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School teacher traducir español

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Occupation : school teacher.
Profesión : maestra escolar.
Sunday school teacher. "
Maestra de escuela dominical ".
For a school teacher...
Para una maestra de escuela...
* Little school teacher Gonna get me a pass To her class *
La maestra me dará permiso para entrar a su clase
( CHUCKLES ) With honest, school teacher Delyth?
¿ Con la honesta maestra de escuela Delyth?
Florence Ravier, 43, doesn't understand why her husband, a high school teacher, has suddenly left his job, wife, children and low-rent apartment in Montreuil.
Florance Ravier, de 43 años... no entiende por qué su marido, profesor de enseñanza media... de repente deja su empleo, mujer, hijos... y su apartamento barato en Montreuil.
Why would this people shake down a school teacher
¿ Por qué esta gente extorsionaría a una maestra...
My mother was a school teacher.
Mi madre era profesora de escuela.
Believe it or not, the guy's an elementary school teacher.
Aunque no lo creas el tipo es un maestro de primaria.
School teacher.
Maestra de escuela.
The school teacher, The missing boy. He's the one you were asking about right?
La maestra el niño perdido, sobre él estabas preguntándome, ¿ verdad?
You don't mean a school teacher?
¿ No te referirás a un profesor del colegio?
The school teacher is in shock, but we can keep her away from the papers and the boy will be no problem.
La profesora está en shock, pero podemos contenerla y el chico no será problema.
- I'm a high-school teacher.
- Soy maestra del secundario.
- High-school teacher?
- ¿ Maestra del secundario?
I'm just a primary school teacher.
Sólo soy una maestra de primaria.
She's a school teacher.
Es maestra de escuela.
You were his high school teacher.
Que fuiste su profesor de secundaria.
She is interested in becoming a school teacher.
Quiere ser maestra de escuela.
He / she is true teacher that in these cabinets of the school there is always something to take?
¿ Es verdad profesor que en estas oficinas de la facultad siempre hay algo que tomar?
Yeah. He was the school magic teacher, until he had his nervous breakdown.
Enseñaba magia en mi escuela, hasta que tuvo su colapso nervioso.
And I want to see how you feel about it... because that can be kinda scary, starting'a new school... and, you know, your teacher thinks it's a good idea... and... and... and so do I.
Y quiero saber qué te parece... porque empezar en una nueva escuela puede dar un poco de miedo... y, ya sabes, tu maestra piensa que es una buena idea... y... y... y yo también.
Now, I'll be sure and call the school on Monday and let them know what a hardworking teacher they have that comes to his student's house on a Saturday night when he could be out with some friends his own age.
De seguro llamaré el lunes a la escuela para decirles lo abnegado que es su profesor, que viene a la casa de su estudiante un sábado por la noche cuando podría salir a divertirse con amigos de su edad.
He's a teacher at your school.
Es maestro de tu escuela.
This here's George Reynolds. Teacher from the deaf school.
George Reynolds, maestro de sordos.
And then I had this English teacher who encouraged me to apply to this early entrance program at Brown where they allow you to skip your last year of high school.
Después, uno de mis maestros de inglés me instó a inscribirme en el programa de estudios de Brown donde se permite omitir el último año de secundaria.
Dear... is this what the teacher teaches you in school?
Hijo, ¿ esto te enseña tu maestra?
I got a note again from her teacher at school.
Recibí otra nota de su maestra.
I m a high-school science teacher at Louis-Joliette High, near here.
Soy profesor de Ciencias de secundario. En el colegio Louis-Joliette, cerca de aquí.
I was in school one day and the teacher was mistaken about something.
Un día estaba en la escuela y la maestra se equivocó en algo.
Is working on school? It is now teacher?
¿ Estás trabajando en la escuela?
I mean, in high school, I had this amazing teacher, Mr Higgins, and he was funny and inspiring.
Bueno, en la secundaria tenía a un profesor maravilloso, el Sr. Higgins y él era gracioso e inspirador, me refiero a que era...
Or you could've put your son in private school where the teacher-student ratio is less than 30-to-1.
O usted pudo haber inscrito a su hijo en una escuela privada donde hay 30 alumnos por cada maestro.
She is the photography teacher at the high school.
Es la Profesora de fotografía de la escuela secundaria.
Fortunately, there is a teacher that can end the school year for me.
Por suerte hay una maestra que puede sustituirme aquí el resto del curso.
And like my high school health teacher said, nothing fixes a relationship like having a baby.
Y como decía mi maestra de biología de secundaria nada arregla una relación como tener un bebé.
This man is a teacher employed at your school?
¿ Este hombre es un profesor empleado en tu colegio?
Defendant grabbed the bailiff's gun, took ten to 12 hostages in Judge Morton's courtroom, three high school students and a teacher.
- El acusado robó un arma, tomando 12 rehenes en la corte del Juez Morton,... -... tres estudiantes y un maestro.
are you sure we should be listening to a high school science teacher?
¿ Estás seguro de que deberíamos escuchar a un profesor de ciencias de instituto?
The track suit because I had this mean phys-ed teacher in high school named Mr Fratelli. And the rabbit head because my uncle once ate rabbit and he got belly worms.
El conjunto de gimnasia, porque tuve a este malvado profesor de gimnasia en la secundaria llamado Sr. Fratelli y la cabeza de conejo, porque mi tío una vez...
Once, in school, Tommy Deluca- - he threw a butter pat on the ceiling, and I was the one who told the teacher.
Una vez en la escuela, Tommy DeLuca- - arrojó una barra de mantequilla al techo, y fui yo la que le dijo al profesor.
You came to my school and yelled at my teacher.
Fuiste a mi escuela, gritaste a mi profesor,
High school chemistry teacher. He was also a musician.
El colegio, maestro de química.
My high school reunion is this weekend... and I want my English teacher to regret picking'his wife over me.
Habrá una reunión de ex alumnos... y quiero que mi maestro se arrepienta de no haber dejado a su mujer.
When I was in high school, I told my gym teacher I was a lesbian just to get a "B."
Le dije a mi maestra de gimnasia que era lesbiana para que me pusiera 9.
Look, if I wanted a teacher, I'd go back to SUNY Binghamton- - which is a great school, by the way.
Mira, si quisiera un profesor, volvería a la soleada Binghamton, -... que es una gran escuela, por cierto.
From my teacher. Career day at school again.
El Día de las Profesiones en el colegio.
I am a teacher in that school there are already some years.
Soy profesor en esta escuela hace ya algunos años.
[To whom did it never happen, at school, to discover the teacher ill and absent] [ and to suddenly enjoy an unexpected day of vacation?
¿ A quien no le ha pasado, de estudiante, llegar a la escuela y descubrir que la maestra estaba enferma ¿ y poder gozar así inesperadamente de una vacación mañanera?
Literature teacher in the High School.
Profesor de Literatura en el lnstituto de segunda Enseñanza.
Already she has warned the staff of Meadowbank School... in terms most unsubtle that she enjoys... to sniff out the scandal, and already, she has her claws... in more than one teacher because she knows... of their little weaknesses or foibles although, naturellement, she knows nothing... of the rubies of the Prince.
Ya había advertido al personal del colegio, sin la más mínima sutileza, de que le encantaba desenterrar escándalos Ya había clavado sus garras en más de una profesora, porque conocía sus pequeñas debilidades. Aunque, naturellement, no sabía nada sobre los rubíes del príncipe.

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