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Solange traducir español

341 traducción paralela
Hand me the cuff, Solange.
Pásame el acerico, Solange.
Have you seen Solange?
¿ Has visto a Solange?
Give me the fabric, Solange.
Pásame la tela de jersey, Solange.
¡ Solange!
I present Solange.
Le presento a Solange.
My old Solange, my only family.
Mi vieja Solange, mi única familia.
- Hello, Solange.
- Hola, Solange.
You've got to talk to Solange.
Ya verá Solange.
You told Solange that you'd be finished today.
Le dijiste a Solange que estaría acabado hoy.
I didn't tell Solange that I would be ready.
No le dije a Solange que estaría listo.
I'm Madame Solange.
Soy madame Solange.
Madame Solange is right.
Madame Solange tiene razón.
Goodbye, Solange.
Adiós, Solange.
Poor Solange!
¡ Pobre Solange!
- Solange has gone to see.
- Solange ha ido a ver.
It's me, Solange!
¡ Soy yo, Solange!
- Daniel, I'm going to talk to Solange.
- Daniel, voy a hablar con Solange.
Solange, open the door!
¡ Solange, abre la puerta!
Please, Solange, make her shut up for God's sake. Please!
Por favor, Solange, hazla callar por Dios. ¡ Por favor!
I've been with Solange 23 years.
Llevo 23 años con Solange.
Solange Viart...
Solange Viart...
With all the driving I do, Solange has gotten used to living without me.
Por mi tipo de trabajo, Solange se ha acostumbrado a vivir sin mí.
I think I'm done here, Solange.
Esto termina aquí, Solange.
Even for Solange.
Incluso para Solange.
And Solange?
¿ Y Solange?
I arrived at the train station in the afternoon. But I didn't want to go to my friend Solange's place right away. Because I did not tell her that I would come
Llegué a la estación por la tarde, pero no quise ir enseguida a casa de mi amiga Solange porque no le había avisado y no recordaba cómo ir a su casa.
Solange was happy to see us.
Solange se alegró de verme.
Solange just laughed when I told her that I only had 9,300 francs. - 9300 francs? What can you do with that?
Solange se rió cuando le dije que tenía 9300 francos.
The next day, I went where Solange had told me to look.
Al día siguiente fui adónde me dijo Solange.
- You know what? Sylvie broke a vase. I learned when I returned that Sylvie had broken a vase.
Solange me dijo al llegar que Sylvie había roto un jarrón.
Solange and she went together into the kitchen.
Solange y ella fueron a la cocina.
Solange called me into the kitchen.
Solange me llamó a la cocina.
I thought about going to see Solange.
Pensé en ir a ver a Solange.
I had stayed at Solange's place for three days.
Me quedé en casa de Solange tres días.
Solange Mido.
Solange Mideau.
- I have no husband and Solange - yes. My husband, my husband.
- No, pero el marido de Solange...
- Hash agreement. What Eric does not know Solange, and that she never in this house was not.
Eric no conoce a Solange y Solange no ha venido nunca.
Just call me Solange.
Puede llamarme Solange.
Do not know if it is. It seemed to me that you are not complaining about Solange?
Tengo la impresión de usted no la aprecia mucho.
If so, it must be remember the one trip, Solange which does not know.
Si eso pasa, se ha recordado de una carrera y no le ha dicho nada a Solange.
Is Solange not here?
- ¿ No está Solange?
You only get younger, prettier and more elegant.
Srta. Solange, se la ve cada día más bella, jóven, elegante.
Tell Solange you love my daughter.
Dígale a Solange que ama a mi hija.
Solange, darling. Get a hold of yourself.
Solange, mi pequeña.
Solange, careful.
Solange, ten cuidado.
Solange, Danielle, the child, the car, the wedding, the birth.
Solange, Danielle, el niño, el coche, el matrimonio, el parto.
You were hiding it well.
- Confiesa que ocultaste todo para bien. - ¡ Solange...!
I bet you were great. Bare chest, covered in blood.
¡ Estuviste genial ; te veo, con el torso desnudo cubierto de sangre, con tu Solange de la mano!
Solange, you didn't do anything bad, did you?
Solange, ¿ no habrás, no habrás hecho algo malo?
Excuse me.
Perdón, Solange.

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