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Solloway traducir español

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I gave Mike Solloway a call up in Syracuse.
Le di a Mike Solloway una llamada en Siracusa.
Mr. Solloway, hi.
Sr. Solloway, hola.
Mr. Solloway?
¿ Sr. Solloway?
Mr. Solloway.
Sr. Solloway.
Mr. Solloway, thanks for coming in.
Sr. Solloway, gracias por venir.
Good morning, Mr. Solloway.
Buenos días, Sr. Solloway.
In that case, it was nice meeting you, Noah Solloway.
En ese caso, me alegro de haberte conocido, Noah Solloway.
It may not be, Mr. Solloway.
Puede que no lo sea, Sr. Solloway.
Mr. Solloway, do you know a place called the end?
Señor Solloway, ¿ conoce un sitio llamado The End?
Let me tell you something, Solloway, my separation from Val is possibly the greatest thing that's ever happened to me...
Déjame decirte algo, Solloway, mi separación de Val es posiblemente, lo mejor que me ha pasado nunca...
Damn, Solloway.
Vaya, Solloway.
Hey, Oscar, Mr. Solloway.
Hola, Oscar, señor Solloway.
Mrs. Solloway?
¿ Sra. Solloway?
Uh, I'm here looking for Whitney Solloway.
Busco a Whitney Solloway.
Thank you for your time, Mr. Solloway.
Gracias por su tiempo Sr. Solloway.
Hey, I'm here looking for Whitney Solloway.
Hola, busco a Whitney Solloway.
Mr. Solloway, hello.
Sr. Holloway, hola.
Mrs. Solloway, hi.
Sra. Holloway, hola.
That Solloway girl is here.
La chica Solloway está aquí.
Hey, I'm here looking for Whitney Solloway.
Hola, estoy buscando a Whitney Solloway.
- Noah Solloway.
- Noah Solloway.
- I'm looking for Mr. Solloway.
- Estoy buscando al Sr. Solloway.
- Mr. Solloway.
- Sr. Solloway.
Do you understand these rights, Mr. Solloway?
¿ Entiende sus derechos, Sr. Solloway?
Don't let my sister-in-law monopolize too much of your time, Mr. Solloway.
No deje que mi cuñada monopolice demasiado su tiempo, Sr. Solloway.
Hmm, what are you trying to tell me, Mr. Solloway?
¿ Qué está tratando de decirme, Sr. Solloway?
Eh, almost, Mr. Solloway.
Casi, Sr. Solloway.
Mr. Solloway, thank you for coming back in.
Sr. Solloway, Gracias por venir.
I have faith in you, Noah Solloway.
Confío en ti, Noah Solloway.
It's Whitney Solloway.
Es Whitney Solloway.
Jesus, Solloway.
Dios, Solloway.
Mr. Solloway, would you mind?
Sr. Solloway, ¿ le importa?
Mr. Solloway, do you know a place called "The End"?
Sr. Solloway, ¿ conoce un lugar llamado "The End"?
- Mr., uh, Solloway.
- Sr. Solloway.
Mr. Solloway, this is my wife, Alison.
Sr. Solloway, esta es mi mujer, Alison.
Noah Solloway.
Noah Solloway.
- Looking for the name Solloway.
- Busco el nombre de Solloway.
Mr. Solloway, do you know a place called the End?
Sr. Solloway, ¿ conoce un lugar llamado The End?
Uh, it's in the script, Mr. Solloway.
Está en la obra, Sr. Solloway.
Please welcome Noah Solloway.
Por favor, den la bienvenida a Noah Solloway.
There was a reservation under "Solloway."
Había una reserva a nombre de "Solloway".
They're from one of the hookers at the party- - a McKenzie Solloway.
Pertenecen a una de las putas de la fiesta, a McKenzie Solloway.
I'm looking for Mr. Solloway.
Busco al Sr. Solloway.
Mr. Solloway, you have the right to remain silent.
Sr. Solloway, tiene el derecho de permanecer en silencio.
Hey, I'm Noah Solloway.
Hola, soy Noah Solloway.
Then the house is considered joint property, Mrs. Solloway, even though it may be in your name.
Entonces la casa se considera propiedad compartida, Sra. Solloway, aunque esté a su nombre.
And were you aware of this situation, Mr. Solloway?
¿ Y estaba al corriente de esta situación, Sr. Solloway?
Are you sure, Mr. Solloway?
¿ Está seguro, Sr. Solloway?
Anything perhaps from you, Mrs. Solloway?
¿ Quizás algo sobre usted, Sra. Solloway?
But, uh, moving on. What about you, Mr. Solloway?
Pero, sigamos. ¿ Qué hay de usted, Sr. Solloway?
- Mrs. Solloway?
- ¿ Sra. Solloway?

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