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Seeley booth traducir español

134 traducción paralela
FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth, and a forensic anthropologist.
FBI, Agente Especial Seeley Booth, y nuestra antropóloga forense.
FBI, special Agent Seeley Booth,
FBI. Agente Especial Seeley Booth.
special Agent Seeley Booth.
Agente especial Booth.
I'm special Agent Seeley Booth from the FBI.
Soy el agente especial Seeley Booth del FBI.
Special Agent Seeley Booth, meet Assistant U.S. Attorney Ken Weeks.
Agente especial Seeley Booth, le presento a Ken Weeks, el asistente del Procurador.
- Yes. Special Agent Seeley Booth.
Agente Especial Seeley Booth...
I'm special Agent Seeley Booth.
Soy el agente especial Seeley Booth.
Peter, this is my friend Seeley Booth.
Peter, él es mi amigo Seeley Booth.
Special Agent in charge Seeley Booth.
Agente Especial en Jefe, Seeley Booth.
I'm Special Agent Seeley Booth.
Soy el agente especial Seeley Booth.
Father Toby Coulter, meet my partner Seeley Booth.
- Padre Toby Coulter. conozca a mi compañero Seeley Booth.
Clark Edison, meet Special Agent Seeley Booth.
Clark Edison, le presento al Agente Especial, Seeley Booth.
I'm Special Agent Seeley Booth.
¿ Por qué?
FBI. Special Agent Booth.
Sí, FBI, agente especial Seeley Booth.
"Dr. Brennan" and "Special Agent Seeley Booth"
"Dra. Brennan" y "Agente Especial Seeley Booth"
You kiss Seeley Booth on the lips and I'll make sure your daddy has his dream Christmas.
Besa a Seeley Booth en los labios y me aseguraré de que tu padre tenga su sueño de navidad.
Special Agent Seeley Booth remains in critical condition.
El Agente Especial Seeley Booth permanece en condiciones críticas.
Oh, my partner, Seeley Booth, this is the publicist for my book.
Oh, mi acompañante, Seeley Booth, ella es la publicista de mi libro.
Special Agent Seeley Booth.
Agente especial Seeley Booth.
There's nothing wider than Seeley Booth.
No hay nadie como Seeley Booth.
"Special Agent Seeley Booth".
Agente Especial Seeley Booth.
I knew Seeley Booth.
Conocía a Seeley Booth.
May God's mercy and love shine on Seeley Booth as he takes his place beside the Lord.
Que el amor y misericordia de Dios brille sobre Seeley Booth mientras toma su lugar junto al Señor.
My partner, FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth, gave his lecture at Scotland Yard last night.
Mi compañero, el agente especial del FBI, Seeley Booth dio su conferencia en Scotland Yard anoche.
- Seeley Booth.
Booth, Seeley Booth.
Sir Seeley Booth.
Sir Seeley Booth.
I'm just saying, you know, calling someone like, uh, hey, Sir Seeley Booth, now that is civilized.
Sólo digo que llamar a alguien Sir Seeley Booth, eso es civilizado.
On behalf of Her Majesty, the Queen of England, I dub you Sir Seeley Booth... Knight of the Realm.
De parte de Su Majestad la Reina de Inglaterra lo nombro Sir Seeley Booth Caballero del Reino.
Seeley Booth, Mark Gaffney.
Seely Booth, Mark Gaffney.
I would like to propose a toast to my partner, Seeley Booth.
Me gustaría hacer un brindis por mi compañero, Seeley Booth.
FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth.
FBI, Agente Especial Seeley Booth.
Agent Seeley Booth. This here is Dr Brennan.
Agente Seely Booth, y ésta es la doctora Brennan
Special Agent Seeley Booth's phone, Dr. Temperance Brennan speaking.
Teléfono del Agente Especial Seeley Booth, la Dr. Temperance Brennan al habla.
FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth.
Agente Especial del FBI Seeley Booth.
Seeley Booth.
- Seeley Booth.
Dr. Bailey is Roosevelt's chief administrator.
Este es el Agente Especial Seeley Booth la Dra. Bailey es la administradora en jefe de Roosevelt.
{ \ pos ( 192,220 ) } I'm Special Agent Seeley Booth, this here is... { \ pos ( 192,220 ) } Dr. Temperance Brennan.
Y yo soy el Agente Especial Seeley Booth, y ella es la Dra. Temperance Brennan.
Oh! Dr. Amayo, I'd like you to meet my associate, Seeley Booth.
Dr. Amayo, le presento a mi compañero, Seeley Booth.
Seeley Booth.
Seeley Booth.
I have taken Seeley Booth.
Me he llevado a Seeley Booth.
If you involve law enforcement, I will know and Seeley Booth will die.
Si involucra a las fuerzas del orden, lo sabré y Seeley Booth morirá.
If you involved law enforcement, I will know and Seeley Booth will die.
Si implican a las fuerzas del orden, lo sabré y Seeley Booth morirá.
and Seeley Booth will die.
y Seeley Booth morirá.
Special Agent Seeley Booth.
Agente Especial Seeley Booth.
Then I'll have the full might of Seeley Booth behind me.
Entonces tendré toda la fuerza bruta de Seeley Both detrás de mi.
What's wrong with you, Seeley Booth? On what charge?
¿ Qué pasa contigo, Seeley Booth? ¿ Bajo qué cargos?
FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth.
FBI Agente Especial Seeley Booth.
F.B.I. Agent Seeley Booth.
Agente especial del FBI Seely Booth.
This here... Oh.
Soy el agente especial Seeley Booth.
The ship blows in nine minutes- - the navy's only giving you five to get there and get Seeley off.
El barco explotará en 9 minutos- - La marina sólo ha dado cinco para llegar y sacar a Booth.
Special Agent Seeley Joseph Booth.
Agente Especial Seeley Joseph Booth.

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