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Take a look at it traducir español

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Wanna take a look at it for me?
¿ Quieres echarle un vistazo?
Why don't we take a look at it?
¿ Por qué no le damos una mirada?
Let's take a look at it then.
Echemosle un vistazo entonces.
Sign me in so I can take a look at it, will you?
Firma para que yo lo pueda ver, ¿ de acuerdo?
Let me take a look at it.
Déjame darle una mirada.
- We'll take a look at it.
- Bueno, lo revisaremos.
You know? Could I just take a look at it? Just see if it's right for me before I spend the money?
¿ Podría echarle un vistazo antes de comprar una?
I'll take a look at it.
Le echaré un vistazo.
Let's take a look at it.
- Echémosle un vistazo.
I think you should take a look at it.
Creo que deberías echarle un vistazo.
I've already found some office space downtown, and I've drawn up a prospectus, if you'd like to take a look at it.
Ya encontré unas oficinas en el centro de la ciudad y realicé un prospecto si quieres echarle un vistazo.
You should take a look at it.
Deberías echarle un vistazo
Can I take a look at it?
¿ Puedo echarle un vistazo?
There's a beautiful leather coat in the sorting area, would you like to ah, to take a look at it?
Hay un hermoso abrigo de cuero en la zona de clasificación, le gustaría echarle un vistazo?
I'm gonna get a doctor to take a look at it though, just in case.
Iré a un medico para que lo mire, por si a caso.
Take a look at it.
So maybe you could go take a look at it for her, sweetie.
Quizá puedas ir a verla, cariño.
- Please take a look at it once.
- Por favor, échale un vistazo.
Okay, if you'll just take off your clothes, we'll take a look at it.
Bien, si te quitas la ropa, le daremos un vistazo.
Why not take a look at it?
¿ Por qué no le das una ojeada?
Perhaps you'd, um, like to take a look at it?
¿ Quieres echarle un vistazo?
I think you just need to take a look at it.
Sólo necesitas echarle un vistazo.
Slowly, then. Please. Just take a look at it.
- Por favor, míramelo.
Thought you might like to take a look at it.
Pensé que te gustaría verlo.
So yeah... it would be good if you can also take a look at it.
Sí... sería bueno si lo vee también.
Take a look at it.
Quiero investigarlo.
Why don't you have Ben take a look at it?
¿ por qué no haces que Ben lo revise?
- Could Dr Hodgins take a look at it?
¿ Podría echarle un vistazo el Dr. Hodgins?
I do have a rash... if you could look... take a look at it.
Tengo un eczema... si puede mirar aquí... Ah... apuesto a que eso es por tu sujetador deportivo
Why don't I take a look at it?
¿ Porqué no le hecho un vistazo?
You want any paperwork signed I'll have the city attorney take a look at it.
Si quiere que firme algo, envíelo a mi oficina. - El fiscal municipal lo revisará.
I had T'Pol take a closer look at our prisoner's medical scans. It's human DNA.
Hice que T'Pol le echara un vistazo más de cerca a los escáners médicos de nuestro prisionero.
Shouldn't I take a look at it?
Eso es muy amable de tu parte, pero creo que alguien mencionó la comida.
He suggested that Palle take a good, critical look at him. It turns out the factory's owned by Aksel's brother-in-law and his own wife has shares in it.
Seguramente signifique un aumento de sueldo... tal vez pueda conversarlo con el director.
I suggest you take a look at your contract and you'll see that it's well within our purview.
Contratamos a Leo como asesor. Te sugiero que le eches una mirada a tu contrato y verás que está permitido
Take a look at his jersey. Is it all right if we talk to your pitcher?
¿ Le importa si hablamos con su lanzador?
And reporting from the math front, I think if you take a look at these equations I did with Ariel this evening, it'll become pretty damn obvious that her only problem with fourth grade math
Y reportando desde el frente matemático creo que si miras estas ecuaciones que hice esta tarde con Ariel será obvio que su único problema con las matemáticas de cuarto grado...
It'll take you an hour-and-a-half. No, no, no, look at me.
Va a ser rápido.
So, I guess I should take a look at the patient? Oh. It's over here.
Así es que supongo que debería darle una mirada al paciente.
Take a look at who bought it.
Mira quien la compró.
I appreciate it. I think you should take a look at this first.
Creo que primero debería echarle una mirada a esto.
It gets worse, take a look at this.
La cosa se pone peor, mira esto.
"Piece of shit" is more like it. You take a look at this fucking thing?
Es una mierda. ¿ Viste esta cosa?
Take a look up at the sky, at the water, feel the trees swaying in the breeze, and there's a calmness to it, a peace.
Échale una mirada al cielo, al agua, siente los árboles, meciéndose con la brisa, hay una calma, una paz, en todo eso.
I just wanted you to take a good, long look at it.
Sólo quería que la miraras muy detenidamente.
It helps sometimes, when I'm trying to build a character, Take a look around at the people, like that guy. Over there, drinking the beer.
Cuando intento construir un personaje, a veces ayuda si miro alrededor a la gente, por ejemplo a ese hombre allí, el que bebe la cerveza.
Think anyone would take a second look at you if it wasn't for your uncle?
¿ Y dónde estarías tú si no fuera por tu tío?
It's a beautiful night, why not going to take a look at Aldebaran?
Es una noche bellísima, ¿ por qué no va a darle una mirada a Aldebaran?
Take a look at this, it's broken or something.
Mira esto, está rota o algo.
I'd like to take a look at those field reports, see if Rhimes was targeted for being 23rd Street or it was personal or...
Me gustaría mirar esos trabajos de campo ver si Rhimes era seguido por ser de la Calle 23 o si era personal...
Alright. Just have to take a look at something here. It's okay.
Bueno, sólo tengo que mirar una cosa, está bien...

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