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Shouting continues traducir español

120 traducción paralela
( Crowd Shouting ) No! No! ( Shouting Continues ]
TODOS : ¡ No!
( Shouting Continues ] Listen to me, Caesar.
Entonces, el veredicto está contra mí.
- ( Shouting Continues ]
¡ lnnoble!
- ( Shouting Continues ]
Adiós. Sé buena y paciente.
Look to it, Rufio... you who dare make the queen of Egypt a fool before Caesar. ( Shouting Continues ]
Tenlo presente, Rufio, tú que osaste injuriar a la reina de Egipto ante César.
( Shouting Continues ] ( Soldiers ] Hail, Caesar!
( El clamor continúa )
( Shouting continues )
( Siguen los gritos )
- [Shouting Continues]
- Es en serio. - Suéltela.
- [Shouting Continues]
¡ Lo tengo!
- [Shouting Continues] - Hey, what happened?
¿ Qué pasó?
[Shouting Continues] # Feeling blue # #
♪ ♪ Feeling blue ♪ ♪
[Shouting Continues] - Hey!
¡ Rápido!
- [Shouting Continues] - I'll kill him!
¡ Lo voy a matar!
# # Bad to the bone # # [Shouting Continues]
Fuera del camino. ¡ Oigan!
[Shouting Continues]
- ¡ Salgamos! ¡ Es una asesina!
[Shouting Continues] Ladies!
- ¡ Señoras, por favor!
Back in a minute. [Shouting Continues]
Vuelvo en un minuto.
- [Yelling, Shouting Continues] - DAVID!
Upstairs, lock yourself in your room... ( shouting angrily in Spanish ) ( rips clothing ) ( shouting continues )
Arriba, enciérrate en tu habitación cierra las cortinas.
[Shouting Continues]
[Continuan Gritos]
[Shouting Continues]
[Continuan Gritando]
- [Shouting Continues ] - [ Chittering Continues]
- [Shouting Continues] Well, this reporter was possibly a little hasty earlier... and would like to reaffirm his allegiance... to this country and its human president.
Bueno, este reportero estuvo posiblemente un poco precipitado antes y quisiera reafirmar su lealtad a este país y a su presidente humano.
[Man's Shouting Continues]...
¡ Ruyi! ¡ Ruyi!
[Shouting Continues]
- Humildad y un cuerno. ¿ Quieres ser mi amigo?
[Shouting Continues]
Pelea de osos, chicos.
- Aren't you gonna tell him you didn't really infect him? - [Shouting Continues]
¿ No le dirá que no lo infectó?
- [Shouting Continues ] - [ Milhouse] He's gettir away!
¡ Se escapa!
- [Shouting Continues]
¡ Desgraciado, te voy a matar!
- [Shouting Continues ] - [ Door Slams Shut]
[Continuan los Gritos y Portazos]
[Shouting Continues]
[Gritos Continuos]
( excited shouting continues ) Come on, Rodger.
- Vamos Rodger.
[Shouting continues]
[Gritando continúa]
- ( Shouting continues ) - Whose balls?
¿ Qué pelotas?
[crowd shouting ] [ shouting continues]
- Lo mismo, Srta. Mallory.
[Shouting Continues] - Come on.
Venga, venga!
[Screaming Continues ] [ Groaning, Shouting] - Where are we?
- ¡ Estoy atascado!
[Pansy Continues Screaming ] - [ Robbers Shouting] - It's a bit tight.
Está un poco apretado.
- [Man Continues Shouting]
¡ Lo va a matar!
[Shouting Continues] - Let's just get out ofhere.
- Salgamos de aquí.
[Shouting Continues] I'm gonna kill him!
- ¡ Voy a matarlo!
[Shouting Continues]
Queremos que pruebe algo.
[Shouting ] [ Thunderclap continues]
¿ Cúal es?
[Shouting Continues] Stop!
¡ Alto!
[Shouting Continues]
¡ Baila!
[Drumming Continues, Shouting] - It's the drummer.
[Tambores de Guerra, Gritos]
- [People Shouting, Laughing ] - [ Continues, Indistinct]
- ATLANTIC CITY HACE DOS DÍAS Dije : "Los abogados son canallas".
[High-pitched Shouting ] - You must die! - [ Shouting Continues]
¡ Tú debes morir!
( Shouting continues ) Silence!
¡ Silencio!
( singing continues ) ( shouting in sync )
finalmente nos llegó otro bote donde estabamos.
( Olly ) What a stupid thing to... ( Whispered arguing continues, indistinct ) ( Shouting ) Fuck! Fuck!
Menuda idiotez... ¡ Mierda!

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