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So what's it like traducir español

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If we can imagine Hadrian's Wall as not such a bad posting, it's because our sense of what life was like at the time has been transformed by one of the most astonishing finds of recent archaeology - the so-called Vindolanda Tablets.
Si el muro de Adriano no nos parece ahora mal destino, se debe a que nuestro conocimiento de cómo era la vida entonces se ha visto transformado por un descubrimiento extraordinario de la arqueología reciente, Las llamadas Tabletas Vindolanda.
It's so creepy, driving into that thing. It smells like fish and exhaust, you know what I mean?
Manejar por ahi es como mezclar humo con pescado, ¿ me entiendes?
What, because you like drama so much? Come on, it's a good show.
- ¿ Acaso te gusta el drama?
So what's it like here?
¡ Oh, Tom! ¡ Mi querido!
I think so. That's what it sounded like.
¿ De verdad dijo eso?
So, wow. What's it like being fathers?
¿ Qué se siente ser padres?
That's a good distance, especially a little thing like this, and you don't know if you can take a running start or how you should do it, or what the thing is, so this looks like it's going to be our weakest event for sure.
Es una buena distancia, especialmente para una cosa tan pequeña, y no sabemos si podemos tomar carrerilla. Parece que va a ser nuestro punto débil.
I think that's what we were thinking at first, but I knew it would be something kind of tricky and it's show time, so I like the spotlight.
Es lo que ellos pensaron al principio, pero sabía que requería de astucia así que me gusta destacar en eso.
women are always a little bit competitive in everything we do, you know, so it's like when you're working together you're seeing what the other person can do, and you're proving each other at the same time.
Cuando trabajamos juntas ves lo que otras pueden hacer y tú les demuestras lo que puedes hacer.
Uh, and-and one of the faces is blank, and there's absolutely no historical record of what it looked like, so it's up to me to complete it.
Una de las caras está en blanco... y no hay registros históricos de cómo se veía, así que debo completarlo.
- What are you going to see? - There's that film... My patients keep talking about it so I feel like seeing it.
Hay una película en el Alhambra de la cual todos mis pacientes hablan.
i feel weird doin'it, you know,'cause he's like- - so what?
Me da apuro pedírselo. ¿ Y qué?
- Ah, ya. - Así que no es que...
- So, what's it like?
- Bueno, ¿ cómo es?
Part of what I like about Silicon Valley is just that it's so dynamic, and you can do anything here. And even the money-grabbing approach. Even if it's slightly tasteless especially when you come from Europe, it's a really good motivational factor.
Una de las cosas que me gusta de Silicon Valley es su gran dinamismo aquí puedes hacer cualquier cosa, incluso eso de la carrera por el dinero que parece un poco de mal gusto sobretodo si eres europeo es un factor de motivación
it seems to be so much a part of what he's like it seems almost as though that's his purpose in life is to write about drinking
Es parte de su ser, es como si su próposito de vida fuera escribir sobre la bebida.
You know, people wonder what it's like to live so long.
Sabes, la gente se pregunta cómo es vivir tanto tiempo.
It's so clear now. Is this what it feels like to have purpose?
Ahora está muy claro. ¿ Es eso lo que se siente al tener un propósito?
It's so weird. So, what's she like?
es tan raro como es ella?
I'm so sorry, Audrey, but I don't think you really know what it's like to be embarrassed.
Lo lamento, Audrey pero tú no sabes lo que es eso.
It's getting harder to tell what's right anymore, so I hope you like it.
Es difícil decir lo correcto. Espero que te guste.
You weren't here last year. And you don't know what it's like, so you couldn't possibly understand.
No estuviste aquí el año pasado y no sabes lo que se siente.
So what are you saying, that's it? You could leave like that? Listen, my shift's over at 7.
¿ Estás diciendo que se acabó?
Before you put that in, let me take theirs apart so I can see what it's supposed to look like.
Antes de que la cargues, déjame desarmarla para poder ver cómo se supone que esté armada.
