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That's all i want to know traducir español

327 traducción paralela
That's all I want to know.
Era sólo para saber.
That's all I want to know. Don't tell me it's that –
No me digas que es...
That's all I want to know.
- Es lo que quería saber.
Well, that's all I want to know.
- Eso es todo lo que quería saber.
I want to know whether there's really an eternal law that we husbands must unconditionally surrender to all pirates on this earth. Professor!
Quiero saber si es una ley eterna que todo marido sea víctima de los piratas de esta tierra.
That's all I want to know.
Es todo lo que quería saber.
- That's all I want to know.
- Eso es lo que quería saber.
That's all I want to know.
Eso es todo lo que quería saber.
Eso es todo lo que quiero saber.
That's all i want to know.
Hasta la mismísima Calle 34.
- That's all I want to know.
- Sólo eso quería saber.
That's all I want to know.
- Eso queria saber.
¡ Lucha, lucha!
- When are we gonna get married? That's all I want to know.
- ¿ Cuándo nos vamos a casar?
I want to know that he's all right.
Quiero saber si es de fiar.
I want to know all about you. That's a big little word, "all."
- Quiero saberlo todo acerca de Ud. - "Todo" es una palabra muy seria.
- Is that all you want to know? - Yes, I think that's just about all.
- ¿ Era eso lo que querían saber?
And I just want you to know that I'll bring him back, Dorinda. He's going to be all right, Dorinda.
Te juro que te lo traeré sano y salvo.
Your affection means a great deal to me and now that I've lost the chance for ever, I want you all to know how much it would have meant to me to be Mayor, or the City Clerk or the Assistant City Clerk or the dog-catcher of this town, which is my grandfather's farm.
Su afecto significa mucho para mí... y ahora que perdí la oportunidad para siempre... quiero que sepan lo mucho que hubiera significado para mí ser su alcalde... o funcionario público, o el asistente de éste o el perrero de esta ciudad... que era la granja de mi abuelo.
That's all very well, but what I want to know is when and how?
Todo eso esta muy bien, pero lo que quiero saber es cuando y como.
Well, that's what I came to say, and now that I've said it I want you to know I wish you all the luck in the world.
Eso vine a decirte, y ahora que lo dije te deseo toda la suerte del mundo.
It's not just that I mind giving up our fishing, Holmes, you know that, but hang it all, I want to be of some use.
No me importa perder los salmones pero quiero servir de algo.
- That's all I want to know.
- Contra los alemanes. - Es lo único que quiero saber.
That's all I want to know.
De acuerdo, Mark.
That's all I want to know.
No me diga más.
That's all I want to know.
Es todo lo que necesito saber.
That's all I want to know.
¿ No lo es? Es lo que quiero saber.
Uh-huh. So, as long as I know how to get what I want, that's all I wanna know.
Con saber cómo obtener lo que quiero, ya sé bastante.
Don't tell me it's at the bottom of the sea. We all know that. I want a passport and I'm going to have one, or the money now.
Quiero mi pasaporte, y sabemos que no está en el fondo del mar.
We all know how much they meant to him, and I'm sure that's the way he would want it.
Todos sabemos cuánto significaban para él... y estoy segura de que eso es lo que querría.
That's all I know, all I want to know.
- Es todo lo que sé y lo que quiero saber.
That's all the reasoning I want to know.
Esto es todo lo que quiero razonar.
All I want to know is that it's done.
Lo único que me interesa saber es que se haga.
Just the way you want to be an actress, that's how much i want you to... that's how i... darn it all, i know i'm going all around nantasket by way of scituate beach,
De la misma manera que quieres ser actriz, así de fuerte te quiero. Así es cómo... ¡ Maldita sea!
What matters to me is where Mr. Wendice got this money. That's all I want to know.
Lo que a mí me importa es dónde consiguió el dinero.
I don't want her to know we're engaged, that's all.
No quiero que sepa que estamos comprometidos.
That's all I want to know. What's doing it?
Es lo único que quiero saber.
That's why I've gone along with you. I want to know for myself,'cause we all stand between the jungle and the stars at a crossroads.
Por eso vine en esta expedición, porque quiero descubrirlo por mí mismo... porque todos estamos a medio camino entre la jungla y las estrellas... en una encrucijada.
That's all I want to know.
Es todo lo que quiero saber.
Quiet, everybody I want you all to know that I don't keep any slaves in this house ln honor of Mr. Lincoln's election, I'll free both these girls
No me lo pierdo, cariño. Abofetearía a mi abuela con tal de que ganen los abolicionistas. Silencio todos.
Ha, ha fat chance that's all i want to know.
Es lo que quería saber.
That's all I want to know!
¡ Quiero saberlo!
I'm quite prepared to see you go off and make a home for your own and... all because i want... i want something... something from that girl which i... i know in my heart she's incapable of giving.
Estoy listo para verte partir y que formes un hogar todo porque quiero algo de una chica que sé, muy adentro, no es capaz de dar.
You declared yourself, Vic, that's all I want to know.
Ya hablaste, Vic, era lo que quería saber.
If you really want to know I thought you were coming the lady of the mansion over me, that's all.
Pensé que actuabas de forma altiva.
All I know is that that caravan's going to be attacked. I want to be there.
Todo lo que sé es que esa caravana va a ser atacada. Quiero estar allí.
That's all I know, and all I want to know.
En fin, es todo lo que sé y siempre me ha bastado.
That's all I want to know.
Era lo que quería saber.
I concede all that's important, but I just want to know where you've been...
Es muy importante, lo entiendo, pero quiero saber dónde estuviste.
I just want to know, that's all. Look.
Sólo quiero saberlo, eso es todo.
Now, look, I wasn't all-city anything in high school, all I know is that somebody's trying to kill... and you want us to do something, right?
Yo no fui el mejor en nada en la escuela, sólo sé que alguien quiere matar... Y quiere que hagamos algo, ¿ verdad?

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