Their leader traducir español
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That would account, take him before a judge, and the Red Army would be without their leader.
Que harían cuentas, le llevarían ante el juez, y el ejército rojo se quedaría sin cabecilla.
I'll do my best, sire, but the Christians will protect their leader.
Haré todo lo que pueda, césar, pero ellos protegerán a su líder.
I take it you regard yourself as their leader.
Estoy pensando que te consideras su jefe.
- And became their leader?
¿ Y se convirtió en su cabecilla?
Their leader was Group Captain Douglas Bader.
Los mandaba el jefe de grupo, el capitán Douglas Bader.
After all, you're their leader.
Después de todo, eres su lider.
I am not their leader if I'm speaking for the army.
No soy su lider si hablo en nombre del ejército.
And their leader was... The noble Count Artigas.
Y su líder era el noble Conde Artigas.
Tell them that if they do, I will personally kill their leader.
Díganles que si lo hacen, yo personalmente mataré a su líder.
My good Shumer, I give you the pleasure Of escorting their leader Mordecai to the gallows. Off with you!
Mi buen Sumur, te concedo el placer de escoltar a su dirigente Mordecai al patíbulo.
Their leader said their hatred of Rome was such... that all they wished was to escape from her rule.
Su líder dijo que odian a Roma de tal forma... que lo único que desean es escapar de sus dominios.
Their leader, Barabbas, wanted as criminal and killer now baited his traps for the Roman wolves.
Su líder, Barrabás, buscado como criminal y asesino... preparaba las trampas para los lobos romanos.
- Like to meet their leader?
- ¿ Quiere conocer al jefe?
They're members of your gang and you're their leader.
Son de tu pandilla, tú eres el jefe.
This one band, inspired by their leader Geronimo, tried to defy the odds and hold out.
Ese grupo, guiado por su líder Gerónimo, intentó resistir a pesar de no tener probabilidades de ganar.
And when they do, maybe their leader, Mr Washington himself, will come right here, and he'll have a new treaty.
Y cuando lo hagan, quizá su líder, el Sr. Washington, vendrá aquí, y nos ofrecerá un nuevo tratado.
Yes, but these witches were in the sky... and their leader had three horns on his head.
pero estas brujas estaban en el cielo... y su líder tenía tres cuernos en la cabeza.
Birdie, their idol, their leader kissing one fabulously lucky teenage Tessie?
Birdie, su ídolo, su líder... besando a una adolescente increíblemente atortunada.
And their leader, Hunac Kell, already as cruel as any god, now felt himself as powerful as one.
Ysu líder, Hunac Kell, cruel como cualquier dios, se sintió poderoso como tal.
'Their leader was Mark Antony, Julius Caesar's greatest friend.'
Su jefe era Marco Antonio, el mejor amigo de Julio César.
Two or three times, we thought we had Balimar, their leader, but each time he was able to get away.
Varias veces creí tener a Balomar, su jefe. Pero es muy hábil, y escapó.
It will be especially dangerous for their leader.
Será muy peligroso para su jefe.
And this is their leader, Major James Lassiter.
Y éste es su jefe... Comandante James Lassiter.
- Is he their leader?
- ¿ Es él el líder?
Their leader was killed.
Su líder murió.
I have to sleep with their leader. This is from Reuters.
Yo tengo que vivir con la jefa.
I have to sleep with their leader.
Queremos empleos.
How? The legend deals with a small band of rich Egyptians who were banished to die in the desert for a terrible crime committed by their leader... the murder of the high priest of Isis.
Según la leyenda un grupos de egipcios muy ricos, fueron condenados a morir en el desierto, por un terrible crimen de su lider.
Their leader - the one they call Doctor..
Su líder, el que llaman Doctor.
Then Maaga, their leader, appeared.
Luego, Maaga, su líder, apareció.
Here is their leader.
Aquí está su jefe.
It is clear that they have lost their leader the one they call the Doctor.
Es evidente que han perdido a su líder, al que llaman Doctor.
It's their leader
Es su líder - Jano.
You have let their leader escape!
Habéis dejado huir a su líder!
Each one was a specialist- - one a cat burglar, one a weapons specialist, one an explosives expert, one a driver and their leader, a criminal genius known as "The Dutchman."
Cada uno era un especialista. Uno era un ladrón de guante blanco otro era especialista en armas, otro era experto en explosivos otro era conductor. Y su líder un genio criminal conocido como el Holandés.
'The slaves'faith in their leader Prem never wavered.
Los esclavos tenían fe en su jefe.
Outwardly, Animal Farm appeared prosperous. But the animals themselves were no better off, with the exception of the pigs and their supreme leader Napoleon.
Aparentemente, la Granja Animal era próspera, pero los animales no vivían mejor, a excepción de los cerdos y su líder supremo :
Yevsyukov, our leader heroic, Ordered us to break through their breed!
¡ Yevsiukov con un gesto heroico, ordenó romper la barrera!
Their leader was named Enjolras.
El jefe se llamaba Enjolras.
But if you let them once know that their club leader once fought in the commandos, did all this- - No, Ms. Courtney.
Pero si les dice que el jefe de su club combatió en la guerra como comando no tendrán más remedio que...
Here is their lovable, gentle leader.
Aquí tienen a su líder tan adorable y delicado.
'Their objective - to kill a six-year-old boy'because he is a prince and the future leader of his people.
Su objetivo : matar a un niño de seis años porque es un príncipe y el futuro líder de su pueblo.
The people bringing flowers to the tomb of their beloved leader. Excuse me.
Era el auténtico pueblo llevando flores a la tumba de su líder.
The defendant is accused of claiming to be the leader sent by their god to liberate the Hebrew nation.
El demandado es acusado de reclamar ser un líder enviado por su Dios... para liberar a la nación judía.
May their aging leader govern his son's youthful years.
Que su ventura justifique lo que se proclama en público. Ayuda a su jefe a gobernar...
After the murders, Francois Mauriac reacts : "We say that the murders committed by the Moors who have the Sacred Heart punctured on their clothes, by German and Italian aviators at the service of a Catholic leader who claims to be a soldier of Christ, we say that this is a horror whose consequences are frightening for the cause which we should place above all others and that is the kingdom of God on Earth."
Luego de estos asesinatos, François Mauriac responde : "Decimos que los asesinatos cometidos por los moros que tienen el Sagrado Corazón pinchado a su albornoz, por los aviadores alemanes e italianos aI servicio de un jefe católico y que se dice soldado de Cristo, decimos que eso es un horror cuyas consecuencias son temibles por la causa que debería importarnos por sobre las demás y que es el reino de Dios sobre la tierra."
The boys made me their new leader.
Los chicos me han nombrado jefe.
Barlini leads, but Ferrari team leader Sarti, Aron and Rindt, all have the Sicilian in their sights.
Barlini lidera, pero el líder del equipo Ferrari, Sarti, Aron y Rindt tienen al siciliano en la mira.
Their actual leader is a good soldier, but he likes wine and money.
Su general es un buen soldado pero prefiere el vino y el dinero...
You must not harm Jano. But he is their leader!
Pero él es su líder!
Here's the leader of their shift, sir.
Aquí está el líder de su turno, señor.
leader 144
leaders 20
leadership 32
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theirs 35
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their son 28
their plan 18
their daughter 20
leaders 20
leadership 32
their 132
theirs 35
their names 36
their families 25
their son 28
their plan 18
their daughter 20