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Simple as that traducir español

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Simple as that.
Tan simple como la muerte!
It's as simple as that.
Así de simple.
It's not quite as simple as that.
No es tan simple.
As simple as that, jealousy.
Así de simple, celos.
It's not as simple as that.
No es tan sencillo como eso.
Well, all right, it wasn't quite as simple as that.
Bueno, no es tan simple como eso.
- It's not as simple as that.
- No es tan simple.
It's as simple as that.
Es así de simple.
You need to have this surgery because your son needs you. It's as simple as that.
Necesita esa cirugía porque su hijo lo necesita.
- Simple as that?
- ¿ Así de fácil?
Well... it's not as simple as that.
Bueno... No es tan simple.
Look, life sucks if I can't have her. Simple as that.
Mira, la vida es una mierda si no puedo tenerla, es así de simple.
No, it's as simple as that behind, ok?
No, es tan simple como eso.
Simple as that?
Simple como esto?
Bam. Simple as that.
Así de sencillo.
It's some lab mistake. Simple as that.
Será algún error de laboratorio, sólo eso.
It's not as simple as that.
- No es así de fácil.
It's as simple as that for me.
Es tan simple como eso.
It's not as simple as that.
No es así de simple, Tom.
Simple as that.
Tan simple como eso.
No, it's not as simple as that.
No, no es tan sencillo.
You don't understand, it's not as simple as that.
No es asi de fácil.
It's as simple as that. Before there is no here, here.
Así de fácil, antes que no quede nada en la nada.
It's gone one day, simple as that.
Existe y después ya no.
Simple as that.
Simple como eso.
It's as simple as that.
Tan simple como eso.
It's not as simple as that.
No podemos enunciar el problema de esa manera.
Well, i'm afraid, hornblower, It's not quite as simple as that.
Bien, me temo, Hornblower, que no es tan simple como parece.
Sibling jealousy. Simple as that.
Celos de hermanas, así de sencillo.
It's as simple as that.
tan simple como eso.
It's all about power, it's as simple as that.
Se trata de poder, así de simple.
Simple as that.
Es así de sencillo.
As simple as that, that was the end of something between me and my dad.
Y así de fácil, se terminó algo entre mi padre y yo.
It's as simple as that. And I know I'm right.
Yo también veo la verdad dentro de mí, y sé que tengo razón.
He believed and understood... that something as simple as a little haircut... could change the way a man felt on the inside.
Creyó y entendió que algo tan simple como un pequeño corte de pelo podía cambiar la manera como un hombre se sentía en su interior.
And that's... that's really as simple as it can be boiled down to.
Así de sencillo.
That's actually quite simple as well.
Eso es bien simple también
I was amazed by the fact that now for the first time I can look at pages that looks... that look hopeless with the naked eye, and begin to use them as text from which you just read.
Me maravilló el hecho de que ahora por primera vez puedo mirar páginas que parecen... imposibles de leer a simple vista, y comenzar a usarlas como texto legible.
You never that simple as a gunshot wound.
Contigo nunca es tan sencillo como una herida de bala.
Of course, if it were that simple I'm sure the existence of the Stargate would be public knowledge on Earth as well.
Por supuesto, si eso fuera tan simple,... estoy seguro de que la existencia del Stargate... sería de conocimiento público en la Tierra... también.
I presume you mean the so-called unified theory, what physicists refer to as the theory of everything - an equation so simple they say that it might be printed on a T-shirt.
Supongo que hablas de lo que los físicos llaman la "Teoría del Todo", una ecuación tan sencilla que podría imprimirse en una camiseta.
It could be something as simple as a tracking device that allows them to know where the important test subjects are.
Puede ser algo tan simple como un dispositivo de rastreo que le permite saber dónde están los sujetos de prueba.
It could be, for example, something as simple as a tracking device that allows them to know where the test subjects that are most important to them are.
Podría ser, por ejemplo, algo tan simple como un dispositivo de rastreo que les permite saber dónde están los sujetos de prueba que son tan importantes para ellos.
He killed her, as simple as that
- Este cayó de alto.
A man can get lost out here, forget there's people and things that ain't so simple as this.
Aquí te puedes perder. Por no decir que hay gente y cosas que no son tan sencillas.
You're talking about something that's not... as simple as you think.
Hablas sobre cosas que no son... tan simple como crees.
As if it's that simple.
- Como si fuera tan simple.
Simple as that
Así de sencillo.
October 31, 1996, if I recall correctly- - one Professor Gilbert Grissom revealed that as a boy, he collected dead animals he found in his Marina del Rey neighborhood and performed necropsies on them.
"Es muy simple. Aquí está la membrana en qué vivimos, y aquí hay otra membrana flotando en una dimensión superior. No presenta ninguna dificultad en absoluto imaginar que éstas colisionan una contra otra."
- It's as simple as that.
Así de sencillo.
This from a guy who dropped out of my life without so much as a passive-aggressive e-mail? How does that fit into your definition of "simple human kindness"?
¿ Tú me abandonas sin siquiera mandarme un e-mail y vienes a hablarme de gentileza?

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