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Sixth floor traducir español

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There's a branch of the local savings bank on the ground floor, and the second to sixth floors are nothing but offices.
Hay una sucursal del Banco de Ahorro en la planta baja, y del primer al quinto piso, solamente oficinas.
I would have been here sooner, except that I stopped off to see some friends of mine on the sixth floor of Miss Denham's hotel. Charming people.
Hubiera llegado antes, pero tuve que parar a ver a unos amigos que están en el sexto piso del hotel de la Srta. Denham.
One rainy afternoon, my friend Macky and I, unhappily sat up on the sixth floor of the Shaftsbury Avenue 31 1, in our detective agency "Argus".
Una tarde lluviosa... estábamos mi amigo Macky y yo, ambos bastante deprimidos, en el sexto piso de Shaftsburry Avenue, 311, en nuestro despachito de detectives'Argus'. Teníamos sólo cuatro libras.
Sixth floor!
¡ Sexta planta!
Apartment 312, sixth floor.
Piso 312, sexta planta.
She's on the sixth floor, on the right.
Es el quinto derecha.
Sixth floor, lovely view, a quiet house...
Quinto piso, vistas preciosas, una casa tranquila...
Sixth Floor.
Sexto piso.
- Sixth floor, quick!
- ¡ Sexto piso, rápido!
Sixth floor.
Sexto piso.
The sixth floor.
Al 6to piso.
Between the fifth and sixth floor.
Entre el quinto y el sexto piso.
You climb up to the roof of the car... pull yourself out of the sixth floor, and get help.
Sube al techo de la caja... sal al sexto piso, y pide ayuda.
Reception room. Sixth floor.
Recepción, sexto piso.
I'm selling toys at Braddock's on the sixth floor, and I've been working on a novel.
Vendo juguetes y estoy escribiendo una novela.
I'm upstairs, sixth floor, with fit-rite fox.
Estoy aquí arriba, sexto piso, con Fit-Rite Frocks.
Via del Lavatore, sixth floor.
Calle del Lavatore, en el sexto piso.
Let's say you'll find me on the sixth floor all evenings seven to nine.
Digamos que puede encontrarme en el sexto cualquier tarde de siete a nueve.
Seven to nine, sixth floor.
De siete a nueve, en el sexto piso.
He stole eggs from the hen on the sixth floor.
Ha robado los huevos de la gallina de la del sexto.
You try. Sixth floor.
Prueba en el sexto.
I killed them both with a high-powered rifle from the sixth floor of the Hotel Mark Jerome.
Los maté a los dos con un rifle de alta potencia desde el sexto piso del Hotel Mark Jerome.
" Come to my place On the sixth floor
Si vienes, si vienes a mi sexto piso. Verás...
Sometimes my courage flagged. Sixth floor and no elevator!
A veces, me faltaba el valor, en mi 6º sin ascensor.
We walk up to the sixth floor, then walk down
Subimos hasta el 6º piso, y luego bajamos.
Bring it up to the sixth floor.
Traedlo al 6º piso.
We live on the sixth floor.
Vivimos en el sexto piso.
[Kojak] Be careful, Joannie, and get off on the sixth floor.
Ten cuidado, Joannie, y sube a la sexta planta.
A student on the sixth floor gave me half that for a single room.
Un estudiante en el sexto me daba la mitad por una habitación.
No, there's no doubt about, the CRS responded firing at the windows, with some grenades reaching the sixth floor.
No, no hay duda, los CRS respondieron disparando a las ventanas, con granadas lacrimógenas cayendo alcanzando la sexta planta.
I had to think about it, because children better than spending time on the grass, rather than on the sixth floor.
Tuve que pensar en ello, porque los niños mejor que pasar tiempo en la hierba, más que en el sexto piso.
and I still must go on the sixth floor on foot.
y todavía debe ir en la sexta planta de los pies.
Dark-haired, erudite, charming and moreover living in the flat B on the sixth floor.
Morena, culta, encantadora... y además, inquilina del 6º B.
We're up on the sixth floor.
Sube, es el sexto.
They're in the administrator's office on the sixth floor.
En la oficina del administrador en el 6o. Piso.
It's on the sixth floor.
Está en el sexto piso.
Dr. Arlene Franklin, sixth floor waiting area, please.
Dra. Arlene Franklin, sala de espera, 6to piso, por favor.
- Where does Juani live? - On the sixth floor.
¿ Dónde vive su vecina Juani?
Sixth floor... ladies'lingerie.
Sexto piso, lencería para damas.
She was on the sixth floor.
Ella estaba en el sexto piso.
Homicide Bureau, my office, sixth floor.
Departamento de Homicidios, en mi oficina, sexto piso.
Because one of the other things about being Control, I've always thought, is that your office is on the sixth floor.
Porque una de las cosas que tiene ser Control, he pensado siempre, es que tu oficina está en el sexto piso.
- Sixth floor too high for you, Fink?
¿ Es demasiado alto el sexto piso para ti?
So the shot of fragment that left a superficial wound on Teague's cheek came from one of the three bullets fired from the Depository's sixth floor.
Así que el tiro o fragmento que hirió a Teague tuvo que ser una de las tres balas disparada desde el sexto piso del depósito.
Thirty-sixth floor, Club Raymond.
Piso treinta y seis, Club Raymond.
Something on the sixth or seventh floor.
Algo en el sexto o séptimo piso.
The sixth floor has the finest view of London you could hope for.
No pienso perder el tiempo mirando por la ventana.
Sixth floor.
Sexta planta.
I pretended I was going to the third floor, they went to the sixth.
Yo pretendía ir al 3er piso, ellos iban al sexto
I can come back later if you want, because I... I am waiting for you... sixth floor, flat B. Please!
Le espero en el 6º B.
- On the sixth floor, isn't it?
¿ 6º B?

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