.
- ¡ Remy!
Get me the hospital.
Póngame con el 13. - ¡ Rémy!
And you RŽmi.
Y además.. Vd., Rémy.
Can you hear me RŽmi?
¿ Me oía, Rémy?
I said it, RŽmi.
Lo he dicho, Rémy.
- No, RŽmi, no!
- ¡ No, Rémy, no!
Because I love you, RŽmi.
Porque le quiero, Rémy.

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