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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ T ] / That was nice of you

That was nice of you traducir español

312 traducción paralela
Hickory, that was nice of you to send me that fizz water.
Muy amable de haberme enviado esta caja.
- That was nice of you.
- Es amable.
That was nice of you.
Has sido muy amable.
Oh, mama, that was nice of you.
Oh, mamá, eso fue bueno de tu parte.
That was nice of you.
- ¡ Qué detalle tan bonito! Gracias.
That was nice of you.
Ha sido muy amable de su parte.
- That was nice of you.
- Que amable, Sr. Mitchell.
That was nice of you.
Es un buen gesto de su parte.
That was nice of you.
Es muy amable de su parte.
That was nice of you to put it in writing.
Qué amable fuiste al escribirlo.
That was nice of you.
- Muy amable por tu parte.
That was nice of you.
Fue muy gentil de tu parte.
That was nice of you.
Muy amable de tu parte.
That was nice of you.
Un gesto muy amable por su parte.
I was just trying to find a nice roundabout way of telling you that.
Solo intentaba encontrar una manera amable de decírtelo sin rodeos.
- But one thingi never wrote you it was one of them cousins that you think is such nice people that started me wrong.
- Pero hay algo que nunca te escribí uno de esos primos a quien crees tan bueno se aprovechó de mí.
That was nice of you.
Soy una tonta por haberme asustado tanto.
Well, that close shave you gave me was kind of nice.
Ese afeitado que me hiciste estuvo muy bien.
Well, it was nice of you to come to my defense like that.
Es encantador el defenderme así.
bravo, that was charming so, good night children it had been very nice of you all to have come now you all go home we'll see each other later good night, it had been very nice
¡ Bravo, ha sido encantador, hija mía! Bueno, buenas noches, niños. Ha sido muy amable que hayáis venido todos.
Well, that was very nice of you,
Frances es sólo una amiga.
That was very nice of you.
¡ Es una buena fiesta, Phil, qué puedo decirte!
I said something nice about him in my column. That was very nice of you.
O una fiesta de Busby Berkeley, donde te topas con Fred Astaire.
Well, incidentally, it was darn nice of you to cover up for Mrs Duross. Oh, that's all right.
Oye, gracias por cubrir a la Sra. Duross.
That was awful nice of you, honey, to promise us the raise in salary.
Qué bondadoso eres, cariño. Nos prometiste un aumento de salario.
That was nice of you.
Es un detalle de tu parte.
- That's very nice of you, and the music was wonderful.
Qué amable es, y la música fue maravillosa.
I brought her into the world, and it seems hard that I was the one to- - l'll fix you a nice, hot cup of tea.
Yo la traje al mundo, y es duro que haya sido yo el... Le traeré una taza de té.
Well that was very nice of you.
Qué amable.
Well, that was not very nice of you.
Pues mira. No hiciste bien.
Professor Linnaker sent me a very nice letter. He wanted me to take the best care of you. That was very kind...
El profesor Linnaker me escribió diciendo que cuidara bien de usted.
That was very nice of you.
- Muy amable por su parte.
Well, that was very nice of Elaine Corelli... trying to help you get a job.
Elaine Corelli ha sido muy amable buscándole trabajo.
Well, that was civil of him. Did you have a nice time?
No me distraiga, es inadmisible.
That's Kathy Selden. Thanks anyway. It was nice of you.
- Gracias, fue muy gentil.
That was very nice of you.
Fuiste muy amable.
I woke up this morning, you know... and the sun was shining... and it was nice... and all that type of stuff.
Esta mañana me desperté, sabes brillaba el sol estaba lindo y todas esas cosas.
It was nice of you not to want to be present... when she came in with that boyfriend of hers.
Fue acertado de su parte no querer estar presente... cuando ella entró con ese novio suyo.
That was really nice of you.
Muy lindo el papel que hiciste.
Fue muy útil el par de tijeras que te compré esta noche.
That was... real nice of you not to leave me out there to die after all.
Habla bien de Ud, el no no dejarme morir ahí, después de todo
That was a nice speech, But I don't think you can Talk your way out of it again.
Fue un buen discurso, pero la proxima vez no creo que vuelvas a librarte hablando.
No one's at his best in the morning, so I want you to tell her that she was a bit of nice and so on, see?
Nadie está en su mejor momento por la mañana, así que quiero que le digas, que fue muy agradable y todo eso, ¿ entiendes?
Sure was nice of you to cook that delicious Thanksgiving feastie.
Qué amable has sido al cocinar tan delicioso festín.
It was sure was nice of you to dump all that garbage.
Qué amable has sido al tirar toda la basura.
... he was telling that local girl... very kind of you, have a nice day.
le estaba diciendo a esa chica... "muy amable de tu parte, que tengas un buen día."
It was nice of you to come with a guy that doesn't turn on.
Es muy amable de tu parte estar con un tipo que no se excita.
That sure was nice of you, Jesse.
Has hecho una buena acción, Jesse.
It was nice of you to help me like that. It was nothing.
Gracias de cualquier forma, es bueno que alguien te ayude de esa manera.
Leela, that was very nice of you to try and help me, but really there was absolutely no need.
Leela, ha sido muy amable por tu parte intentar ayudarme,... pero no era necesario ninguna ayuda en absoluto.
But the smell and stuff was so terrific... we'd even sit down in the evening time to our meal... and the only thing that hit your nostrils... wasn't that good piece of meat you were about to eat... or the vegetable... or the nice dessert that's put on your table.
Pero el olor y todo eso era tan repugnante... que nos sentábamos a la mesa a la hora de cenar... y lo único que llegaba a nuestras narices... no era el aroma de ese buen trozo de carne que íbamos a comer... o de las verduras... o del postre sabroso que estaba sobre la mesa.

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