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Since you brought it up traducir español

69 traducción paralela
- Well, since you brought it up, I'll tell you.
Ya que lo planteas, te lo contaré.
But, since you brought it up, let me tell you somethin'.
Pero, ya que saca el tema, déjeme que le diga algo.
Since you brought it up, there's one thing I oughta say... - I didn't bring it up. - before we forget about it.
Ya que lo ha mencionado, quisiera decir algo antes de que se nos olvide.
But since you brought it up, you may as well know my opinion... which is that politics is everywhere, and you may as well get good at it.
Pero ya que lo mencionas, te diré lo que pienso : En todas partes se hace política, y será mejor que te perfecciones.
Well, since you brought it up, Sam.
Bueno, ya que sacas el tema, Sam.
But since you brought it up, some of the girls in my bridge class have been pestering me for? For autographed pictures of you.
Pero ya que tú lo mencionas las chicas en mi clase de bridge me han estado pidiendo que les dé... fotos tuyas autografiadas.
But since you brought it up, how is your father?
Pero, ya que lo mencionas, ¿ cómo está tu padre?
Since you brought it up, against the instructions of the court, is multiple personality disorder your primary area of expertise?
Ya que habló de esto, pese a que no debía hacerlo ¿ se especializa usted en casos de personalidades múltiples?
I've been thinking about that since you brought it up before.
He estado pensando en eso desde que lo mencionaste.
- Yeah, well, since you brought it up.
- Sí. Bueno, ya que lo mencionaste...
- Since you brought it up, I wanna ask...
- Sí, acerca de eso...
But since you brought it up... ... there is something I've been meaning to broach.
Ya que hablamos del tema, hay algo que deseo preguntarte.
- Since you brought it up, where is she?
- ¿ Ya que lo planteaste, dónde está ella?
Well, since you brought it up, let's talk Beastmaster. - What do you got?
Bueno, dado que lo planteaste, hablemos del Amo de las Bestias. ¿ Tienes algo?
Since you brought it up what about you?
Ya que lo mencionaste, que hay de ti?
Well, I wasn't gonna ask, but since you brought it up.
No te lo iba a pedir, pero ya que preguntas...
But since you brought it up, what is she doing here?
Pero ahora que lo mencionas, ¿ qué hace ella aquí?
Well, I don't usually get to talk about it, but since you brought it up...
No tengo muchas oportunidades de hablar de esto, pero ya que sacaste el tema...
Well, since you brought it up, I'd say you crossed that border with 10 more crazy people in your trunk.
Bueno, ya que sacaste el tema, yo diría que cruzaste ese límite con otros diez locos en tu cajuela.
Okay, well, since you brought it up, let's add up the points.
Ya que lo mencionas, sumemos los puntos.
Well, since you brought it up...
Bueno, ya que lo mencionas...
Which, by the way, since you brought it up...
Que, a propósito, ya que lo mencionas...
Since you brought it up, I'm just gonna say it.
Ya que sacaste el tema, te lo diré.
Since you brought it up, how do you see my role in HankMed?
¿ Y sabes qué? Ya que lo mencionaste,
But since you brought it up, do you see Matt and I as a couple?
Los últimos dos de cuatro sábados, Si eso es lo que insinúas. Pero ya que sacas el tema,
But, since you brought it up, what's the answer?
Pero, desde que abordó el tema, ¿ Cuál es la respuesta?
Well, since you brought it up, pepper...
Bueno, ya que lo mencionas, Pepper...
- Since you brought it up...
Ahora que lo mencionas.
Well, not happy, but since you brought it up, you're right.
Bueno, no me alegra, pero desde que lo sacaste, tienes razón.
Since you brought it up...
Ya que lo traes a colación...
Actually, since you brought it up, I talked to the doctor.
En realidad, desde que lo dijiste, hablé con el médico.
Since you brought it up, what if things aren't that great between you two?
Como has sacado el tema, ¿ qué pasa si las cosas no son geniales entre vosotros dos?
And I didn't mention a murder, but since you brought it up why were your prints at the Webster crime scene?
- Yo no maté a esa mujer. - Y yo no mencioné ningún asesinato, pero ya que ha sacado el tema... ¿ Por qué sus huellas dactilares estaban en la escena del crimen de Webster?
But since you brought it up...
- Pero ya que has sacado el tema...
Well, I'm not allowed to talk about it, but since you brought it up, I went to space!
Bueno, no estoy autorizado para hablar de ello, pero ya que lo mencionas, ¡ Fui al espacio!
Yeah. Since you brought it up...
Ya que lo mencionas...
You know, since you brought it up, would you care to comment on the CIA operative rescued with the students in Uzbekistan?
Sabe, ya que usted lo ha sacado, ¿ le importaría hacer un comentario sobre el agente de la CIA rescatado con los estudiantes en Uzbekistán?
- But since you brought it up...
- - Pero ya que lo mencionas... -
I have ever since you brought it up the first time.
Lo he entendido desde que lo dijiste la primera vez.
Well, since you brought it up, and I didn't, because I don't want to talk about it, what were you thinking?
Bueno, ya que lo mencionas, y yo no, porque no quiero hablar de ello,
Well, I ain't the promoting type, but since you brought it up, I got my own spot down the road.
Bueno, no quiero promocionarme, pero ya que lo ha sacado, yo tengo mi propio local junto a la carretera.
But... Since you brought it up...
Pero ya que sacaste el tema...
But since you brought it up, maybe you could tell me about those supplements.
Pero ya que lo mencionas, tal vez usted podría decirme sobre esos suplementos.
But since you brought it up, I don't find your self-pity amusing.
Pero ya que lo mencionaste, no encuentro tu autocompasión divertida.
I wouldn't have brought it up, but since you mentioned it.
No lo habría dicho, pero como tú lo has mencionado.
You've known it since I brought it up.
Lo supiste desde que lo mencioné.
Normally, i'd say 20, but since you just brought it up... I'm gonna go with five.
Por lo general, diría que 20... pero, como sacaste el tema... diría que 5.
Oh, it's just that ever since you came across my... secret, you brought up things I haven't thought about in years.
Sin embargo, a partir... Desde que me di cuenta de mi secreto, Empecé a pensar en cosas que no pensaba desde hace años.
Well, it's about Ava, since you brought her up.
Bueno, es sobre Ava, ya que usted la mencionó.
Since it's been brought up, you've almost religiously avoided stating or even implying a political allegiance.
Ya que lo mencionaron casi religiosamente evitas decir ni insinuar al menos tus preferencias políticas.
It's probably because you didn't feel emotionally ready to see it, and yet, you clearly have a need to come to terms with it since you were the one that brought it up the stairs, and put it in plain view so that you would notice it.
Probablemente porque no te sentías... emocionalmente listo para verla. Es claro que debes ponerte de acuerdo con ello, dado que fuiste tú quien... la subió por la escalera y la puso a plena vista para que la notaras.

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