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That wasn't the plan traducir español

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That wasn't the plan.
Ése no era el plan.
That wasn't part of the plan!
Eso no era parte del plan!
- But that wasn't the plan!
- ¡ Pero ese no era el plan!
That wasn't the plan.
- Esto no estaba previsto.
All that sounds very fine, but why the delay? Why wasn't there a design competition?
Señor Presidente... suena bonito lo que dice, pero porqué no habla con nosotros porque no hay un PLAN DE DESARROLLO para la ciudad
That wasn't in the plan.
Eso no estaba en el plan.
Wasn't that the British plan? I see.
Fomento la revolución.
But wasn't that part of the plan?
Pero no entraba en su plan.
So, if we recreate the plan, it'll show I wasn't against it and that Dudley's resignation was pointless, right?
Así que si retomamos el plan demostrare que no estaba en contra y que él no tenía que dimitir, ¿ no?
That wasn't the plan, Nelson.
No se trata de eso.
That's what you had in mind in the first place, wasn't it?
Ese era el plan desde el principio, ¿ no?
Wasn't that the plan?
¿ No era ese el plan?
Well, that wasn't really part of the plan.
No era realmente parte del plan.
He was stubborn and hot-headed, despite the fact that his plan wasn't working.
Era testarudo y temperamental, pese a que su plan no funcionaba.
That wasn't part of the plan, now was it, Buldeo?
Esto no era parte del plan, ¿ ahora lo es, Buldeo?
That wasn't the plan!
Ese no era el plan.
That was the plan, wasn't it?
Ese era el plan, ¿ no?
That was the plan, wasn't it?
¿ Ese era el plan, o no? Yo vengo aquí.
That wasn't part of the plan.
- Ese no era el plan.
It wasn't part of a master plan, if that's what you mean. But since I came on this station, nothing has turned out the way I imagined it.
No es algo que planeara de mano, si eso es a lo que te refieres, pero desde que puse pie en la estación nada ha sido tal y como yo imaginaba.
- That wasn't part of the original plan.
- Eso no era el plan original.
I know that wasn't the plan.
Se que ese no era el plan
Please tell me that wasn't part of the plan.
Por favor, díganme que eso no era parte del plan.
That wasn't part of the plan, Bucum.
Eso no era parte del plan, Bucum.
That wasn't the plan.
Ese no era el plan.
Well, that was the plan, wasn't it, somehow, to get him here.
Bien, ese era el plan, traerle aquí.
- That wasn't part of the plan.
- Eso no era parte del plan - No.
- That wasn't the plan.
Ese no era el plan.
Sure, you got out of Capeside. Wasn't that the original plan?
Te fuiste de Capeside, ¿ no era ése tu plan?
Then I talked to Rupert, and he found out that the plot wasn't to get me off tonight, but to get him off.
Y hablé con Rupert, y él se había enterado de que el plan no era echarme a mí, sino echarle a él.
And that wasn't even part of the deal in the first place, was it?
Y eso ni siquiera era parte del plan en primer lugar, ¿ verdad?
When you told me your grand plan for saving Gotham all that stopped me from calling the men in white coats was when you said it wasn't about thrill-seeking.
Cuando me contó su gran plan para salvar a Ciudad Gótica si no llamé a los siquiatras fue porque Ud. dijo que no lo hacía por divertirse.
Wasn't that the plan?
¿ No estaba todo arreglado?
I mean, that wasn't the plan.
Es decir, ése no era el plan.
But that wasn't part of the plan.
Pero eso no era parte del plan.
That wasn't part of the plan.
Eso no era parte del plan.
Kelly said that he wouldn't have killed Joel. That wasn't part of the plan.
Kelly dijo que no habría matado a Joel, Que eso no era parte del plan.
That wasn't the plan.
No, ese no era el plan
That wasn't the plan though, was it?
Ése no era el plan original... ¿ No es cierto?
That was his plan from the start, wasn't it?
Ese fue su plan desde el principio, ¿ verdad?
That wasn't in the plan!
- ¡ Esto no era parte del plan!
It wasn ´ t the only time that his healthWould play an important part in the unfolding of God ´ s plan
No fue la única vez que su salud sería clave en el desarrollo del plan de Dios
That wasn't part of the plan.
No era parte del plan.
- That wasn't in the plans, man.
- Ese no era el plan.
It wasn't a plan... it was you, that's the truth.
No era un plan- - eras tu, esa es la verdad.
That wasn't part of the plan.
¡ Esto no era parte del plan!
- That wasn't part of the plan.
- Eso no era parte del plan.
That wasn " t part of the plan.
No era parte del plan.
- Going to the press means you don't have to come up with a quick settlement. The scandalous news, your time is bought, that was the plan, wasn't it?
Con la noticia escandalosa, compra tiempo, ese era el plan.
That wasn't part of the goddamn plan.
Eso no entraba en el maldito plan.
No, Evan, that wasn't part of the plan.
Eso no era parte del plan.

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