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Sookie stackhouse traducir español

52 traducción paralela
I'm Sookie Stackhouse and I'm a waitress.
Soy Sookie Stackhouse Soy mesera.
Well, Sookie Stackhouse.
Bueno, Sookie Stackhouse.
Jason and Sookie Stackhouse.
A Jason y Sookie Stackhouse.
Sookie Stackhouse.
Sookie Stackhouse.
- Sookie Stackhouse.
- Sookie Stackhouse.
Sookie Stackhouse has prepared a few words.
Sookie Stackhouse preparó algunas palabras.
Sookie Stackhouse, Sam Merlotte.
Sookie Stackhouse, Sam Merlotte.
Sookie Stackhouse?
¿ Sookie Stackhouse?
Sookie Stackhouse.
Señorita Sookie Stackhouse.
Sookie Stackhouse.
Soy Sookie Stackhouse.
Her name is Sookie Stackhouse, - and I'm Hugo Ayers.
Su nombre es Sookie Stackhouse, y yo soy Hugo Ayers.
Tell him Sookie Stackhouse is in the basement of the Fellowship of the Sun Church.
Dile que Sookie Stackhouse está en el sotano. de la Hermandad de la Iglésia del Sol.
- Can you give me Sookie Stackhouse?
- ¿ Puedes darme a Sookie Stackhouse?
I wish you the best, Sookie Stackhouse.
Te deseo lo mejor, Sookie Stackhouse.
If I meet the true death without having at least kissed you, Sookie Stackhouse that would be my biggest regret.
Si encuentro la verdadera muerte sin haberte besado, Sookie Stackhouse ese será mi mayor remordimiento.
- And you're Sookie Stackhouse?
¿ Y tú eres Sookie Stackhouse?
Maybe I should send you back to Bon Temps to acquire Sookie Stackhouse.
Tal vez debería enviarte de vuelta a Bon Temps para adquirir a Sookie Stackhouse.
Earl Stackhouse, Sookie Stackhouse.
Earl Stackhouse, Sookie Stackhouse.
I'm looking for Sookie Stackhouse.
Estoy buscando a Sookie Stackhouse
Which is to sink my fangs into her and drink until you tell me what it is about Sookie Stackhouse that has so obviously piqued your interest.
- Que le clavaré los colmillos y beberé hasta que me digas por qué tienes tanto interés en Sookie Stackhouse.
I love you, Sookie Stackhouse.
Te amo, Sookie Stackhouse.
I'm glad I met you, Sookie Stackhouse.
Me alegra haberte conocido, Sookie Stackhouse.
There are two Sookie Stackhouses.
Hay dos Sookie Stackhouse.
- Is Sookie Stackhouse on the premises?
- ¿ Sookie Stackhouse está aquí?
Are you Sookie Stackhouse?
¿ Es Sookie Stackhouse?
Sookie Stackhouse!
¡ Sookie Stackhouse!
This is Sookie Stackhouse, the halfling you were told about.
Esta es Sookie Stackhouse, la media hada de la que te hablé.
We, the fairy tribe of Bon Temps, in this plane, in this time, will fight with you, Sookie Stackhouse.
Nosotros, la tribu de hadas de Bon Temps, en este plano, en este momento, lucharemos junto a ti, Sookie Stackhouse.
Sookie Stackhouse, I will tear your brother limb from limb unless you show yourself.
Sookie Stackhouse, despedazaré a tu hermano miembro a miembro si no te muestras.
Sookie Stackhouse! Oh... As I live and breathe.
¡ Sookie Stackhouse! Mientras viva y respire.
Sookie Stackhouse, I don't know who you think you are, but last time I checked, you were still a waitress at a little diner called Merlotte's.
Sookie Stackhouse, no sé quién te piensas que eres pero la última vez que miré, todavía eras una mesera en un barcito llamado Merlotte's.
Sookie Stackhouse, I'd like you to meet our faerie grandfather, Niall.
Sookie Stackhouse, me gustaría que conocieras a nuestro hada abuelo, Niall.
AII right. Who's Sookie Stackhouse?
Muy bien. ¿ Quién es Sookie Stackhouse?
- Sookie Stackhouse?
Sookie Stackhouse?
You're dead to me now, Sookie Stackhouse.
Ahora estás muerta para mí, Sookie Stackhouse.
Sookie Stackhouse, you shameful slut.
Sookie Stackhouse, perra vergonzosa.
Don't you put your hand on me, Sookie Stackhouse.
No se te ocurra tocarme, Sookie Stackhouse.
Sookie Stackhouse... how have you been?
Sookie Stackhouse... ¿ cómo has estado?
I was wrong about that Sookie Stackhouse.
Estaba equivocada con Sookie Stackhouse.
I offer you the world and every time all you offer me is lies. Ah! Does Sookie Stackhouse know about Sarah?
Le ofrezco el mundo y todas las veces, todo lo que me ofrece a cambio, son mentiras. ¿ Sabe Sookie Stackhouse algo sobre Sarah?
- -Sookie Stackhouse.
Sookie Stackhouse.
Let's meet this Sookie Stackhouse, shall we?
Conozcamos a esta Sookie Stackhouse, ¿ sí?
Oh, Sookie Stackhouse.
Sookie Stackhouse.
Does Sookie Stackhouse know about Sarah?
¿ Sabe Sookie Stackhouse lo de Sarah?
Stay outta my head, Sookie Stackhouse!
¡ Sal fuera de mi cabeza, Sookie Stackhouse!
I love you, Sookie Stackhouse.
Te quiero, Sookie Stackhouse.

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