So, what's it like?
- Y, ¿ cómo es?
Es como lo que Barbra dijo tan elocuentemente en "Hello Dolly",
So, what's it like to be interrogated?
¿ Qué tal es ser interrogada?
- It's like a castle. - So what do you think?
¿ Qué te parece?
What's it like being so good-looking?
¿ Cómo es el ser tan guapo?
And even though you took it away from us, it's not like it couldn't be replaced. And so, to be quite honest, I was grateful that that's what you chose.
Y aunque nos quitaste es algo que podemos reemplazar y Para ser honesta agradezco que hicieras eso.
So the corporations were then able to sell things to them by understanding them, by having labels, by knowing what people looked like, by where they lived, by what their lifestyles are. If a new product expressed a particular group's values, it would be bought them.
para que las corporaciones fuesen capaces de venderles cosas entendiendolos, etiquetandolos, conociendo como luce esta gente, por como viven, cuales son sus estilos de vida si un nuevo producto expresa los valores de un grupo en particular, seria comprado por ellos
So, what's it like on the outside?
¿ Cómo es la vida afuera?
It's like, so what are we doing here?
La idea es : ¿ qué hacemos aqui?
I'd just like to know what forms I need for the file... So it's complete.
Solo quiero saber qué papeles necesito para... que esté completo.
So it's like that. What y'all want to play?
¿ Qué quieren tocar?
And it's over so quickly, you hardly get to know what they're called. He wasn't like that.
- Y se termina tan rápido, que entiendo que no recuerdes el nombre.
No. But I was in total awe, so I know what it's like.
No, pero yo estaba totalmente impresionada y por eso sé cómo es.
A guy like me, designing a bug, first I have to figure out what type of model the phone is that I'm bugging. And then I have to design it so it's invisible.
Alguien como yo que prepara un micro debe adivinar que modelo de teléfono es para crear luego un micro invisible más el micro del teléfono
I mean, it... it's so unstable, like it can't decide what it wants to be.
Digo, es tan inestable. No se decide qué cosa ser.
So what's it's like, then?
¿ Cómo es, entonces?
So what's it like to lead a team?
¿ Qué sé siente el dirigir un equipo?
So... what's it like when you see things?
Enonces... ¿ Qué siente cuando ve cosas?
Uh, so, uh, what's it like having Adrian Monk as a houseguest?
Y... ¿ cómo es tener a Adrian Monk de invitado?
Bueno, ¿ cómo es?
What it's like to have to hide so people won't think you're a freak.
Tener que esconderte para que no piensen que eres un fenómeno.
So tell me, what's it- - what's it really like to be a professional tennis player?
Diem, ¿ Cómo es la vida de un tenista profesional?
- I don't know what it is I'm so emotional It's like I have this overriding urge to- -
No se por qué, pero noto un impulso irresistible de....
Anyway, this light, it doesn't even pass over us, but more like through us, and then it's up in the sky, and then it goes down behind these pine trees, so we stop the car and we get out, we got this glowing behind the trees, and we have no idea what it is...
Como sea, esta luz, no pasó por encima nuestro, sino más como a través nuestro, y luego se elevó hacia el cielo, y luego cayó detrás de esos pinos, así que detuvimos el coche y salimos, teníamos a esta luz resplandeciente detrás de los árboles, y no teníamos idea de lo que era- -
So what's it like to be Reagan's kid?
¿ Cómo será ser hijo de Reagan?
Come on, so the kid can learn what it's like.
Así el pendejo se cerciora de lo que es, loca.
I like to know who's shopping it around in my neighborhood, so what you do is be in my office first thing tomorrow morning, if you want to continue to work here at the Shangri-La and you and I will go over the rules together.
Quiero saber quién anda de compras en mi barrio, así que mañana preséntate a primera hora en mi oficina, si quieres seguir trabajando en el Shangri-la y repasaremos las reglas juntos.

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