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So don't worry about me traducir español

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So don't worry about me.
Así que no te preocupes por mí.
"... so don't you worry none about me.
"... así que no te preocupes por mí
If you shut up and don't give me any arguments you'll have nothing to worry about. But if you act wise I'll make sure you pop into jail so fast, it'll give you the bends.
Si te callas y no me discutes no tendrás que preocuparte pero si actúas astutamente..... te meterás en prisión en cuanto abras la boca.
No wonder you look so worn. Don't worry about me, darling.
No te preocupes, lo prefiero a aburrirme.
Oh, don't worry about me. There are so many trains.
No se preocupe,... trenes hay muchos.
What I don't understand, if you'll allow me, Ignacio, is why you worry so much about the future.
Lo que no entiendo, permítame usted don Ignacio, es ¿ por qué se preocupa tanto por el porvenir?
You're a girl so I don't have to worry about that
Tu eres una niña, así que eso no me preocupa.
It so happens you don't have a thing in the world to worry about. She didn't like me worth a bit.
Y no tienes de qué preocuparte ya que no le gusto ni pizca.
So, don't worry about me, Sal, not for a minute.
Así que no te preocupes por mí, Sal. Ni un solo minuto.
So the one. Legged jockey said : " Don't worry about me, baby.
Va eljockey cojo y dice : " No sufras por mí, cariño.
I've been shot 11 times, broke out of more jails than you can count, had a rope around my neck twice, so... don't worry about me.
Me dispararon 11 veces.. No puedo contar cuántas veces me escapé de la cárcel, y salve mi cuello No te preocupes por mí.
Don't worry about me so much.
No te preocupes tanto por mi.
Well, I'm not looking for any help, so you don't have to worry about me.
No busco ayuda no tienes que preocuparte por mi.
I can drink you under any table you want, so don't worry about me.
No te preocupes por mí. En cualquiera maldita apuesta te gano.
You already gave me plenty of time, so don't worry about it.
Ya me dio mucho tiempo, así que no se preocupe.
So long as I'm there, I'll make sure everyone's taken care of, so don't worry about that
Mientras esté allí, me aseguraré de que nos ocupamos de todo el mundo, así que no te preocupes por ello.
So don't worry about me.
Asi que no te preocupes por mi...
So don't worry about me, Pete.
Así que, no te preocupes por mí, Pete.
You gotta eat. Don't worry about me so much.
No te preocupes por mí.
I don't think i'm gonna bleed to death, so don't you fellas worry about me.
No voy a desangrarme, así que no se preocupen por mí.
I got through 22 missions without a scratch, so don't you fellas worry about me.
Sobreviví 22 misiones sin un rasguño así que no se preocupen.
So don't you fellas worry about me.
Así que no se preocupen.
So I said to myself, "Don't worry about it."
Y entonces me dije : "No te preocupes."
I know I feel better knowing that Frasier has told you he and I were once engaged, so I don't have to worry about you discovering it at some inopportune moment.
Sé que me siento mejor sabiendo que Frasier ha dicho él y yo estábamos a punto de casarme, por lo que no tiene que preocuparse sobre ti descubrirlo en un momento inoportuno.
Being pathetic will only get you so far in life. Don't worry about her.
Lo contraté porque me dio lástima, pero aún así, los lavabos deben desaguar.
You guarantee Mark Bodine's widow her husband's share of the subdivision so I don't worry about the police, and you won't worry about me.
Usted garantiza a la viuda de Mark Bodine su parte de las tierras, así yo no me preocupo de la policía y usted no se preocupa de mí.
My trainer's got me on Nautilus and the StairMaster so you don't have to worry about Nick Lang.
Mi entrenador me hace trabajar en Nautilus y Stairmaster. Así que no debe preocuparse por Nick Lang.
You probably haven't thrown a baseball in a long time whereas I'm an active player, so, you know don't worry about looking bad because the camera will be on me.
Usted probablemente no ha tirado en béisbol en mucho tiempo mientras que soy un jugador activo, Entonces, usted sabe no se preocupe por echarse atras, porque la cámara estará conmigo.
Why don't you just pay me now, so we don't have to worry about it later?
Por que no me pagas ahora.
Well, I'm trying. I just wish you don't worry so much about me.
- Ya lo intento, no te preocupes.
But seriously now, Fun, you know, you don't have man around, so I worry about your safety.
Pero en serio, Fun no tienes a un hombre y me preocupa tu seguridad.
So I don't have to worry about catching something, and dying!
Para no preocuparme que me pegues algo y me muera No se puede transmitir por el aire
Don't worry about me, I'm not doing so badly.
Oye, no te preocupes por mí, que no estoy tan mal.
Anyway, I have a match to play, and a manor to attend to with himself away, so don't worry about me.
De todas maneras, tengo que jugar ajedrez, y al menos tendré algo con que distraerme. No se preocupen por mi.
So, don't worry about me.
Así es que no te preocupes por mí.
So don't worry about me, OK?
No te preocupes.
So don't worry about me.
así que no te preocupes por mí...
So I said, "Don't worry about it. I'm eating my plants."
Les dije : "No os preocupeis, me comere las plantas".
So don't worry about me.
Así que no se preocupen por mí.
Not to hurt me. Just to knock all my teeth out, so I can give'em head all night and they don't have to worry about me biting.
Me rompen los dientes para que se las chupe sin preocuparse de que los muerda.
So don't worry about me
Así que no te preocupes por mí.
It was a test flight. I'm not actually going into combat, dad, so you don't have to worry about me... not yet, anyway.
No estoy en combate, no tienes que preocuparte por mí.
So have a really great trip to London... and don't worry about me, okay?
Que tengas un buen viaje a Londres, y no te preocupes por mí, ¿ vale?
So why don't you just worry about you, and I'll worry about...
Así que tú ocúpate de ti mismo y yo me ocuparé de...
Don't worry so much about me.
No se preocupen tanto conmigo.
I mean, I can handle you being there, so don't worry about me.
Creo puedo soportar que estés allí. No te preocupes por mí.
He told me not to worry. He said most people died when they're so old, they don't care about living any more.
Me dijo que no me inquietara que la gente moría cuando eran tan viejos que ya no les importaba vivir.
I'm about to take a ride, so I don't have to worry about anything, right?
No me tengo que preocupar de nada, ¿ verdad?
Don't be so sensitive, I just worry about my only son.
No seas tan sensible, sólo me preocupo por mi único hijo.
" You don't have to worry about me so much.
" Ya no tienes que preocuparte por mí.
You don't have to worry about me so much anymore.
" Ya no tienes que preocuparte por mí.

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