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She's not that bad traducir español

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She's not bad, you know, underneath all that.
No es mala bajo esa apariencia.
excuse me, your excellency, I cannot think as quickly as you can and I don't know whether Dunja wants to go it's possible that she'll say that she'll prefer to stay with me her life with me is not bad
Perdone, Excelencia, yo no pienso a la velocidad que Ud. habla, y ni siquiera sé si Dunia quiere... Es posible que quizás diga... que quiere quedarse conmigo. No está nada mal, aquí.
That's just too bad, she's not my responsibility.
Lo siento, es muy duro. Pero ella no es mi responsabilidad.
She'll be punished as required by the law. It's not as bad as that.
Debo pagar los gastos de mi niña, mi Cosette.
She's not that bad, I guess.
Ella no está mal, supongo.
She's got a room-mate that's not bad.
Su compañera no está nada mal.
Not that she's a bad-looking broad, but, uh... if she really wanted to help out a fella in need..
No es para nada fea pero si de veras quisiera ayudar a un necesitado... Cállese.
Well, the child's not that bad. She'll never make the West End in a million years. She's got a little talent.
Esta chica tiene talento.
She's not that bad-looking.
No está mal, sargento..
She's not that bad.
¡ No es tan mala!
Well, I didn't agree... that this little dog who was so cute, who'd looked at me not at all obliged to, by her own animal instinct who wasn't bad at all, she's the right to look at me or you don't put your dog on the terrace...
Estaba enfadada, porque ese perrito, tan majo, que me estaba observando... sin ninguna obligación, sólo por su instinto animal... no había hecho nada malo.
She's not THAT bad.
Ella no es tan mala.
You know, it might not be so bad. You'd be doing what she wants. She's just gonna think that you're incredibly mature.
¿ Te he agradecido últimamente por echar a tu hija de la casa?
Come on, she's not that bad.
Bueno, ella no es tan fea.
She's really not that bad.
No está tan mal.
Dylan, in defence of Brenda, she's not that bad a driver.
Dylan, en defensa de Brenda, no conduce tan mal.
Oh, come on, she's not that bad.
No es tan mala.
I know you have your doubts about this, Dylan, but, uh... that Valerie, she's not half bad.
Sé que tienes dudas al respecto, Dylan, pero Valerie no es tan mala.
She's not bad-looking, but you should see that mouth working... see those little bubbles forming and popping.
No es fea, pero deberías ver esa boca trabajar ver cómo se forman y saltan esas burbujitas.
But she became a nun after a bad breakup in college and she's coming back to us on the rebound. We're just not that kind of sanctuary.
Adoro a Chrissa pero decidió hacerse monja tras una ruptura en la prepa y está volviendo a nosotros por despecho no somos ese tipo de santuario.
she got burn out she did somebody wrong and they set her arse on fire which i do feel bad, and its not funny, because that can happen to anybody that can happen to anybody but that's one of the things you have to go through living in the street
Consiguió que la quemasen. Cabreó a alguien e hizo que le quemasen el culo. Lo que te hace sentir mal, y no tiene gracia, porque le puede pasar a cualquiera.
! You know, she's actually not that bad once you get...
Realmente no es tan mala cuando la...
So I'm talking to my sister, and she says that it's actually not a bad idea to discuss problems with your girlfriend.
Estaba hablando con mi hermana y me dijo que no es mala idea discutir los problemas con la novia.
You know, she's not that bad.
- ¿ Sabe? No es tan mala.
She's not that bad.
No es tan mala.
Debb's not even a bad person. She means well. It's just, she's not somebody that in the outside world that I would talk to, because she'd make me crazy.
Debb no es mala persona actúa de buena fe, pero no es una persona que le hablaría en la civilización porque me volvería loca.
She's not that bad. Oh, come on, Roz.
No es tan mala.
She's not a bad person, she just couldn't accept that I was different.
Ella no es mala persona. Sólo que no pudo aceptar que soy diferente.
Now, Roz, if you took the time to get to know her, you'd see that she's really not such a bad person.
Ahora, Roz, si se toma el tiempo de a conocerla, usted vería que ella es realmente no es una mala persona.
She's not that bad.
No lo es
Well, I mean... - She's not that bad.
- Bueno, o sea... no lo es.
She's not that bad-looking - and besides, you're blind.
No es tan fea y además tú eres ciego.
Too bad the trial's not going longer. She could've knit you something that fit.
Si el juicio fuera más largo, habría tejido algo que te sirva.
Maybe that means it's not so bad. She's a nurse.
Puede que no sea tan grave, pero es enfermera.
So, what are the chances that she's not poisoned, that maybe she just got some bad food?
¿ Es posible que no la hubieran envenenado y que comiera algo en mal estado?
- Well, maybe she had a bad day. - No, that's not possible.
- Bueno, quizás ella tuvo una mal día.
She's not that bad.
Vamos, Marty. Sue no es tan mala.
Not a bad look, that whole G.I. Jane thing she's got goin'on.
Luce bastante bien con ese look de soldado.
Well, lexie's not that bad, is she?
- Bueno, Lexie no es tan mala ¿ o sí?
That's not a god's will, she really had a bad personality.
Esto no es la voluntad de Dios... Ella de verdad tiene una personalidad malvada.
She's not that bad.
Ella no es tan mala.
She's really not that bad
No está nada mal...
- Come on, guys, she's not that bad.
No es tan mala.
I don't have the heart to answer it and tell whoever it is the bad news that she's not going to make it.
No tengo el corazón para responder y darle las malas noticias de que ella no va a llegar.
She's not that bad.
No es tan terrible.
I know that she feels bad, and I know that she doesn't want or will not like the idea of Jasen going to jail or whatever's gonna happen to him because that's just not the way she was, and it's just...
Sé que se siente mal. Y sé que ella no quiere que Jasen vaya a la cárcel, o lo que sea que le pase, porque así no era Amelia.
I've recently sort of seen another side to her and... - I mean, she's not that bad.
Últimamente he visto otro lado de ella y quiero decir, no es tan mala.
That's too bad. and... not only didn't she see it... she didn't even believe it was possible.
Eso es muy malo. Quiso que ella lo viera bajo una luz diferente y no sólo no lo vio.. ... sino que ni siquiera pensó que fuera posible.
That would be a bad mistake. For the sake of her family, she'd feel obliged to say yes. But she's not the right person for you.
Eso sería un terrible error, porque por el bien de su familia, se sentirá obligada a aceptar, y ella no es la persona adecuada para ud., simplemente no lo es.
Oh, now, she's not that bad.
Bueno, no es tan malvada.
She's not that bad.
No es tan grave.

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