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Tell her that traducir español

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Tell her that I, the early cockerel, think that the girl is good-natured despite having lost her mind due to her passion.
Dígale que yo, el gallo de las mañanas, pienso que la chica es de buen corazón a pesar de haber perdido la cabeza por culpa de su pasión.
Well, if she wakes up, can you just please tell her that I called?
Bueno, si despierta, ¿ puedes decirle que llamé?
Me neither, so let's just tell her that we're out.
Yo tampoco, vamos a decirle que no vamos.
You can tell her that Mr. Gutierrez suffered cardiac arrest... In the attempt to save him from a lethal virus.
Puedes decirle que el señor Gutiérrez sufrió un paro cardíaco en el intento de salvarlo de un virus mortal.
You need to tell her that you felt nauseous, with a stiff neck, and a headache when you came in.
Tienes que decirle que sentiste náuseas, con un cuello rígido, y un dolor de cabeza cuando llegaste.
No, no, just, just tell her that you didn't remember what happened.
No, no, tan solo dile que no recordabas que pasó.
I couldn't tell her that obviously, but I couldn't stop thinking it.
No podía decirle, obviamente, pero no pude dejar de pensar en ello.
I mean, what's she gonna do when you tell her that?
Es decir, ¿ qué va a hacer cuando se lo digas?
Then we tell her that we'll swap you for the keys.
Luego le decimos que te intercambiaremos por las llaves.
Say yes, or else I'll tell her that you also used to bathe here with me... naked!
Diga que sí, tío. O le diré a ella que usted también solía bañarse aquí conmigo.. .. desnudo.
Suppose I tell her that whatever she asks for... you will not refuse.
Supón que le diga que te pida lo que te pida... no te negarás.
Tell her that the sorcery of the Nazarene will have an end.
Dile que la hechicería del nazareno se terminará.
Don't tell her that.
No le digas eso.
Okay, tell her that I'll do it.
Bien, dile que lo haré.
You can't... There's only one midget I'm gonna let tell me what to do, and I'm gonna go tell her that I'm done.
Solo una enana me dice qué hacer e iré a decirle que me retiro.
But, also, tell her that we have a repugnance for such measures, being Christians.
Pero también dile que nos repugnan esas medidas, porque somos cristianos.
Okay, where did you tell her that you were going tonight?
Está bien, ¿ de dónde le dices que que ibas esta noche?
Well, uh, whoever it is, whoever she is, um, I would tell her that marriage is something that I take very seriously, and before she does anything drastic, she'd better make sure she's done everything in her power to try and make it work with...
Buen, lo que sea, quien sea, le diría que el matrimonio es algo que me tomo muy en serio, y antes de que haga algo drástico, debería asegurarse de que ha hecho todo lo que está en su poder
That's what I came to tell her.
Eso vien a decirle.
She purposefully put'em way in the back so, by the time that I got to'em I'd forget they were dirty in the first place and I wouldn't have to choose whether or not to tell her i appreciated her.
Ella las puso a propósito muy atrás... por lo que, en el momento en que las encontrará... me olvidaría de que estaban sucias en primer lugar... y no tendría que elegir si debía o no... decirle que la apreciaba.
So when you tell me Minnie went to the north side to visit her mama well, I find that highly unlikely.
Así que cuando me dices que Minnie fue al norte a visitar a su mamá me parece muy improbable.
And when you do tell her, just don't mention that you... that you told me.
Y cuando se lo digas, no menciones que... que me lo has dicho.
And I'm not sure there's very much I can tell you about her family life that will help you.
Y no creo que haya mucho que le pueda decir acerca de su vida familiar que le ayude.
You were afraid to tell Amanda that you love her because of why?
¿ Por qué tenías miedo decirle a Amanda que la amas?
We could tell them that, uh, Sophie once got all the girls in her class to show their vaginas to each other.
Pongamos que Sophie convenció a todas sus compañeras... a que mostraran sus vaginas.
She doesn't tell me that you ask her.
A mí no me cuenta que tú preguntas.
Did you tell her to do that?
