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The last time you were here traducir español

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- The last time you were here, your sister Mary was also brought before me.
- La última vez usted también estuvo aquí, Su hermana Mary también estuvo aquí.
I thought I told you to leave that key the last time you were here.
Te dije que dejaras esa llave la última vez que viniste.
When was the last time you were here, David?
¿ Cuándo fue la última vez que estuviste aquí, David?
You remember her. I pointed her out to you the last time you were here.
Usted la recordará, la última vez que vino le dije quién era.
The last time you were here, I was out for a walk
La última vez que estuviste aquí,... yo estaba dando un paseo.
The last time you were here, I hoped you'd stay long enough for a game, but you had hardly time to turn around.
La última vez que estuvo aquí, creí que se quedaría lo suficiente para un juego, pero apenas tuvo tiempo para darse la vuelta.
- Do you remember the last time you were here?
- ¿ Recuerdas la última vez que estuviste aquí?
Since 1 974 was the last time you were here?
? 1 974 fue ia última vez que estuvo aquí?
We showed you a picture of him the last time you were here.
Le mostramos su foto la otra vez que vino.
Did I have my teeth the last time you were here?
¿ Tenía los dientes la última vez que viniste?
Now, George, the last time you were here, you were telling me about something that bothered you very much.
Ahora, George La última vez que estuviste aqui Me decías de algo, que te molesta mucho
Harry, when was the last time you were here?
¿ Harry, cuándo fue la ultima vez que estuviste aquí?
Te pediría que hicieras lo mismo,... pero la última vez que estuviste aquí me dejaste sin él.
When was the last time you were here?
¿ Cuándo viniste por última vez?
Maybe it's because the last time you were here you claimed that I was here to destroy your people.
Quizá porque la última vez que estuvo aqui dijo que vine a acabar con su gente.
Grandma, when was the last time you were here?
Abuela, cuando fue la última vez que viniste?
Since the last time you were here.
Desde la última vez que me visitaste.
Yeah, according to this EKG, since the last time you were here, you've had a small heart attack.
De acuerdo a este ECG, desde la última vez que estuvo por aquí, usted tuvo un pequeño ataque.
I'm surprised you didn't have any the last time you were here.
Me sorprende que no lo probaras la última vez que estuviste aquí.
Yeah, the last time you were here there were some fairly graphic photographs taking of you with a young English guy, so what happened there?
En su última visita aparecieron varias fotos indiscretas de Ud. con un joven inglés. Pues... ¿ en qué ha parado eso?
- When was the last time you were here?
- ¿ Desde cuándo no venías?
Well, better than the last time you were here, huh?
Bueno, mejor que la última vez que estuviste aquí.
So, Svetlana, could you go over exactly what happened the last time you were here?
Entonces, Svetlana, ¿ Podría contarnos exactamente lo que pasó... la última vez que estuvo aquí?
I was thinking about the last time you were here.
He estado pensado en la última vez que estuvimos aquí.
The last time you were here, you had that nasty head injury and you mumbled something about my taking over the ship five years ago.
La última vez que estuviste aquí, tenías una repugnante herida en la cabeza... y dijiste algo sobre que tomaría la nave en 5 años más.
About the fight we had the last time you were here...
Sobre la pelea que tuvimos la otra vez que viniste...
Well, Arthur, last time we were here, you got the T-bone.
Bueno, Arthur, la última vez que estaban aquí, tienes el T-bone.
The last time I was here you were a crook.
La última vez que estuve aquí eras un ratero.
They tell me you tried to go over the wall the last time you were in here, but you couldn't make it.
Sé que intentaste saltar el muro una vez... pero no lo lograste.
So who was the lady you were here with last time?
¿ Y quién era la mujer del otro día?
Yes, the last time I was here, you were jammed.
Sí, la última vez que estuve aquí, estaba lleno.
Were you with Demory all the time last night after he arrived here?
¿ Estuvo con Demory todo el tiempo anoche después de que llegó...
- You remember the last time we were here?
- ¿ Te acuerdas de la última vez?
But the last time we were here you denied having any.
Pero la última vez que estuvimos aquí usted negó tener ninguna.
When was the last time you were here? Well, it was over a month ago I think.
¿ Cuándo estuvo aquí por última vez?
Now, the last time I was up here, you were in a whole different bag.
La última vez que estuve aquí tenías una predisposición muy distinta.
Charlie and his girls took off the day after you were down here last time.
Charlie y sus chicas se fueron el día después de que Ud. vino.
Well, rather different from the last time you were down here.
Bastante distinto de la ultima vez que estuvo aqui.
Do you recall what it was I said to you the last time you were in this here office?
¿ Recuerda qué le dije la última vez que estuvo en esta oficina?
I don't think I've seen her since the last time you guys were up here.
Creo que no la he visto desde la última vez que vinisteis.
Dr. Albright, the last time we were out here, you said something to me.
¿ Sigue siendo cierto? - Por supuesto.
It's probably the only reason you were allowed in here, especially after last time.
Por eso te han dejado entrar. - Sobre todo tras la última vez.
La última vez que te vi, estabas usando ese traje de porrista, y agitabas pequeños pompones.
You waltz in here telling me that I have a dead white criminal brother, who was in a band, which the last time they played anywhere were charged with grand larceny reckless endangerment, felonious motor vehicle assault over 700 violations of the Highway Traffic Act and damages, both public and private in excess of $ 24 million.
Usted viene aquí..... diciéndome que yo tengo a un hermano blanco criminal muerto, que estuvo en una banda, que la última vez que ellos tocaron en cualquier parte se cobró con gran robo un temerario y peligroso asalto en automóvil encima de 700 violaciones de transito en carretera y daño y perjuicios, público y privado por encima de $ 24 millones.
And it's okay if you don't remember him, because you were only 6 the last time he was here.
Es normal que no lo recuerdes, sólo tenías 6 años la última vez que estuvo aquí.
Whatever. Gervase, last time I asked you if you felt... if anybody here felt invincible, you were the first one to pipe up.
Gervase, cuando te pregunté sobre si te sentías invencible, dijiste "no me voy a ninguna parte"
How different are things now this? How different are things now from the last time you guys were How different are things now from the last time you guys were here?
¿ Qué cosas han cambiado desde la última vez que estuvisteis aquí?
from the last time you guys were here? If you would have told me here? If you would have told me when I left Rotu that we were
Si me hubieras dicho cuando me fui de Rotu que íbamos a duplicar lo que teníamos allí, hubiera dicho que ni en broma.
You're the only customer I had since last time you were here. Oh.
Eres la única cliente que tuve... desde la última vez que estuviste aquí.
I think you asked me the same question the last time we were here and the difference was a hash brown and 27 cents.
Me hiciste la misma pregunta la última vez. La diferencia era el puré y 27 centavos.
When's the last time you were in here?
¿ Cuándo fue la última vez que estuviste aquí dentro?

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