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Ryan gosling traducir español

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Ryan Gosling?
¿ Ryan Gosling?
Ryan Gosling's got a movie here.
Ryan Gosling tiene una película aquí,
No, I was calling to tell you that Ryan Gosling came in this morning and bought a mug.
No, te llamé para decirte que Ryan Gosling vino esta mañana y compró una taza.
So really, this is less like Hugh Jackman... and more like Ryan Gosling in the notebook.
Amigo, esto es menos como Hugh Jackman y más como Ryan Gosling en "The Notebook".
Kind of like Ryan Gosling in The Notebook.
Como Ryan Gosling en Diario de Una Pasión.
I'm having sex with Ryan Gosling right now.
Estoy teniendo sexo con Ryan Gosling en estos momentos.
Even if I were having sex with Ryan Gosling, I would kick him out of bed just to talk to you.
Incluso si estuviera teniendo sexo con Ryan Gosling, le echaría fuera de la cama solo para hablar contigo.
I should have brought Ryan Gosling and his clone.
Debería haberme traído a Ryan Gosling y su clon.
Ryan Gosling seen at a popular Hollywood eatery with his shirt off.
Ryan gosling visto en un restaurante popular en Hollywood sin su camisa.
No, you just pretend like you don't like Ryan gosling because he's hot.
No, simplemente intentas que parezca que no te gusta Ryan Gosling porque está bueno.
I wouldn't kiss ryan gosling with stomach breath.
No hubiera besado a, Ryan Gosling, con mal olor de estómago.
Question 1 : "Who is the bride's celebrity sexception?" Oh, Kenda wrote "Ryan Gosling"...
Pregunta 1 : "¿ Quién es la excepción sexual de la novia?" - Kendra puso "Ryan Gosling"...
I'm pouring it all over Ryan Gosling's beautiful melon!
Lo estoy vertiendo sobre la cabeza de ganzo de Ryan!
- I'm Ryan Gosling.
- Soy Ryan Gosling.
You're like Ryan gosling when he's singing with the ukulele in Blue Valentine, That's What You Are.
Eres como el ganso de Ryan cuando canta con el ukelele en Blue Valentine, eso es lo que eres.
"It's complicated", with Ryan Gosling.
"es complicado", con Ryan Gosling.
That's why I need you to help me get close to Ryan Gosling.
Eso es por lo que necesito que me ayudes a acercarme a Ryan Gosling.
They lost a couple of Ryan Gosling posters.
Solo se perdieron un par de pósters de Ryan Gosling.
Ryan Gosling... it's locked in.
Ryan Gosling... lo clavaría.
It's gonna be Ryan Gosling.
Será Ryan Gosling.
This is about ripping open the fabric of historical fact and making a film about it starring Ryan Gosling as Mac.
Esto va de desentrañar el tejido de un hecho histórico y de hacer una película sobre ello protagonizada por Ryan Gosling como Mac.
God, you're obsessed with Ryan Gosling.
Dios, estás obsesionado con Ryan Gosling.
Hitler's painting, the key to the Holocaust, Ryan Gosling playing you?
¿ El cuadro de Hitler, la clave de el Holocausto, Ryan Gosling interpretándote?
"A," you actually have really great taste, which we both know is because of your collection of GQ magazines and your obsession with Ryan Gosling.
"A", tienes muy buen gusto, que los dos sabemos que es debido a tu colección de la revista GQ y a tu obsesión con Ryan Gosling.
So is he a Ryan gosling red alert or a Carson daly who cares?
¿ Es una alerta roja de Ryan Gosling o un Carson Daly?
You can talk about Ryan Gosling all day,
Tú puedes hablar de Ryan Gosling todo el día,
If I'm gonna be at home with the kids while you're on location cheating on me with Ryan Gosling then Leonard gots to get paid.
Si me va a corresponder quedarme en casa con los niños mientras tú me engañas con Ryan Gosling en el set de filmación entonces a Leonard le corresponde cobrar.
Ryan gosling.
Ryan Gosling.
Ryan gosling and rice pudding?
¿ Ryan Gosling y arroz con leche?
Who can get a guy like that. It's like, it's better to lose her.
Es como... es mejor perderla... contra Ryan Gosling que contra Ryan Reynolds.
Yeah, well, in the rom-com version of my life, my "you know" is Ryan Gosling.
Sí, bueno, en la versión comedia romántica de mi vida, mi "ya sabes" es Ryan Gosling.
You talked about me like I'm Ryan Gosling.
Hablaste de mí como si fuese Ryan Gosling.
Ryan Gosling?
Ryan Gosling?
I mean, you spend half the night having those terrible nightmares where you're screaming at Ryan Gosling.
Mira, te pasas la mitad de la noche teniendo esas terribles pesadillas donde le estas gritando a Ryan Gossling.
Bradley Cooper's the sexiest man alive, because apparently People magazine has never heard of a Mr. Ryan gosling.
Bradley Cooper es el hombre vivo más sexy, porque parece ser que la revista People nunca ha oído hablar de un tal Señor Ryan Gosling.
Not to mention in the last month alone three people have confused me for a shorter, Indian Ryan Gosling.
Sin mencionar que, solo en el último mes, tres personas me han confundido con un Ryan Gosling más bajito e indio.
What about Ryan Gosling?
¿ Qué hay de Ryan Gosling?
"Ryan Gosling."
"Ryan Gosling".
I thought he was Ryan Gosling.
Pensé que era Ryan Gosling.
Why would we want to see Ryan Gosling take his shirt off when we could watch Dame Judi Dench find love in Tuscany?
¿ Por qué íbamos a querer ver a Ryan Gosling quitarse la camisa cuando podemos ver a Judi Dench buscar el amor en la Toscana?
-? Ryan Gosling!
- ¡ Ryan Gosling!
Ryan Gosling began there.
Ryan Gosling, comenzó allí.
You look like Ryan Gosling.
Te pareces a Ryan Gosling.
I look like Ryan Gosling.
Parezco Ryan Gosling.
Tall, skinny guy, girl in a bikini, Italian newscaster... Ryan Gosling?
Alto, esquiador, chica en bikini, locutor Italiano de telediaro...
This is Ryan Gosling all over again.
Es lo de Ryan Gosling otra vez.
This is Ryan Reynolds.
¡ Yo pedí a Ryan Gosling!
Full disclosure- - I voted for Ryan Gosling, but you came in a close second.
voté a Ryan Gosling, pero tú fuiste el segundo por poco.
To ryan gosling than ryan reynolds...
Mal ejemplo.
L player you want stay in an elevator? -? Ryan Gosling!
- ¡ Ryan Gosling!
I asked for Ryan gosling!
Aunque este chiste es complicado.

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