¿ Le dijiste que hiciera eso?
Uh, Quinn says to tell you that, um, her husband was physically abusive... hit the kid, too, broke her arm, and that you should, you know, use it.
Quinn dijo que te dijera que, su marido era físicamente abusivo... golpeaba a la niña, también, le fracturó el brazo, y que deberías, ya sabes, utilizarlo.
Because on that tablet, there's a video that will tell you exactly what happened to her.
Porque en esa tablet, hay un vídeo que te dirá exactamente lo que le pasó.
I can't tell her that.
Tell her when they line the suspects up across from her to point her finger at Ron and say, " That's him.
Dile que cuando le presenten a los sospechosos señale a Ron con el dedo y diga : " Es él.
- That frenchy whatsome has got a mouth on her. Let me tell you.
La francesa del agua tiene la lengua muy larga.
Please tell me you told her that we're all doing A-okay.
Por favor, dime que le dijiste que todos estamos haciendo A-bien.
That leaves an hour to find Margo... tell her you love her. Dude, awesome. Back in time for an amazing prom.
Tienes una hora para encontrar a Margo decirle que la amas y volver para un increíble baile.
But, hey... that's her story to tell.
Pero, oigan esa historia es suya.
Why don't you be honest and tell Mom that you don't want her at the wedding?
¿ Por qué no le dices la verdad a mamá...? ¿ que no la quieres en la boda?
You'll have to tell whoever's looking after her that she's not entirely reliable on the toilet training front.
Tienes que decirle a quien cuide de ella que no es del todo capaz de usar el baño.
Does that mean she was going to tell her husband about you?
¿ Eso quiere decir que iba a contarle a su esposo de usted?
Tell that OWL I want her to come.
Dile a esa VSL que quiero que venga.
I was hoping you might be able to tell me that. Do you know her well?
Esperaba que Ud. me lo dijera. ¿ La conoce bien?
Now, I cannot tell you who we represent, but let's just go so far as to say that my boss is a powerful guy, and his boss, I cannot stress her power...
No puedo decir a quién represento pero sepa que mi jefe es poderoso y su jefe más aun...
I'm just the guy that, like, whispers names to the president and I tell her facts about people.
Yo solo soy el tipo que, como, susurra nombres al presidente y le digo a sus datos sobre las personas.
Please tell Earl Ingstad how much I admire her and that she is always, always welcome at my hearth.
Por favor, dile al conde Ingstad cuánto la admiro y que siempre será bienvenida en mi hogar.
I charge you to go to Mercia and tell the Queen that she may be forgiven for slaughtering our nobles, but only if she begs mercy and reconfirms her subjugation to Wessex.
Te encargo que vayas a Mercia y le digas a la Reina que quizá sea perdonada por sacrificar a nuestros nobles, pero solamente si ella pide misericordia y reconfirma su subyugación a Wessex.
Well, isn't it obvious that you didn't tell her the truth either?
Bueno, ¿ no es obvio que usted no lo hizo decirle la verdad tampoco?
She definitely needed people to tell her how great she was and she needed that stroking all the time.
Ella necesitaba que la gente le dijera lo maravillosa que era necesitaba eso todo el tiempo.
Jonathan, when I saw Lady Pole at Harley Street I promised her that I should tell you something.
Jonathan, cuando ví a Lady Pole en Harley Street le prometí que te diría algo.
Jonathan, when I saw Lady Pole at Harley Street, I promised her that I should tell you something.
Jonathan, cuando vi a lady Pole en Harley Street, le prometí que te diría algo.
Well, the point is... she should go back to her husband and tell him all this, and if she does that and still wants this... other guy, then...
Bueno, la cosa es... debería ir con su marido y contarle todo esto, y si lo hace y aún quiere esto... otro chico, entonces...
And did Deena tell him it was her little brother or was that just the ticket fella's assumption?
¿ Y Deena le dijo que era su hermano menor o él simplemente lo supuso?
Hard to tell, with all that stuff on her face...
No lo sé, no lo pude ver con todas esas cosas que llevaba en la cara.

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